5 tactics that your narcissistic partner always works out for you. And you do not notice.


The term "narcissism" comes from Greek mythology - and this is vanity and extreme selfishness of the individual. The danger of a narcissistic man is that he can be very charming, and his false sense of superiority can be misunderstood as self-confidence.

At first you fall under his spell, but they begin to dissipate when you realize that you are dealing with an unpleasant personality. Unfortunately, sometimes this understanding comes too late, because you have already become a victim of the manipulation and toxic behavior of the daffodil.

Daffodils have the unique ability to "process" those around them. They use certain tactics to first beautifully look after their chosen one (darling), and then literally break it and start adjusting for themselves. How do they do it? Here are at least five of their tactics:

Narcissus first raises you to heaven and temporarily makes you the most important person in his life

Narcissus loves himself, so he needs to raise you to his level, even if he is sure that you do not deserve it. Your superiority is temporary, so do not flatter yourself. At first, the daffodil will admire you and praise you. According to him, you are the most beautiful and intelligent person in the world that he has ever met. And you, of course, melt!

Understand that these words are not about you. The flattery you hear is used to tame you. In fact, the daffodil is convinced of your inferiority and just wants to “hook” you. Compliments will soon end and will be replaced by harsh and unfair criticism. Your level of importance will decrease significantly, and your words and actions will be ignored. Everything - you are trapped!

Narcissus plays the role of the offended, sharing with you his tragic past to cause sympathy

Everyone knows that trust must be earned. Narcissus is a particularly talented actor in this: he uses his vulnerability and supposedly weaknesses to gain sympathy and, as a result, his self-affirmation. A first or second date is usually the perfect option for a narcissist, when he tells a tragic story from his past in order to arouse your emotions.

He will use your instincts to disarm you. Narcissus knows that the sooner he pulls you into his networks, the more persistently you will support him and help him. The narcissist man relies on your admiration for his ability to survive, and as a result, you begin to justify any form of his behavior. Now he is “good” for you because he is “miserable”.

Narcissus invests financially and morally in you to prove that his presence is luck in your life.

Narcissus is well aware of the discrepancy between who he is and who he pretends to be. However, he has no desire to publicly admit his mistakes, because he uses all his resources and influence to look "the best." Narcissus gives you gifts, emphasizes his loyalty, commitment and gives maximum love and attention.

He may seem like a generous person to an inexperienced eye, but in reality his generosity is a tool used to divert attention. In the future, the daffodil will focus on his willingness to support you, as well as constantly remind you how lucky you are with him. His goal is for you to consider him as an indispensable person, without whom you cannot live. He wants you to need him.

Narcissus provokes conflicts to force you to constantly apologize

Peace and tranquility are the goal of many people, but for a daffodil this is a threat to his superiority. An equal relationship creates a level playing field, which causes the narcissus to be extremely uncomfortable. He does not want equality, because it robs him of power and influence. Narcissus believes that the "supreme commander in chief" can only be one partner - that is, he!

When you are happy and satisfied, the daffodil will immediately develop a plan to create conflict and deprive you of a sense of harmony and, as a result, subjugate you. From now on, you alone will be to blame for the simulated disagreements. Narcissus does not want a peaceful solution, and your attempts to reach a compromise will be met by his aggression - either passive or active. He expects you to plead guilty and surrender.

Narcissus quarrels with your loved ones to isolate you and create dependence on him

Your family and friends are the enemies of the daffodil. They pose a constant threat, since they deprive him of the ability to manipulate you. At any time, an intelligent person can open your eyes and destroy the "bright image" of a daffodil partner. And he cannot allow this!

Narcissus has already invested time, resources and energy in you and expects a lifetime gratitude from you. Anticipating the threat in the form of your loved ones, the daffodil will begin to methodically quarrel you with them, inspiring you that he is your only faithful ally, and any other person in your life is an opponent who is jealous of your relationship. And if you give up, you will find yourself in the full power of such a manipulator.

Narcissus won!


Watch the video: Managing A Narcissist. Ann Barnes. TEDxCollingwood (July 2024).