Mistress discovered: 7 ways to preserve dignity and win


Trite, but the foundation of a happy family is trust and honesty. What could be worse for a loving woman than to find out that her husband is unfaithful to her? Sometimes the cold in a relationship gives reason for both spouses to think about communication on the side, but more often than not the dishonesty of one spouse destroys all plans for the future and the usual happy life forever out of the blue.

Thousands of women survived the betrayal of a beloved man, but it broke someone, and someone pushed forward on the way to a new happiness. So, what to do if you found a husband with his mistress? A few steps will help to cope with the situation and get out of it with your head held high.

1. Self-control. If you find your husband in the arms of another woman, of course, the first thing you will want to do is to claw at them both eyes. Although it is difficult, but try to pull yourself together and not take drastic measures. Firstly, it will help you to “save face”, secondly, it will disarm deceivers.

2. Silence. Catching her husband with his mistress, do not make loud scenes, but just silently walk away. Screams and swearing will bring a divorce, and your husband will not even think about the fact that you both need to calmly explain, and ask him to forgive. Your silence in this situation will be more eloquent than the riveted hair of a rival and the face of her husband scratched in blood.

3. What's next? Now you have to firmly decide for yourself what you want: a complete and unconditional breakup of relationships or are you ready to forgive your husband, even after some time?

4. Mystery. Try not to tell anyone about what happened. Feeling an unbearable insult to the closest person for treason, you will want to share this with your mom or best friend. Of course, they will regret you, support and, most likely, hate the traitor. Even if you later decide to save the family and forgive the husband, those who know about his terrible deed will forever change their attitude towards him. You will not be able to avoid the reproaches of mom or girlfriend to your spouse.

5. Analysis. From any situation you need to draw conclusions. Fate does not just give us trials. Think what was wrong in your relationship. Perhaps your husband had reasons to look for happiness in the arms of another woman? It would be best to speak frankly with my husband about this, in order to hear his explanations of what happened.

6. Re-discover the world. Now the main thing for you is not to dwell on the problem and search for the guilty. Meeting with friends, watching movies, outdoor recreation and active sports will help you to fill the void in your soul.

7. Journey. Best of all it helps to forget the change in the situation. Do you dream to go to another city? Have not been with relatives for a long time? Sumptuously! Now you can just devote your time and thoughts with new impressions. Then you just will never be engaged in self-digging.

Such a blow of fate is very difficult to transfer. Try to look at the whole situation a little differently: you recognized your man from the other side. The sooner you realize that the person you love is capable of betrayal, the better. The sooner you find your man, who, like you, appreciates sincerity, if you have decided to throw the traitor out of your life. This is an excellent reason for joy - you open thousands of roads leading to a new love, relationships, but without cheating and betrayal.


Watch the video: How To Make Everyone RESPECT You! (July 2024).