30 things you definitely need to do this summer so that they gradually become a habit


The summer season is usually conducive to relaxation, relaxation and entertainment. However, why not take advantage of this period to streamline your life a little and try to instill a couple of dozen useful (in all respects) habits. It is not as difficult as it seems, but as a result of these 30 actions will bring you a lot of benefits.

#1 Let's start with the beautiful! Be sure to allow yourself a few sets of high-quality, beautiful and comfortable underwear.

#2 Make the most general of all house cleanings in order to breathe new life and energy into it. You won’t believe how much you will like the result!

#3 And then maintain this order with regular cleaning at least once a week.

#4 Make yourself the so-called capsular (or basic) wardrobe for the summer season so that you do not have to grab the first thing that comes to hand from the closet.

#5 Make it your own rule to always pick up and lay out your clothes in advance: for work, for a walk, to the gym, or on a trip.

#6 Drink as much clean drinking water as possible with cucumber or lemon - no sweet soda or store juices.

#7 Make a list of recipes using seasonal ingredients and lean on fruits, vegetables and berries - clean your body in the end.

#8 Make a to-do list for every day in the evening. This is a very useful habit that will teach you organization and discipline.

#9 Take a piece of paper, write down your goals on it and hang it at your workplace (at home or in the office). Cross out points as they reach.

#10 Schedule one meeting with a good friend every week, and that's at least.

#11 Wake up early in the morning, get on the bus or in the car and go on a spontaneous day trip to the beach or to the neighboring city that you always wanted to see.

#12 Be sure to set aside some time to “detox” from the Internet.

#13 Take photos as a keepsake, but don’t post them on social networks. Leave most of the wonderful moments and memories of them only for yourself.

#14 Create playlists for all mood swings, as well as for different activities.

#15 Review old movies you once loved — as a child or as a teenager — and allow yourself a little nostalgia.

#16 Clear out your social media accounts. Close your old photos, even for friends, and delete posts that are no longer relevant or that you no longer want to see.

#17 Develop a simple but regular skin care procedure for yourself - this is very important in dry and hot times.

#18 Sort through all your autumn-winter-spring things and, having gained courage, give up old junk, even if it is very beloved. Give clothes to charities or ruthlessly throw them away.

#19 Unsubscribe from all people who do not inspire and delight you. What is the point of constantly seeing their messages that bring you discomfort and frustration?

#20 Take time for serious introspection. Think about what brings you a sense of happiness and what depresses you. Be sure to write down all your thoughts on this subject in order to better understand your life.

#21 Work on your thinking. Change “I can't” to “I'm doing my best.” Look in all for only positive points. Appreciate what you have.

#22 Meditate for five minutes every day. Only five minutes.

#23 If you are overwhelmed by emotions - good or bad - be sure to give yourself time and space to deal with them. Go to a quiet and secluded place where you can think it over, pour your thoughts on paper or even cry. The main thing - do not keep it to yourself.

#24 Collect and distribute absolutely all things (this applies not only to clothes and shoes) that you no longer use and do not feel any need for them. They only hold back and slow you down at the energy level.

#25 Change the background of your phone to inspirational phrases or pictures that make you feel more optimistic and motivate you to move forward.

#26 Put thorough order in your bag, cosmetic bag and wallet. You won’t believe how much trash you find there.

#27 Make a table of your debts and expenses and think about what you can change. Do not close your eyes to these unpleasant aspects of life. Because you do not want to notice them, they themselves will not disappear, but will accumulate with the effect of a snowball.

#28 Unsubscribe from a multitude of newsletters and unnecessary information so that you do not spend a lot of time cleaning your inbox.

#29 Go to the bookstore and learn all the new things. Take yourself with a dozen books of various genres and directions and be sure to read them.

#30 Go to a movie for an interesting movie on your own, without looking for a company.


Watch the video: 10 Simple Habits to Lose Weight Naturally (June 2024).