Surrogate mother gave birth to Elton John's second child


Elton John again experienced the joy of fatherhood - a surrogate mother gave the famous singer and his partner David Furnish a second baby. The couple have been inseparable for twelve years. In 2010, the son of Zachariah Jackson Levon appeared in the family. Elton John has repeatedly said that he dreams that his child has a sister or brother. The other day, this dream has come true.

The surrogate mother of the second baby was a woman who, according to the couple’s close friends, they love as a sister. Unfortunately, the media do not yet have more detailed information; the gender of the newborn is also unknown. According to the New York Post, the singer said that the surrogate mother received an impressive monetary reward, but her name will not be known to the general public. The 65-year-old pop star says she loves children. “I am sure that the birth of a child changes everything in life. This is the most exciting and great thing in the world. ”

Before touring in Australia, Elton John took care of the second nanny. It is reported that she will be inseparable from the singer’s mansion in Windsor. Recall that the first child of David Furnish and Elton John is two years old. In 2005, after almost twelve years of marriage, the couple tied the knot.
