Grape juice for the winter at home: how to make it right? The best recipes for grape juice for the winter from a pot or juicer


Grape juice is a unique gift of generous nature. Its benefits are invaluable, especially for children and weakened adults. The drink is able to cure and protect from many diseases, strengthen the immune system and simply deliver pleasure. Its fresh, tart, sweet-sour taste improves mood.

There are a lot of useful substances in grapes. The most amazing thing is that almost all of their properties are preserved in the natural juice of the wine, not only freshly harvested, but also harvested for the future, for the winter. The main thing is to strictly follow all the requirements of the technology of preparation of the drink.

Ideal for pressing more juicy wine varieties: Cabernet, Lydia, Bianca, Siegerb, Isabella, Armalaga, Illichivsk Early, Yohaniter, Golubok. Table varieties are drier, less juice is obtained from them. Most often, the drink is made from black grape varieties. However, it is worth trying to mix green and black grapes: the result will be amazing.

Grape juice for the winter at home - the general principles of preparation

Harvesting grape juice for the winter is easy. The main task is to squeeze it from the pulp (crushed bones and peel). In the viticulture regions, the juice of the very first extraction, which is obtained after crushing the raw berry, is appreciated. Pasteurization makes it completely ready to eat.

The taste qualities of the final product also depend on other conditions: color, variety, degree of maturity, quality of the grapes, method of its pressing and preparation. If there are a lot of raw materials, you can get grape juice in a regular city kitchen. Raw materials can be pressed in two main ways: manual (the most inefficient) and mechanical (using a juicer, screw press, blender or meat grinder).

In manual mode squeezing berries stretch their hands, and then filtered. Gauze, sieve, nylon stocking - the filter can be used any. If the raw material is crushed in a blender or meat grinder, the grape juice is pressed in the same way.

Juicer with spin function - almost perfect. It is convenient to use a special attachment for a meat grinder, although it has been a very long time to work with it. But the juice is excellent, clean, and the pulp is wrung out almost dry.

Convenient solution - juice cooker. You do not need to squeeze anything. You load the berries into a special compartment, cook according to the instructions, periodically kneading the steamed grapes with wooden tolkushka, and roll the finished product into the jars. However, cooking in a juicer is very long: if there is a lot of raw materials, cooking will take several days.

Sugar can not be added to the finished drink. However, the general principle of sweetening requires taking two kilograms of sweet wine berries one hundred grams of sugar. For acidic varieties, the amount of sugar should be increased.

Dark-grape twigs can not be removed: they will give the drink tartness due to tannins. Branches of green or white grapes must be removed: they will make the color of the drink ugly.

Pasteurization of grape juice is required! Otherwise, it will ferment in a matter of hours. Banks with ready-made juice should be placed in a saucepan with slowly boiling water, setting on a wooden board or a dense woven backing and heated at 80 degrees for fifteen minutes. You can pasteurize and before pouring into a glass container.

A perfect result is double pasteurization. After the first half-hour warming, which prevents fermentation, the juice should cool. The second pasteurization will make the juice transparent. Immediately after it, the clarified product can be preserved.

Grape juice for the winter at home "Classic"

To separate the juice of their wine berries, you can use a blender, food processor or meat grinder. Juice must be separated from the pulp and crushed seeds with a colander and gauze.


• grapes;

• water;

• some sugar (optional).

Cooking method:

Wash grapes.

Remove the berries from the twigs.

Grind the berries in any way.

Strain the grape mass using a colander.

Squeeze the pulp with a piece of gauze, pour the juice into the main pan.

Pour the pulp itself with water (for ten kilograms of pressed dry seeds, take a liter of clean boiled and cooled water), then mix, again press with gauze.

The resulting juice of the second spin is drained into the main pan.

Send a saucepan of grape juice to medium heat and heat, avoiding boiling, for fifteen minutes. At the first sign of boiling, lower the temperature.

Remove the pan from the stove and let stand for at least one hour. During this time, the juice will acquire transparency, purity.

The second time put the juice on the fire, bring to a boil.

If the grapes are sour, you can sweeten the juice with sugar to taste and desire.

Pour grape juice for the winter in sterilized jars, cork.

Grape juice for the winter at home from the traditional juicer

According to this recipe, grape juice can be boiled both with sugar and without it. The result will be great anyway. The main thing is to have a proven reliable juicer.


• five kilograms of grapes;

• sugar, if desired.

Cooking method:

Remove whole unspoiled berries from the branch, rinse and send in parts to the juicer.

From time to time, the process needs to be stopped in order to clean the device of seeds and wrinkled skins.

Strain the juice through a gauze filter into the pan.

Crushed bones have a pronounced astringent taste that needs to be neutralized.

To do this, two parts of the juice must be diluted with one part of clean drinking water.

Pour fifty grams of sugar into a saucepan per liter of squeezed juice.

On the middle burn, bring to the appearance of the first bubbles of boiling and cook for fifteen minutes.

Carefully pour into prepared jars and immediately, still hot, cork.

Before opening the can, it must be shaken to return the drink a uniform consistency.

Grape juice for the winter at home "Manual spin"

It is most difficult to squeeze the juice of wine berries with your hands. You cannot procure a lot of product in this way. However, this recipe for a light grape juice for the winter has an important advantage: it does not have a specific tart taste of crushed seeds. To give the desired degree of sweetness sour berries, you can use sugar.


• grapes;

• to taste a little sugar.

Cooking method:

The washed, removed from the branches of the berries crush with your hands or a press.

