How probiotics help in the formation of good health


As soon as the balance of the intestinal microflora is disturbed in the body, we face an unpleasant disease called dysbacteriosis. In addition to the daily discomfort, dysbacteriosis is also dangerous because it provokes the development of other serious diseases.

Life in the conditions of megacities (and the countryside is often not far behind them in this aspect) - this is almost always a constant test of your body for strength. Poor ecology, constant stress, which does not allow the nerves to relax, poor-quality water purification using aggressive chemicals, neglect of the norms of rational nutrition - all this beats health very noticeably, but the first awareness of this comes when any diseases have started to develop.

Since we cannot change the place of residence or somehow fundamentally affect the ecology of our region, we can only look for ways to help our health, to protect it as much as possible, minimizing the harmful effects.

But often help turns into additional problems. A resident of a large city is usually treated with antibiotics - a handful of pills in the morning, a couple more in the evening, plus a hot drink for a cold and now you are healthy. Is it healthy? Antibiotics treat one thing, but irreparably destroy the other. In the body, antibiotics destroy absolutely all microorganisms, without choosing the "bad" and "good" ones.

As a result, the natural balance of microflora suffers, the immunity decreases, our own protection weakens. Probiotics will come to the rescue - live lactobacilli that live in the human body, but die under the influence of antibiotics. Fortunately, we can fully replenish their number.

Without probiotics, it is difficult to imagine the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a strong immune system, the production of the proper doses of vitamins required by the body (for example, biotin or folic acid).

Intestinal dysbiosis is the cause of toxic lesions of the body and serious diseases. As soon as their own lactobacilli die or begin to be replaced by pathogenic microflora, the person begins to hurt. The common name for all these problems is dysbacteriosis. Alas, it is almost impossible to obtain the required rate of living lactobacteria from products - it is ridiculous to look for them in store yogurt. Modern pharmaceuticals offer special medications containing millions of beneficial lactobacilli grown artificially from strains taken from healthy people. Actually, probiotics are a synthesis of probiotic bacteria, prebiotics (substances that help them to settle down and gain strength in the body). Another name for this tandem is synbiotic.

Monitoring the state of the intestinal microflora is especially important in the case when a child is ill or an elderly person - they need the support of probiotics like no one else, although they are also vital for people of active age.

You should not be afraid of living lactobacilli, suspecting them of artificial origin and potential harmfulness - this is absolutely not true: these microorganisms are completely safe, needed even for healthy people, do not have any toxic or side effects, are not part of the drugs, but rather belong to the spectrum of promoting a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

Probiotic drugs can be used both for treatment and prophylactic purposes. If you sometimes feel discomfort in the intestines, pain, heartburn, suffer from frequent colds, then probiotics - this is your way to health.


Watch the video: Probiotics Benefits + Myths. Improve Gut Health. Doctor Mike (July 2024).