What will it be for you on April 21: a unique horoscope of druids and a "danger index" for all zodiac signs


Composing horoscopes in accordance with the belonging of a person’s birth date to a certain tree, the druids focused not only on possible events in the real world, but also on how the person can perceive them and react. And always in their tradition there was a subtle interweaving of predictions and advice that complement each other. Perhaps this is precisely the secret of why they are so harmoniously perceived by modern man.

And do not forget to look at the "hazard index" at the end of the article - it will give an answer to the question of how much you can relax on this day.


Apple tree: The secret to success today is to rush where it’s unusual for your personality yesterday. Attracting immediate prospects are reliable, like swampy ghostly lights beckoning a traveler, and what you really need will come a little later.


Fir: It sounds rude, but lately you have been moving like a horse in blinkers - the route is built, but not by you, but by you - your eyes are closed so as not to disturb the world around you. But today you will have a chance, albeit with difficulty, but once and for all to refuse to live at the direction of certain persons or circumstances.


Elm: The fact that your internal state of feelings contrasted with behavior and words has borne fruit - you are on the verge of exhaustion and nervous breakdown. Do not be afraid to show your real image - relatives and loved ones will understand, but the reality is around ... does she have a different way? After all, you are unique and worthy to play by your own rules.


Cypress: In terms of energy, it’s bad for you today to break branches and drink wine, but it’s very good to eat root vegetables and purr songs under your nose. You will be invited to the party and someone will praise your ability to housekeeping. It is possible a romantic hobby, as a result of which you will remain friends.


Poplar: Almost all of our plans will come true, but if you don’t, you will realize it later with the support of a person from whom help is unexpected. Take the trouble to start monitoring the time - this resource will soon prove to be more valuable to you than money.


Cedar: Imagine your peace of mind in a bowl filled to the brim with water. And you need to carry it around the hall with obstacles in the form of falling swords, jumping snakes ... This will be such a difficult day, so you will only rely on yourself. But there is a plus - something will work out with finances.


Pine: The likelihood of a happy future this spring is similar to the picture above the desert dunes - it may turn out to be an oasis or a mirage. The result will depend on your hard work and ability to establish contacts with people. And it will all begin today.


Willow: The personal affairs of your family will come to the fore today and you will be assigned the role of a traffic controller, as well as a little victim. Express your honest opinion - everyone will be in shock, but then - they will go to a truce, and you, in gratitude, may be invited to tea and cake.


Linden: A moment alone and a cup of tea with the color of your tree - that’s what you need ten times a day. Your affairs will be done with breaks and corrections, but in the end it turns out that you are stronger than it seems. It is also a favorable April day for a great spring harvest.


Oak: You can hardly notice the time interval between morning and late evening - the day will flash in the hustle and bustle. Therefore, it will not be easy for you to miss important information that can affect your finances. In addition, you will be jealous. To another person, work, or maybe even to your favorite chocolate.


Hazel: Today, someone will be dependent on you, so awaken in yourself the best friendly and noble qualities. If this person is satisfied with the close interaction with you - in the future you will find fruitful cooperation.


Rowan: Do not try to seem better than you really are - and so are pretty good. You will have to deliver small but unpleasant news. And you will witness some almost paranormal event, which, however, will find an earthly explanation.


Maple: This April day you are predisposed to swim in luxury. If you wanted to buy jewelry, do not delay. Treat yourself to a delicious delicacy. Make a list of what you would spend a million dollars on. Take a look at the photos of Seychelles and branded gizmos. With all this you will attract a lot of money.


Nut: Procrastination. A difficult word and a serious concept that you risk getting to know better today ... But think that on the other side of the scale are the precious and tidbits of all the important and necessary things that you can still do without delay.


Jasmine: Hurry up and begin to take the time to yourself until it affects your appearance and health. And it’s also useful for you today to wear something woolen for energy. And all terrible and cruel is not useful - so do not watch horrors and do not read detective stories.


Chestnut: If you want to feel the spirit of adventure - fate gives you such a chance. Just today, act spontaneously and decisively and the unusual and fascinating will capture you. The impressions of this day will eventually become a "battery" that will allow you to work and perform a household routine for a very long time and one hundred percent.


Ash: Vague guesses and uncertainty about what is happening will be left only when you come out of the "shell" of modesty and trust a loved one. Perhaps he will not give wise, decisive advice, but he will certainly sympathize and say what kind of company he will hope for the best.


Hornbeam: If you are a night owl, become a lark for the day, if you are a night lark - an owl. The change in the rhythms of the day today is simply magical - the world opens in its true form and problems are solved by themselves. The main thing is to feel how careful you are, fate leads the hand.


Figs: Remember the ancient proverb about lemons. Just you have to cook lemonade, candied fruit, liquor and parfait. But you can manage, collect applause and awards. In the evening you will be exhausted and do not wish to repeat such a busy day. But you will not wish to forget.


Birch tree: Be leisurely in every action - as if sculpt mastic flowers with lace on a cake. In this case, you don’t have to redo everything with frustration and self-criticism. And if you make a mistake, rejoice, this will not happen to you in the future.


Olive: It's a wonderful day to put in order the place that you call home. Perhaps it is worth decorating it with a picture. Today you will benefit from an hour or two of a computer game - it will "reset" the mind and help relieve nervous tension.


Beech: You will be overcome by a desire for love such that it is just right to do a love spell. If you have a partner, throw emotions on him. If not, make a list of the benefits of being alone. And you can perform some nice simple rite in order to see your soul mate in a dream - this April night helps to discover such a truth.


"Danger Index" for the signs of the horoscope of the Druids on Sunday, April 21, 2019



1-2 points:The danger is close, like a tsunami, from which a glass wall separates, which for some reason has not yet cracked. But there is no universal recipe for salvation from the dangers of this day. You just need to somehow survive it without catastrophic losses.

3 points: Imagine yourself on a picnic, holding a sandwich and soda, the sun is shining, the tree is rustling with leaves ... From the wind or because there is a leopard that you heard about. Such is approximately your day at these points - the probability of danger exists, but it is difficult to predict it.

4-5 points:You can believe and verify that a fearless person is best to be safe. You are free to take a wide selection of actions and on this day throw the word "danger" out of your personal vocabulary of life.


Your mark: Apple tree 3.9: Fir 2.4: Elm 5.0: Cypress 3.0: Poplar 3.6: Cedar 4.4: Pine: 4.7 Willow: 3.5 Linden: 4.0 Oak: 2.7 Hazel: 2.4 Mountain ash: 3.1 Maple: 4.4 Walnut: 5.0 Jasmine: 4.3 Chestnut: 4.9 Ash: 3.9 Hornbeam: 4.2 Figs: 3.1 Birch: 3.6 Olive: 4.5 Beech: 3.2


Bottom line: Not an easy carefree day, but not to say that bad. Horoscope signs experience difficulty in choosing based on feelings and reason, and also cope with difficulties and recognize themselves from a new perspective. And it’s good that in April there are not many such days.

But if some magical power completely excluded this day from spring - April would have lost its identity.


Watch the video: OMG no doubt there's CHEMISTRY!! GEMINI April 2019 Mid-Month You vs Them Tarot Reading (July 2024).