March 8: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on March 8th.


Holidays March 8

International Women's Day

How many of us do not know about the event of March 8 - International Women's Day ?! But few people know the true history of this holiday. And it all started with American women - residents of New York, who decided to change their position in society and fight for equality with the stronger sex.

March 8, 1857 workers of textile factories in New York gathered for a manifestation. The demands of the indignant women were that the management should provide them with a ten-hour working day, bright and dry rooms, and decent wages. In those days, workers at similar factories received pennies, and worked for wear - 15-17 hours a day. After lengthy strikes, women managed to achieve a shorter working day. The event in 1857 pushed the fairer sex to create trade union organizations. In addition, on March 8, 1857, many women held a demonstration in New York who demanded that they be granted suffrage.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Klara Zetkin at the international women's conference proposed to celebrate Women's Day precisely on March 8 - in memory of the events that took place in New York. This holiday was to be a call for all women on Earth to fight for their rights, as well as fully participate in the life and development of their own country, fighting poverty, unemployment and other aspects of the social sphere. For the first time, International Women's Day was celebrated in Germany, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland in 1911. In Russia, “March 8” began to be celebrated only two years later. Since then, the holiday has successfully "taken root" in Russian society.

Vijaya Akadashi

In India, everyone knows the history of the Ramayana. She tells of the divine, pure love of Sita and Rama. The Pushkin work "Ruslan and Lyudmila" was created based on the Ramayana, the story of which tells us about the following:

Once, Rama's lover, Sita, was abducted. Rama rushed in search of her. On the road, he met a dying Jatai. Wounded, he told the young man that he was trying to save the girl, but as a result received mortal wounds. However, fading away before Rama’s eyes, he managed to tell - Situ was kidnapped by the villain Ravana. The lover did not become inactive. Gathering an army of bears and monkeys, Rama went to the shores of the Indian Ocean, but the villain was not there. The young man was very upset, and then the Holy One appeared to him, who spoke of the great fasting, which would help defeat even the most fierce enemy. Rama acted according to the instructions of the saint, eventually defeated Ravana and his army.

Since then, it is believed that everyone who observes a great fast - Vijaya Ekadashi - will follow the path of life as an eternal winner. The power of fasting, according to legend, is capable of destroying even the lowest and most insidious sins.

March 8 in the folk calendar

Polikarpov day

On March 8, people remember St. Polycarp, a disciple of the Apostle John, known as the Bishop of Smyrna. In Russia on this day, unmarried girls decided to tidy up elegant sundresses in chests until the end of spring. People believed that this would soon help them find family happiness. And so as not to waste time in vain, young girls were lured into the house of the suitors by means of a sentence. To do this, they needed to go out into the courtyard and, turning on one heel in front of the moon, said: “It’s been a month, I’m curling the grooms near me, as I’m curling in front of you,” or whispering from the porch into the hut, whisper: “I urge to the house of young youths, not thieves. Come grooms from other people's yards. "

Particular attention on this day was paid to the magpie bird - a symbol of mystery and unpredictability. It was believed that if forty flies around the yard, then guests will not visit this house for a long time, and an unmarried girl living in it will not marry for a long time. If forty inadvertently flies under the roof, then be a strong snowstorm in the coming days.

Historical events of March 8

March 8, 1887 - Everett Horton, a resident of Connecticut, received a patent for a telescopic fishing rod. Folding gear was made of metal. In those days, the state was "famous" for its Puritan views, and all kinds of entertainment, including fishing, were suppressed by the authorities. However, this fact did not stop the inventor, and he invented a construction of metal tubes stacked on top of each other for fishing.

March 8, 1910 - The Frenchwoman became the first female pilot. Elise de Laroche - that was the name of the heroine who realized her childhood dream and became a pilot. She completed the examination flight with honors, thereby earning a license to operate an airplane.

March 8, 1932 - In Leningrad, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was destroyed, which was located on the Neva embankment in the area of ​​the Novoadmiralteysky Canal.

March 8, 1952 - American doctors first tested the artificial heart apparatus. An hour and a half equipment supported the life of one of the patients, while medical personnel, led by 9 doctors of various specializations, tried to detect and stop the severe pathology of a living heart.

March 8, 1968 - In the Pacific, a Soviet diesel missile submarine K-129 collided with an unknown submarine. The accident killed ninety-eight crew members.

March 8, 1987 - For the first time in the concert hall "Eaglet" was a show of the collection of Valentin Yudashkin. 150 of his best models were presented for viewing, and, two years later, the Vali-Fashion company was founded, which soon degenerated into the V. Yudashkin Fashion House.

March 8, 1988 - In the United States, a series of screenwriters went on strike. They demanded a salary increase. As a result, even the most popular series of the time, such as Dallas and Dynasty, were in jeopardy.

Born on March 8

- Yuri Rytkheu (1930-2008) - Russian and Chukchi writer. He was fluent in both languages ​​and wrote, respectively, as well. Most of the writer's works were connected with the life of his people - the Chukchi.

- Alexander Rowe (1906-1973) - a brilliant film director, director of children's films and fairy tales. In his arsenal there are productions of such famous films as "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Frost", "Kashchei the Immortal", "fire, water and copper pipes ..." and many others.

- Sergey Nikitin (1944) - an outstanding composer and talented singer. Sergey began speaking as a student at Moscow University, where he gathered his first team at the Faculty of Physics. There he met his future wife Tatyana, with whom he repeatedly performed a duet. Many of his compositions, written in poetry, have gained popularity and are performed to this day.

- Alexey Mishin (1941) - famous skater, figure skating coach, honored master of sports. In 1994, he received the Order of Friendship of Peoples for outstanding achievements at the 17th Winter Olympics.

- Evgeny Matveev (1922-2003) - Director, actor, screenwriter. His first acting experience was working in the Maly Theater, where he successfully fit into the team and performed several roles. But fame brought him participation in films since 1955. The history of cinematography has included many of his films ("Fate", "Earthly Love", "Emelyan Pugachev", etc.).

Birthday March 8

“Angel Day” on March 8 will be able to celebrate the owners of the names: Antonin, Alexei, Alexander, Antonina, Filemon, Domian, Clement, Ivan, Mikhail, Lazar, Polycarp, Nikolai, Sergey.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).