Shower: the benefits and harm to our body. Useful properties and contraindications of a cold, hot, contrast shower


Shower ... hot, cold, contrast!

There is no person who would be indifferent to this procedure or never used it. It helps relieve fatigue, increase overall body tone and bring health benefits.

Different temperatures affect the human body in different ways. You rethink some facts after reading this article.

Shower: types of water treatments for the benefit of the body

Initially, the shower is a type of water treatment. The latter, in turn, is a complex of hygienic and recreational activities related to the external use of water. These include: medical pool, hydrotherapy baths (mineral, mud, vortex), various thermal waters - baths, as well as a shower.

Water may be cold, hot or hot. The shower is an integral and integral part of a healthy lifestyle, which brings health benefits. Depending on the temperature, the time spent under water may have various advantages. It also matters what kind of water your body and soul prefer, and the result is what kind of shower can benefit your body.

Types of shower:

1) Hot shower (temperature from 40 ° С to 50 ° С, above - burning is possible.) - opens and cleans pores, dilates blood vessels and promotes excretion of toxins.

2) Cold shower - narrows and tightens pores, cleans the surface layer of the epidermis of skin cells.

3) Cold and hot shower - this is a shower of recovery. His concept is simple: “contrast” from hot to cold. The main idea is that you "get" blood with warm water, as the warm temperature will open the blood vessels and cleanse the body. Then switch to cold, which will direct blood inwards to heat and protect internal organs from the cold. After this, the process returns and repeats to warm up and get the blood moving again, etc. The principle of use is very simple. To take a douche with advantage, you must follow the rule of "three in one", that is, hot water should be 3 times more than cold water. It can be 3 minutes of hot showers, followed by 1 minute of cold water, or even 90 seconds of hot water, followed by 30 seconds of cold. This should be repeated 3-4 cycles.

4) One of the varieties of the contrast soul is Charcot's douche. The principle of its operation is that the “shock-type” jet of water acts on a limited area of ​​your body. Temperature contrast is on the threshold of sensitivity from the hottest to the coldest. Due to the specified contrast and achieved the desired therapeutic effect. At the beginning there is a fan jet treatment, and then - specifically for all problem areas. The procedure lasts from 2 to 5 minutes and includes a cycle consisting of 10 times. The health benefits of taking this shower are invaluable.

Shower: what is the benefit for the body?

Cold shower:

1) energizing. This is the primary task, which is that any shower, regardless of temperature, fills our body with life force. Morning "shock", in addition, wake your body.

2) accelerates the metabolism, that is, contributes to the accelerated metabolic process. This affects the process of burning unnecessary calories and getting rid of cellulite.

3) helps to improve breathing and oxygenation of the body. These skills will help you breathe properly and in more serious, exciting moments. Remembering this breathing technique, you can easily master yourself in moments of panic.

4) Strengthens the immune system. If you often suffer from colds and feel that the defensive reactions of your body are weak, start taking a cold shower. The use of hardening has been confirmed in life many years ago. And the judgment that you can fall ill is a myth that has long been dispelled. The main thing is to properly follow the procedure for preparing for this process. Begin by standing under the shower with water at a normal (moderately warm) temperature. Then, bringing the tap to a tolerable level of cold water, first wash your feet, hands, face. Allow your body to acclimatize by getting used to cold water. And only then go under the shower with the whole body. Five seconds is enough for a start. After carefully wipe yourself with a towel with vigorous warming movements. That's all - the first step towards hardening is passed.

5) normalizes blood pressure. This method is not suitable for everyone, so take such a shower carefully so as not to cause harm.

6) improves blood circulation, cleaning it from harmful infections.

7) can stimulate the secretion of norepinephrine in the brain, which is associated with improved mood in disorders and depression.

8) will help with split ends of hair and dry skin. Hot water deprives the hair of protective oils, and hence the natural shine. This does not mean that you should suffer under a cold shower, but use at least warm water to wash your hair. And pamper your scalp by massaging it while washing.

Hot shower:

1) It has a sedative effect. If you are excited and cannot get rid of this feeling, then accept this water treatment. It will increase the level of oxytocin in the blood, which makes people kinder, more tender and gives confidence. Get under the hot stream and let the water flow down your spine. This massage will wash away all your negative emotions.

2) Removes dead skin cells that clog your pores with dust and other toxins. You will immediately notice the effect of using a cleansing scrub in conjunction with water procedures.

3) Take such a shower during a cold (only if there is no high temperature). As practice shows, its one-time long use will clear the mucous membrane of the nose and facilitate breathing. It is a natural decongestant. A few drops of essential oils (such as eucalyptus or juniper) will only enhance this effect.

4) People suffering from migraine, have long noticed that taking a hot shower relieves headache, as it relieves tension in the muscles. With this ailment, send a strong stream of water to your shoulders, neck and back.

Cold and hot shower:

1) Promotes fat burning and weight loss. This fact has long been proven and is used everywhere by modern people.

2) Nerve endings that affect this shower evoke the “hormones of happiness.” Take it if you feel depressed or tired of life. Believe me, this will get you back on track.

3) Take such a shower after exercise or exercise. You will feel how your blood circulation has increased and muscle pain has been relieved.

4) Giving of mental activity. A morning shower will definitely make your brain cells work harder.

5) It helps to increase the level of testosterone in the blood, which is an important factor for elevating mood and self-confidence.

6) Making the skin elastic. A contrast shower stimulates the state of the vessels, alternately: now narrowing them, then expanding them. Already after a month of daily application of water treatments, you will notice that elasticity and softness return to the skin.

Shower: possible harm to health

First of all, I want to note the main rule when taking a shower - do no harm! That is, the enhanced use of water procedures can bring health damage. For example, such:

1) taking a shower every day does more harm than good. Modern dermatologists believe that it is enough to use a bidet every day and then even a two-time bathing a week will be enough to maintain a healthy body cleanliness (in this case, no one talks about the soul after the gym, etc.). Scientific studies show that it will badly affect your skin and health. Frequent bathing can dry the skin and cause irritation on it, washing away good bacteria and even increasing the risk of infection, in case of small cracks in the skin.

2) general contraindications: heart attack (stroke), hypertensive crises, infectious diseases.

3) weakening of the immune system. The risk in this case is possible only with the hypertrophied feeling of “Moidodyr”.

4) skin problems. Hot shower drains skin and hair. Cold water tightens skin and pores. This can lead to premature signs of skin aging, such as discoloration and the appearance of wrinkles.

5) a contrast shower is not recommended for women during the menstrual cycle.

6) unfortunately, chemical and other common chemical disinfectants, in particular, chlorine can have a detrimental effect on the beneficial bacteria of our body.

Contrast shower for children: useful or harmful

Contrast souls are generally invaluable benefits for the body and not only for children. Parents only need to properly present this procedure to their child.

Important: Before starting, visit your pediatrician and ask him about the possibilities and rules for using a contrast shower.

Do not wait for the results instantly; the cumulative effect rule applies here.

An optimistic child who regularly takes a contrast shower enjoys all kinds of weather and does not shake when the temperature drops.

Such hardening will help him not to get sick and avoid seasonal chronic rhinitis.

Introduce such a shower into the life of your child on an ongoing basis, and he will respond to you with his health and success.


Watch the video: Hydrotherapy (June 2024).