Classic radish salad


The most relevant and useful root crop in winter is undoubtedly radish!

When the juicy spring radishes are still far away, and the body already needs additional energy vitamin potential, this particular root crop will come to your aid! It perfectly cleans the blood from cholesterol plaques and dilutes it, helps to avoid clogging of blood vessels.

By the way, under the conditions of constant high prices and rising prices, its cost remains stable and hardly exceeds the price of a loaf of bread! So, radish can rightly be called the most anti-crisis product for preparing delicious salads.

Moreover, there are a great many recipes for these salads, so even the most notorious gourmet will find the one that will appeal to him. Well, we'll consider the classic recipe for juicy and healthy radish!

Take the following ingredients for 4 servings of salad:

- 1 large radish of black or green varieties;

- 1-2 green apples;

- 1 bunch of dill or parsley;

- 2 pinches of salt;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil.

Choosing a radish on the market, try to look closely at the dense root crops that have not yet acquired softness and lethargy. If the tubers are soft, then such a radish was incorrectly stored after seasonal harvesting. You can even smell places sliced ​​tubers - they should smell like bitterness and freshness.

It is this radish that is peeled off with a knife or vegetable peeler and rinsed in water.

Then grate or grind in a food processor.

Radish itself is an excellent cleansing product for the stomach, so salads from it are perfect for those who are going to lose weight or cleanse their bodies. The only disadvantage of this recipe is increased gastric activity, so it is better to cook it for dinner, not going to visit anywhere.

After the radish, chop the greens that you have chosen or purchased, for example, the fennel herbs.

Cut it as small as possible and add to the grated radish. Salt everything and fill with vegetable oil. If you have olive or raw sunflower oil, add it and the salad will become even healthier. This option is a classic one, but you can diversify such a salad to your taste, adding to it various ingredients that are suitable in composition. Take apples for example!

Add green variety apples to the radish salad - they will give it the necessary light sourness and a little sweetness. Peel the apples and also grate them to seed boxes.

Stir in grated radish and herbs, season the salad with oil and salt.

Spread salad in ice-cream bowls or bowls and decorate with green leaves. Serve a cooked meal for lunch or dinner along with hot meats.

Enjoy your meal!

Calculating the cost of meals

At the cost of 4 servings of salad, we will pay:

- 1 radish - 7 rubles;

- A bunch of greens - 7 rubles.;

- oil and salt - 5 rubles.

Total: 19 rubles.

And if we include an apple in its composition, then we add 6 rubles and get a useful and tasty salad for 25 rubles. It is unlikely that in any restaurant you can order 4 servings of a delicious dish for such money, so cook at home the recipes we offer and save for your pleasure!


Watch the video: How To Make Creamy Cucumber Radish Salad (July 2024).