Mirrors provoke people to overeat


Scandinavian scientists have found that excessive presence in front of a mirror provokes excessive food intake.

One hundred people took part in the experiment, who were divided into two groups. The participants of the first constantly examined their reflection in the mirror, while the second was forbidden to do so. Experts have established a curious fact: the more often a person observed himself in the mirror, the more often he opened the refrigerator in search of food.

The results of the experiment are interpreted by scientists ambiguously. After all, a strange relationship was found between attention to one’s own appearance and figure and a tendency to overeat.

By the way, a similar experiment was recently conducted. Only instead of a mirror, volunteers viewed videos with beautiful and slender people. After viewing, the amount of food absorbed increased dramatically. Psychologists interpret this as follows: the presence of egocentrism and the desire to consider their own bodies lead people to stress, which they cope with by eating too much.


Watch the video: Eating Disorders: Why is it so Hard to Treat Them? Ilona Kajokiene. TEDxVilnius (June 2024).