Dark circles under the eyes - how to remove them quickly and get rid of them forever


The circles under the eyes are an unaesthetic sight that we are used to seeing in the mirror.

Our main tasks are to determine the cause of the appearance of dark circles and eliminate it.

Minor - learn to mask bruises and try to improve the condition of the skin, blood vessels under the eyelids with the help of home products and exercises.

Why there are circles under the eyes

When bruises are visible under your eyes, it is very important to determine the cause of their appearance. This can be ordinary pigmentation or the reaction of blood vessels that are located under the thin skin around the eyelids, etc. Why do such changes occur? They can appear as a result of venous congestion in the lower parts of the skin, as well as in the circular muscle of the eye. Black circles often arise due to improper lifestyle.

If everything is normal with the skin, it has a pinkish tint. Experts say that color is given to it by the surface vessels that feed the skin with oxygen. Highly specialized cells such as red blood cells carry it. They are red in color. It is these red blood cells that shine through the skin and give it a pink tint. When everything is in order, blood supply is intense.

As for the vessels located under the eyelid, they are very thin. Doctors say that the capillary lumen may already become red blood cells themselves. If the lumen narrows, the blood begins to stagnate, as its normal outflow is disrupted. What happens in the end?

Red blood cells trying to squeeze through the capillaries with difficulty begin to slip out. This creep is nothing more than a microscopic hemorrhage. Guess what it spills into. That's right, under the eyelid ugly dark circles appear - bruises.

Highly qualified specialists have no doubt that the bruises that appear are in most cases signals about the occurrence of malfunctioning of any organs. They also claim that dark circles are able to tell which particular systems are suffering at that moment.

So, any prolonged stagnation of blood in the eye fossa under the eyelid occurs due to problems with blood flow, which is expressed in a color change in the skin. Circulatory disorders in this area appear most often due to the development of diseases. But people do not pay much attention to bruises, considering the circles under the eyes - the result of overwork.

Everything would be so, but circles from overwork should disappear after a person has a good night's sleep. Typically, such circles appear together with the dilated vessels of the eyeball. Bruising and enlargement can also indicate an allergic reaction. Another kind of dark circles is hereditary.

Attention: if the circles under the eyes did not disappear after a full sleep, their presence, most likely, indicates the development of the disease, which leads to a violation of blood circulation.

So, let's talk about circles under the eyes that act as indicators of disease. If under the lower eyelid circles appear that consist of a blue venous network, this indicates a vegetovascular dystonia. It leads to the development of hypertension and serious heart disease. The venous network under the lower eyelid often indicates hormonal disorders. Yellow-brown circles indicate diseases of the liver, biliary tract. Blue circles under the eyes may indicate kidney problems, etc.

Note: some women noted that circles under their eyes began to appear precisely in adulthood. This may be due to thinning of the skin through which the vessels more clearly appear.

Remove dark circles under the eyes with cosmetic products

Bruises, of course, can be masked with foundation. But let's first decide how to work with the skin under the eyelids. To reduce the likelihood of dark circles, you need to use a high-quality moisturizer for the eyes. The cream should be applied pointwise, starting from the outer corner of the eye and ending with the inner.

Caution: Eye cream cannot be rubbed intensively. At the same time, distributing it, you need to lightly press the skin with the fingertips. In this way, we can promote stuck red blood cells.

For those women who are accustomed to hide traces of fatigue under their eyes, rather than trying to identify and eliminate the cause of their occurrence, more detailed information on the rules for masking flaws will be useful. You can mask “stale” skin under the eyelids with the help of a concealer - a lightweight corrector in texture. You need to choose one that is lighter than the skin by several shades.

Interesting: Some cosmetologists advise to choose masking products, focusing not on the shade of the skin of the face, but on the color of the outer cover of the wrist.

But if you have a very strong pigment, under your eyes there are huge bruises, but you can’t get off with a two-tone masking agent - you will have to carefully select the color of the corrector. For example, when the circles under the eyes have a grayish-greenish tint, you need to use a pink-toned concealer, which is applied to the skin under the eyelids after distributing the moisturizer. Concealer is distributed with inclined strokes and shaded with a sponge or brush.

