Salad with squids - recipe with photos and step by step description


Calamari salad has a savory taste with a sweet-sour notes. Guests and households necessarily distinguish this dish from among the many more expensive snacks, it is instantly “swept away” from the festive table. It is worth pampering salad with squid and their relatives after a busy day, good, its preparation takes very little time.

It should be noted that it is very nourishing, and, at the same time, a "light" dish that does not leave weight in the stomach. And there is nothing to talk about the benefits of seafood. Boiled squids are low in calories (per 100 grams - only 110 kcal), they are a storehouse of protein, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Squid meat is rich in vitamin C, A, E, iodine, selenium. This favorite clam in Mediterranean and Asian cuisine goes well with other products. In the network you can find photos of a variety of salad recipes with squids. Below is just one of the possible cooking options.

On the photo: products necessary for the preparation of salad with squid:

  • 2-3 carcasses of frozen squid;
  • Half a can of canned pineapple (rings or slices);
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr .;
  • Bulgarian pepper, yellow or red, 1 pc .;
  • Mayonnaise.

Recipe for cooking salad with squid (with photos)

The secret to cooking any salad with squid is the proper handling of the clam. It is necessary to choose small carcasses of pinkish color - they are the most delicious. Squid in no case can not be digested - from this tender meat becomes hard and "rubber". Thawed carcasses need in cold water. Some sources advise taking hot water, but in this case the clam will not fully retain valuable nutrients. To make squids easier to clean, they need to be doused with boiling water, then the delicate pink skin can be easily removed with a knife. Be sure to remove the insides and cartilaginous chord.

Prepared squids are thrown into salted boiling water for 2 minutes, then pulled out and cooled, crushed into strips.

And then diced.

Canned pineapples are drained from the juice and cut into pieces.

Chilled cheese is grated.

Sweet pepper is cut in half, remove the seeds and stalk, cut into strips, and then - into cubes.

All ingredients are laid out in a large pot or bowl.

Add mayonnaise, mix well with a spoon.

Served in a beautiful salad bowl, decorated with greens (dill, parsley).

An experienced housewife can bring something of their own and feel free to experiment, modifying the salad recipe with squid and complementing it with other ingredients, such as boiled shrimps. In summer, seafood should be combined with eggs with fresh cucumbers, lettuce, in winter with canned corn, mushrooms, green peas, olives, Chinese cabbage.


Watch the video: Thai Spicy Squid Salad - พลาปลาหมก Phla Pla Muek 4K (July 2024).