Drain clean juice with a gauze filter into the pan.

Transfer the pulp to a separate container.

Pour each kilogram of bones and skin with a liter of clean water and put on the middle burner.

Boil the pulp for ten minutes, cool.

Strain the cooled decoction of the pulp through a gauze filter, pour into the main juice of the first spin.

For every two liters of the final liquid, pour half a glass of sugar (only optional).

Pour juice into sterilized jars.

Sterilize jars in boiling water: twenty-five-minute litters, forty-five-liter jars — forty minutes.

Immediately roll up and cool, turning down the neck.

Grape juice for the winter at home concentrated

Natural, amazingly delicious grape juice without a gram of sugar and a drop of water can be cooked without using pulp.


• grapes.

Cooking method:

Squeezed juice in any way, strain through a sieve and pour into a saucepan.

Boil the juice for five minutes.

Strain boiled juice through a gauze filter or a very fine sieve.

Pour juice and cork.

Grape juice for the winter at home in the juice maker

A convenient way to roll a jar or two of grape juice for the winter without any hassle is to use a juice cooker. Slightly sweetened, this drink has great taste and is stored for a long time.


• ten kilograms of grapes;

• sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

Select ripe healthy berries. Twigs can be left.

Wash the grapes, put them in the receiver of the device according to the instructions.

Too many berries should not be placed in the receiver: grapes should not rise above its side.

Sugar pour parts between handfuls of laid grapes for uniform sweetening of the final product.

Collect the juicer by installing a container for collecting juice and pouring water into the pan.

Boil the juice according to the instructions, as a rule, no longer than an hour.

Drain the juice into a prepared container, then pour into jars.

Cork jars of juice, cool and clean.

After clearing the container of the juice extractor from waste raw materials, continue cooking the next batch of grape juice.

Grape juice for the winter at home by cooking

A light and sweet drink is obtained from natural juice mixed with water and sugar. Cooking is done in two steps, but the contents of the cans will definitely not go bad.


• five kilograms of bright grapes;

• water two liters;

• one kilogram of sugar.

Cooking method:

Remove berries from brushes, discard twigs.

Put the grapes in a large saucepan and pour clean, cool water.

On the middle burner, bring the liquid to a boil and boil for half an hour.

Turn off the fire, strain the contents of the pan into another container.

Sweeten the obtained juice with the specified amount of granulated sugar and put it on the stove again.

As soon as the juice boils, boil over low heat for about ten minutes.

Pour into banks, cork and cool.

Grape juice for the winter at home "Apple-grape" in the juice maker

The combination of grape and apple juice has a beneficial effect on the body. The apple component burns calories and puts in order the organs of the digestive system, grape - gives strength and vitality due to the vital glucose for a person. It turns out a sweet and sour, fragrant, tasty drink!


• three kilograms of sweet and sour or sweet apples;

• three kilograms of ripe grapes of any variety.

Cooking method:

Rinse apples, depending on the size, cut into small pieces or slices.

Rinse the grapes, throw away the tainted berries and twigs.

Collect the juice cooker according to the instructions by pouring water into the lower part of the unit and installing a container for juice litter.

First put the grapes in a special receiver, then apple slices.

Close the lid tightly.

Boil the juice from the moment of boiling water for one to two hours.

Mix berries and apples periodically.

Pour the drink into sterilized jars, cork, cool and clean in the cold.

Grape juice for the winter at home "Three-day"

An interesting recipe for rich grape juice for the winter allows you to prepare a drink using a special technology. This option can be used if there are a lot of raw materials and there is a large container for bottling juice.


• eight kilograms of sweet grapes.

Cooking method:

Wash the grapes, clean from branches and tainted grapes.

Fix the colander over the bucket, put the raw material and knead the berries with your hands.

Pour the juice and pulp together into a ten-liter bottle, cover the hole with a gauze napkin and rearrange in heat for three days.

By the end of the third day the pulp should float, and the juice will remain at the bottom of the bottle.

The juice must be carefully drained using a colander, and then filtered through a gauze filter composed of three to four layers of gauze.

The remaining pulp is pressed through cheesecloth. Liquid to connect with the main portion of juice.

Boil the resulting juice for fifteen minutes.

Sterilized hot cans fill with boiling juice, cork and cool.

Grape juice for the winter at home - interesting facts and useful tips

  • The benefits of grape juice are in a high content of organic acids, including folic, vitamins PP, C, B, A, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc. Children who drink natural juice from grape berries are distinguished by good health, sharp vision, tenacious mind, less nervous. However, because of the high sugar content, it is not allowed to drink a grape drink for diabetics, hypertensive patients, people with stomach problems and overweight.
  • Grape juice activates the function of blood formation, improves blood and heart function, relieves neurosis, insomnia, prevents senile myopia, the appearance of cataracts and kidney stones, and prevents cancer. Especially good for people who work in hard physical or serious mental work. Moreover, according to research scientists, grape juices help to return and strengthen memory.
  • A natural drink is able to minimize the effects of severe poisoning by arsenic, strychnine, morphine, and is indicated for botulism.
  • To get rid of the sediment and make the juice completely transparent, after preparation it is possible to let the drink stand in the cold for about a day. Then carefully pour the juice, avoiding agitation of the sediment, and pasteurize for fifteen and minutes, and only then seal.
  • When wringing, you can use not only a gauze filter, but also a clean nylon stocking.


Watch the video: DIY Grape Juice Using a Grape Press (June 2024).