Peach oil - its properties and methods of use. How to properly use the beneficial properties of peach oil for the face and hair.


If the Greek goddess and loved the fruit, then it was, clearly, peaches. Thousands of years they not only regale, but also used in various therapeutic purposes. Specialists in the field of cosmetology have long been aware that the oil obtained from peaches is the main assistant for those women who monitor their appearance and want to keep their youth and attractiveness as long as possible.

How to get peach oil and its composition

Some believe that this oil is made from the peach pulp itself, but no. In order to gain peach butter, you need to remove its pulp and get to the bone. I think everyone knows what a peach bone looks like. You may even have to see what is inside this bone. If it is split into two parts, then a small nucleolus will fall out, which looks like some kind of incomprehensible and flatish in shape of a nutlet. Interesting, but this very nucleolus even smells like a nut. His gentle, barely perceptible aroma fascinates. Imagine if the nucleolus itself smells so wonderful, then what wonderful smell does peach oil already have?

The cold pressed method is considered the best in order to squeeze as much as possible the maximum oil from peach kernels. When this tap is passed, the oil is poured into huge containers and proceed to the next stage - filtration. Oil must be refined to remove all unnecessary and leave only those components that are really worthy to be called useful and are known to benefit the body.

It is unlikely that you will ever be able to stumble upon unfiltered peach oil, because it is very rare in our country. It is possible to recognize it only by its brightly perceptible fruit smell and sweet peach flavor. It is hardly different in color from refined oil. Its color is slightly darker, but it is not always striking. Purified peach butter has almost no smell, and not everyone has a taste that is too mild.

Peach oil is saturated with the most essential minerals and vitamins that our body needs so much. Even the most demanding and picky personages believe that this oil has absolutely everything that is needed to maintain beauty and good health.

Vitamin A has a positive effect on the skin. It is not only able to enhance the ability of skin cells to regenerate, but can also maintain their integrity, slowing down the aging process. This vitamin in the oil contributes to the removal of fine wrinkles and other small imperfections on the skin.

Vitamins belonging to group P act on the capillaries and help make them less brittle. Some people have very thin and sensitive skin. Through it clearly visible capillary grid. This means that it is not difficult to get hurt and hurt them, thereby damaging. Vitamins P are needed by the body and the skin so that this does not happen.

Vitamin B is often added to products that are meant to whiten the skin. This vitamin is already in the composition of our peach oil than it is valuable. If you use it regularly, the skin will really begin to gradually lighten and its tone will be the same over the entire face.

In addition to vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids are a part of peach oil. It is worth noting that they are very important for a person. The body is not able to produce them. That is why it is necessary to constantly replenish their stock and help your body with your own hands to really work at full strength.

Properties of peach oil

Many of those who are often sick and suffer from chronic diseases have already become disillusioned with conventional medicines. Such a time is now that it is quite difficult to provide yourself with everything necessary in order to fully recover from something or, God forbid, get into the hospital. Drugs are too expensive and are no longer available to any average person. That is why it is increasingly possible to meet those who want to learn more about traditional medicine and methods of treatment with the help of products based on natural ingredients.

These funds can be easily attributed, and peach oil, which consists of only vitamins and natural ingredients. Intake of oil will in no way adversely affect your internal organs. It is designed to normalize metabolic processes and strengthen your health.

Peach oil application

Peach oil is unparalleled in the culinary field. It is often added to a variety of dishes in order to maximize their unsurpassed taste and add a little piquancy. It is not only about desserts, but also about ordinary everyday dishes. Peach oil will give unusual taste. It has a delicate delicate aroma and sweet fruity, barely perceptible taste. It is not necessary to pour a few spoons of oil so that its presence in the food is palpable. Just a few drops will be enough.

Peach oil is widely used in medicine. All those who often suffer from ENT diseases should definitely have a little bit of this oil at home in order to use it, if necessary, not only for medicinal purposes, but also as prophylactic. If you, or your children, want to overcome nasal congestion and begin to breathe as quickly as possible, then take the salt solution first and rinse the nose thoroughly. After that, drip three drops of peach oil into each nostril and throw the head back for a couple of minutes to prevent it from flowing out. According to its consistency, peach oil is watery, so you need to try in every way to keep it in the nose, so that it works. The oil can ease breathing, remove inflammation of the nasal mucosa and prevent excessive secretion of mucus.

If you are often caught unawares by pharyngitis, then you need to prepare in advance for his arrival. Stock up on peach oil and be able to start taking it in time to heal as quickly as possible. With pharyngitis with this oil you can get rid of the unpleasant persistent throat and irritation, which brings only painful sensations. You will not need to spend money on drugs that may not work at all. If your first aid kit has an inhaler, then take a glass of boiling water and add ten drops of peach oil there. Breathe it twice a day through an inhaler and in less than a week you will see positive results.

Peach oil will even help you get rid of otitis. Put ten drops of oil in a large tablespoon and heat a little while holding the spoon over the fire. It takes only a minute to make it as high as necessary. It is very important not to overheat it, because the ear cavity is very sensitive to temperature changes, but you do not want to make yourself worse. Type in a pipette warmed peach oil and bury their sore ear three times a day, two drops. Oil will help to remove the ear pain, reduce inflammation and stop the process of purulent formation.

The benefits of peach oil for hair

Every beauty knows that in order to look great, there is not enough just to make up well and to dress fashionably. The glance of anyone passing by you will immediately fall on your hairstyle. Therefore, if the condition of the hair leaves much to be desired, then you should definitely change it. An excellent helper in such a situation will be peach-seed oil.

Before you wash your hair, spread the dry hair with peach oil and hold for an hour, wrapping your head with a towel. It is better to use an old and already unnecessary towel for such a business, because peach oil is difficult to wash and leaves greasy traces. After the required amount of time has passed, wash the oil off the hair with a shampoo. This procedure will strengthen hair follicles, make hair strong and silky, it will return its former shine.

It is not necessary to apply pure peach oil on your hair. It can be added in small quantities to the cosmetic products that you are used to using: shampoo, conditioner, and balms.

The benefits of peach oil for the face

Peach oil is of considerable importance for those who care about maintaining the youth and beauty of their skin. When the wrinkles have already appeared, it is late to fight them. We must take care of ourselves in our youth, in time to prevent the first signs of aging and wilting of the skin.

This article has already mentioned several times how peach oil can affect the skin. It is saturated with many vitamins and minerals than good for the skin.

One of the biggest women is the fear to grow old, lose their beauty and stop looking attractive in the eyes of others, and especially in the eyes of their men. Peach oil gives the opportunity to delay the aging process to the maximum and maintain skin freshness and youth even when small, barely noticeable wrinkles begin to appear. Oil has earned the right to be considered a good antioxidant. That is why cosmetologists around the world recommend using it in order to combat premature aging of the skin.

Many women experience skin irritations, frequent rashes, acne and serious skin diseases. If you are one of them, do not be discouraged and do not panic. You do not need to immediately grab all the money that was set aside for a special occasion and run to the pharmacy to get the first expensive ointment. Remember that expensive is not always effective. And why to put on the skin a mixture of some incomprehensible components? It is not known what consequences this may cause. Peach oil is good because almost no one has allergies to it. It can even be used by children. The oil helps to remove the rash, soothe the skin and relieve its inflammation.

Peach seed oil is just one of many oils, but it is so useful and effective that once you use it, you will not change it for something else. Health to you, dear ladies, and always be beautiful!


Watch the video: Face Oils - What's Best For Your Skin Type? (July 2024).