Brown circles are leveled with a salmon-colored concealer, bluish ones are warm-yellow or light orange. If the circles are weak, you can do with a light masking agent. It is almost imperceptible on the skin. Such products will refresh the skin.

Highly visible bruises are removed by means of a dense texture and bright color, it is they who are able to perfectly block dark circles.

Attention: concealer must be applied, capturing the upper eyelid. In this way, you get rid of color contrast. If the skin on the face is oily, instead of the corrector, base shadows should be applied to the upper eyelid, echoes in color with a masking agent.

As for the initially mentioned subheading of foundation or powder, behind which the girls are accustomed to hide circles under the eyes, they are not able to work as effectively as concealer. Such products simply condense the area under the lower eyelid, due to which the bruise disappears. It cannot smooth out the flaw in the way a concealer that is correctly selected in color does it.

As a result, using tonalka, girls even more attract attention to their shortcomings. A significant minus of the foundation is its high density, which is higher than that of the concealer. Another drawback of the foundation - it, in contrast to the concealer, dries on the skin, after which it underlines every wrinkle.

And bear in mind that the use of concealer is only the first stage of applying decorating and natural makeup, and not the last and only one.

Folk remedies and circles under the eyes

People often try to get rid of circles under the eyes with folk remedies. They apply pieces of raw potatoes, tea bags to the eyelids. But such procedures, of course, cannot fundamentally change the situation.

However, if you have already consulted a doctor and are now being treated for a disease due to which dark circles have arisen, then you should not refuse home procedures aimed at masking problems. This can be done with such home-made products as a mask for the eyes and skin under them.

To prepare a nourishing brightening mask, you need to take two teaspoons of grated potatoes, cucumber and mix them with the same amount of finely chopped greens (parsley, dill). In the mask, add half a teaspoon of olive oil and twice as much homemade sour cream. The product is laid out on a cotton pad, after which it is placed on the eyes for no more than three to four minutes.

Many women not only rely on bags of black tea or potatoes, but also do not neglect purchased products intended, to put it mildly, not for the eyes. For example, an ointment from hemorrhoids is used, which improves blood circulation.

Eye circles are afraid of exercise

Regrettably, cosmetics still cannot solve the problem. It is difficult to radically change something with the help of home products. But what is really good to do is training the vessels. So, it is possible to deal with stagnant phenomena developing in the narrow vessels of the lower eyelid with the help of special training of the eye muscle. How does this happen?

Exercise number 1

Sit straight and look forward, after which, without changing the position of the body, raise your eyes up, return them to their original position, and then lower your gaze down. This charge should be done about 10 times.

Training method No. 2

Another exercise that can act as a prevention of dark circles is built on leisurely rotational movements of the eyeballs. First, the movement is done clockwise, later - counterclockwise.

Exercise number three

The third exercise consists of two stages:

the first stage - concentrate on the tip of the nose;

the second - we look far ahead.

The last jerk or exercise "blur circles"

The essence of the fourth exercise: we close our eyes tightly and do not open our eyes for five to seven seconds, after which we begin to blink actively.

So, by making the muscle work, we improve blood flow. As a result, dark circles arising from stagnant processes do not appear.


If you have circles under your eyes that do not go away after a good rest, consult your doctor for an examination and tests, as they may indicate serious illness. It is especially worthwhile to be wary if, in addition to bruises under the eyes, you are worried: fatigue, shortness of breath, swelling, sudden jumps in weight, heartburn, etc. Based on the symptoms and diagnostic results, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment, which will prevent the development of complications. You may need to rethink your diet (eat less salty and fatty foods, semi-finished foods, drink more pure water), and adjust your physical activity. It is advisable to abandon bad habits.

As for masking circles under the eyes with cosmetics, you can use concealers until you solve the problem from the inside, but in no case replace the treatment with a corrector. But safe home products and the aforementioned charging for the eyes are suitable aids in the fight against dark circles.


Watch the video: Dark Circles. How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles (July 2024).