Scientists have called poses during sex, dangerous to the health of men


Canadian scientists have found that some poses during sex can be dangerous to men's health. In particular, is called the position in which both partners are on the side (posture "spoon"). The study showed that with such an arrangement, the male back is harmed. The opposite effect showed a “dog-like” pose when a man is behind the woman, standing on all fours. Such a situation, on the contrary, is useful for men who have certain problems with their backs.

Scientists studied the state of the spine in motion. The subject of the study were the five most popular positions. It turned out that the "spoons" are shown for back pain, however, this method does not always work. If a man feels discomfort in the spinal column, he is recommended to pose “like a dog”.

Some of the men who took part in the experiment stated that they sometimes experienced increasing pain during ejaculation. And some even tried to avoid orgasm.


Watch the video: The Most Dangerous Sex Position According To Science Is. "" Sex Health Education"" (June 2024).