Dressing like Lolita


Lolita is the main heroine of the novel by V. Nabokov, an innocent and naive girl who has tremendous charm and charm in her soul. She inspired to create an unusual style of the same name in clothes. As an independent direction, it stood out in the 70s of the last century, but gained unprecedented success only in the 90s. Its homeland is Japan, but today it can be found around the world. He became a kind of subculture.

A characteristic feature of this style is the desire to create a little childish, naive image, but elegant and incredibly cute. Girls who dress according to this style look like fragile porcelain dolls. As a rule, preference is given to those individuals who do not want to grow up in the near future, but want to extend the wonderful children's time. The style of Lolita in clothes is characterized by its own color range and the presence of special accessories.

Today, several main trends stand out against the background of this style:
Very popular among Western fashionistas is the style of Gothic Lolita. Although among Russian girls it is far from uncommon. The basis of this style formed the main trends of the Gothic subculture, that is, the use of black. Although often it is diluted with burgundy, blue, white shades. You can find out if a girl belongs to this style by expressive makeup, for which the same colors are used.

Refined, feminine natures give preference in favor of classic Lolita. This is a low-key, delicate color range - beige, brown, burgundy tones. Here you can often see geometric prints, as well as an abundance of decor - lace, ribbons, bows and others. These girls look like cute dolls come from a distant childhood.

Style sweet lolita. On him a serious imprint laid Rococo. In the clothes there are all kinds of ribbons, laces. The color scheme is exceptionally delicate, pastel colors, as well as a combination of black and white colors.

In order to create an image of an innocent and naive Lolita, you need to choose the right wardrobe. What should it consist of?

Mandatory element of clothing are dresses. As a rule, these are very volumetric models of midi length, although there are exceptions to the rules. The shape of the skirt looks like a bell. For decoration uses a huge amount of decor. This is all kinds of ruffles, ruffles, bows and ribbons. Clothing is made in the style of Lolita from materials of natural origin - silk, cotton, flax. The same goes for skirts. It should be recalled that the mandatory attribute of the image should be pantalonchiki, as well as socks or stockings, decorated with characteristic elements. A mandatory attribute is considered a headdress. These are all kinds of caps - cylinders, caps, straw models or just bows.
Shoes must be massive. Shoes, high platform shoes or big heels will be appropriate. Although no less popular models on a solid sole with a strap. Of the accessories, you will definitely need an elaborately decorated umbrella. Toys and a handbag will help to complement the image.
Today, Lolita style is increasingly conquering women's hearts. And it is not surprising, because even in the most grown-up lady in the depths of the soul lives a little girl, pure, naive, who has playfulness and determination.


Watch the video: Stop DRESSING Like a Child! Stop Wearing LOLITA Dress! My Reaction! (July 2024).