How to make a tattoo, so you do not regret it


Society’s attitude to tattoos has always been mixed. In our country, about fifty years ago, “art” on the bodies could be seen only among persons who visited “places not so distant”, and later began to acquire memorable drawings in the army.

But the quality and appearance left much to be desired, and the drawings were called "tattoos" and "ports". With such a name, the tattoo idea really doesn’t look attractive.

For a long time images on the body were associated with rockers or bikers. It seemed that by this they demonstrated their fearlessness and strength. A sort of stern bearded uncle with all his appearance showed: "I'm not weak!" They were respected, and sometimes even feared - if they are ready to inflict such pain on themselves, what can they inflict on others?

Today, tattoos do not mean belonging to a particular social group, it is fashionable to possess them, many of them are true works of art.

What should I know before tattooing?

The main rule is to contact the master in the tattoo parlor. I hope you don’t need to explain that quality and safety are worth paying for. Find out about the sterilization of instruments and premises. You will not receive an absolute guarantee that it is in this salon that this master does his job qualitatively and safely, but it’s better than trusting a dubious stranger or even a friend who offers to “fill” for a low price at home.

A good tattoo can not be cheap! The consumables are quite expensive, and the work of the tattoo artist should be appreciated. Look at the master's portfolio, ask for feedback and opinions of friends who have already used his services. If the master cannot provide you with examples of his work, perhaps he is training you, but do you need it? You do not want to become the owner of such a "beauty":

Also consider the following guidelines:

  • The day before the event, do not drink alcohol and medications. It threatens with bleeding and allergic reactions.
  • Test for allergic reactions with a little paint on your wrist. This simple procedure will take several minutes, but will help to avoid big problems.
  • It is better not to tattoo during menstruation, since during this period your sensitivity is increased.
  • Do not go to a session if you have a cold, not enough sleep, or you are in a bad mood. All this may affect the result.

When the image is applied - it is still halfway through. You will be responsible for the work of care in the healing period. Get exactly the ointment, which the master will recommend, and smear the affected skin for at least two weeks. If after three days it seems to you that everything has already healed, do not believe this sensation: in another couple of days the ichor can again stand out, which, having dried out, will peel off along with the paint.

Tattoo stays with you forever. Even taking into account modern technologies, it is not always possible to remove a drawing, especially if it was performed poorly and many years ago. After removal, scars will remain that are larger than the former image. Most masters will offer you to put a new tattoo on top of the old one.

Be prepared for the fact that over time the colors may fade, so every few years will have to carry out the update procedure.

If you can not live without sunbathing, whether it is a beach holiday or a tanning bed, now you will have to pay even more attention to skin protection to protect the tattoo from fading prematurely. You can even purchase special sprays. And make sure the healing process is complete.

Which picture to choose?

No matter what anyone says, we decorate the body in order to stand out, to show our originality. So is it worth it to do a tattoo "like everyone else", without a special idea? Do you need this zodiac sign, or a simple ornament on the shoulder or the notorious cat in the lower abdomen?

Take seriously the choice of pattern. How long will it be relevant? Sponge-bob on the buttock can look funny at eighteen years old, and slightly out of place at forty. There are a lot of options, you can stuff a treble clef and show your love for music, and you can become the owner of a masterpiece that it will be difficult for others to solve without your hints.

If the inscription becomes your choice, make sure that it is grammatically and stylistically correct, that you interpret the translation correctly. Do not repeat the mistakes of the poor fellows, which flaunts the hieroglyph "vermicelli soup" or the wrong words and phrases.

And also NEVER, NEVER, NEVER perpetuate on your body the name of the person you are in love with at the moment. It seems to you, you are together forever, but love may pass, relationships may not develop and the tattoo with hated initials will forever remain as an unpleasant reminder.

Where to get a tattoo?

If you are an office worker, you should not “hammer” the neck and fingers, this will alienate the employer at the interview stage, and even in case of successful employment you will be doomed to listen to questions and jokes from colleagues and clients. Choose a place that you can cover with clothes, not suffering from the fact that the heat in the room, and you really do not have enough burqa. If you are a freelance artist or bartender, there are no questions for you.

Tattooing can be done anywhere, some decide to "score" even the foot or the whites of the eyes! However, there is a list of "female" places for a tattoo. Most often these are places that can be covered up. If you do not have a goal to expose them on purpose, tattoos in such places either flash accidentally, for example, when bending, or are shown only to the chosen ones.

So, the most popular places for tattoos for women

- loin

- belly

- wrist

- ankle

- spatula

- neck (nape)

- shoulders

- intimate (pubic) area

- hips

- buttocks

- caviar

What about pain?

Applying a tattoo can not be painless. An important role is played by your individual pain threshold. The most painful are the first 10-15 minutes. If you become unbearably painful - interrupt. You can complete what you started in the next session. Most people say that this is more unpleasant than painful, and some, on the contrary, enjoy the process. Pain will persist throughout the first day after application, because the skin is damaged. The most painful places are the neck, ribs, spine, elbows, arms and legs bends, intimate area, knees. The least painful upper arm.

What will happen after birth?

Do not forget about the main purpose of each woman - motherhood. During and after pregnancy, the figure changes, the skin is stretched, the pattern may be distorted, lose clarity and original appearance. Therefore, deciding on a tattoo, think about whether to do it on the stomach, chest and thighs.

What will happen in old age?

Yes, this is one of the most exciting issues. But let's be honest, with or without tattoos, the skin will steadily grow old with you, and look not as attractive as we would like. But you can enjoy your appearance in young years. If you pay attention to skin care, eat right and play sports, you can maximize this joy and look quite good at parties "for whom ..." 🙂

Think well before you decide on a tattoo. And if you decide - do and do not regret! A tattoo will not deprive you of femininity, on the contrary, you can become a very attractive tattooed beauty!


Watch the video: These BFFS Know Tattoos Are Permanent? Right? How Far Is Tattoo Far? MTV (July 2024).