Women go to a psychologist for the salvation of marriage, men for sex


How do men and women relate to conversations with family psychotherapists? Differently, scientists say. And they say during a conversation with psychologists, too, about different things. Researchers have carefully studied the data on numerous conversations of married couples, who turned to professional psychologists for help. It turns out that men, as a rule, do not even notice obvious signs that family relations are crumbling. This is one of the reasons why they do not want to go to psychologists and pull them "to the last." Another reason - for some representatives of the stronger sex, such consultations are generally a sign of weakness.

When the family ship goes to the bottom, and the spouses still come to the service of psychological assistance, they pursue different goals. Men want one thing - more good sex (yes, men are really interested in only one question in life). Women crave complete understanding with their halves. They are concerned about family problems and their solutions. Representatives of the weaker sex are struggling to save the marriage, analyzing both its weaknesses and strengths. Men in conversations with psychologists are more practical. What they want to improve in the first place is the sex life.

And one more difference. Women usually want to understand the causes of family problems, and men are waiting for quick recipes like: tell me what to do to fix it?

And what do we have in the end? Relentless statistics says: when it comes to divorce, more often the victims of suicide are the representatives of the stronger sex.


Watch the video: 5 LIES Christians Believe About Sex, Dating & Marriage! (July 2024).