Barley baby


What is Barley?

Barley - This is an acute staphylococcal infection of the hair follicle and adjacent glands. It has the same nature as a pimple of any other part of the body, and is caused by normal pyogenic bacteria. Usually, reaching a certain size, barley breaks.

Barley in a child - causes

The most common cause of this infection is the effect on the child's body of Staphylococcus aureus, and, most often, children with a weakened immune system are susceptible to it. Also, inflammation can occur in a child if there are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, worms or diabetes.

Barley in a child - symptoms

This disease can be recognized by swelling at the edge of the eyelid, which gradually becomes larger in size and reddens. The child's eyelid swells up, because of this, the eye slit narrows greatly, and if left untreated, the patient cannot open his eyes at all. As a rule, during such inflammation the child suffers from a headache, his eyelid twitches.

Severe illness or multiple boils may be accompanied by fever. If the disease proceeds without complications, then after 3-4 days after the swelling appears, a yellow dot appears on its top, then the barley is opened with the release of pus from it. After this, the child begins to feel better. Extrusion of an abscess is unacceptable, since it is fraught with serious complications up to purulent inflammation of the whole century or even purulent meningitis (inflammation of the meninges).

Barley in a child - treatment

As soon as the first symptoms of the disease are found in the child, the treatment should be started immediately. Of course, it is better if it is prescribed by a doctor after an examination. Drug treatment is the ingestion of sulfonamides in the appropriate age of the child dosage, which in their action are similar to antibiotics. Locally, inflammation can be affected by instillation of eye drops (for example, albucid), or laying ointment with sulfanilamides or antibiotics under the eyelid (the doctor must prescribe it to the child).

During treatment, physiotherapy is very effective. You can use hot lotions on the eyelid, they contribute to the ripening of an abscess and the prevention of infection. However, due to the fact that barley is a serious purulent inflammation, any procedures with it can be done only in consultation with the doctor, you do not need to risk the health of the child, using any folk remedies yourself.

To prevent an infection when opening an abscess does not spread to neighboring follicles, care should be taken that the child does not rub the eyes with his hands and does not touch them with his fingers when the abscess is mature.

In addition to the external, there is also an internal barley, the treatment of which is more complex and most often consists in surgical intervention. This treatment is also applied when the form of outer eye barley is neglected.

The best prevention of this disease is to strengthen the immunity of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in tempering, give it vitamins, ensure proper nutrition and hygiene and maintenance. If re-inflammation occurs, it is necessary to pass a blood test, not only total, but also for sugar.


Watch the video: Healthy Baby Food Recipe - How to Make Barley Cereal Porridge for Baby l 4+ or 6+ months (July 2024).