Scientists: over the past 40 years, the number of people with skin cancer has increased 4 times


British researchers are studying data that indicate that over the past forty years, the number of cases of skin cancer has increased tremendously - as much as four times. The reason for this, according to experts, lies in the large amount of time that people spend in the sun, as well as a significant change in the ecological situation in the world.

A significant number of cases of melanoma occur due to excessive exposure to the sun by people at a young age. Since the fashion on a tanned body appeared in the 70s of the 20th century, the number of people with skin cancer is constantly increasing. Most people are simply not familiar with the standards of consumption of solar radiation. For example, in Britain about two thousand people die from melanoma every year.

According to Australian scientists, the risk group includes all those who have to spend a lot of time in the sun - drivers, builders, farmers.


Watch the video: Prevention and Control of Skin Cancer (July 2024).