Carrot juice, its beneficial properties and calorie content. To whom the drink is useful, and for whom it is dangerous. Can carrot juice be given to children?


Bright orange color - a symbol of the sun, summer and carrots.

Crisp root vegetable has been familiar to us since childhood.

This vegetable can be consumed in any form: raw, stewed, fried, boiled, grated, made juice from it.

Carrot juice: composition, calories, as used

Squeezed from carrots juice can be considered a vitamin cocktail. He is advised to drink to people at any age. Carrot juice is absorbed by the body several times faster than a raw vegetable. Its beneficial properties are equivalent to pomegranate juice. The composition of the drink includes concentrated vitamins: C, E, K, B, D, minerals: copper, selenium, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, zinc, aluminum, phosphorus.

In terms of beta-carotene content, carrot juice comes first among vegetable smoothies and fruit juices. Pro-vitamin is necessary for visual acuity, strengthens the immune system, supports healthy bones and teeth, normalizes the thyroid gland.

• Carrot juice is good for the elderly. It cleanses the body of accumulated toxins that enter along with medications, alcohol, drinks and food, equipped with additives labeled "E".

• A healthy carrot drink normalizes blood pressure, improves blood composition, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and circulatory system.

• Carrot juice can strengthen the nervous system. One glass of the drink improves well-being in stressful situations.

Per 100 g of juice, calorie content is 28 kcal, proteins 1.1 g, fats 0.1 g, carbohydrates 6.4 g.

The use of carrot juice is diverse. First of all, it is rich in carotene, which activates the production of melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation. Beauticians often recommend drinking one glass of juice 20 minutes before a tanning session. The best thing add milk to carrot juice or cream, a drop of olive oil, so vitamins are absorbed faster.

For therapeutic nutrition, carrot juice is used as an aperitif. A small amount of carrot drink before eating improves appetite, stimulates the production of digestive juices.

In folk medicine, carrot juice is used to strengthen immunity, prevention, and also the treatment of various diseases.

If carrot juice mix with other vegetable or fruit juice, then you can increase its effectiveness. A cocktail of 2 tablespoons of spinach juice and one glass of carrot juice will improve brain activity. In addition, such a vitamin drink gently affects the intestinal wall, helps to cope with constipation, calms the nervous system, and improves sleep quality.

Juice from carrots can be mixed with beet or berry juice, such a healthy drink will enrich the body with vitamin C, improve the digestive system. It will also protect the body from vitamin deficiency, make the complexion healthy, add strength, and improve mood.

Juice will not lose its beneficial properties when frozen. To do this, freshly squeezed juice is poured into molds and cleaned in the freezer. If necessary, it can be thawed at room temperature.

Carrot juice: what are the benefits for the body?

Carrot juice is of great benefit to the body. It can be considered a vitamin complex, an energy producer. It enhances immunity, replenishes the body with useful substances during the spring vitamin deficiency. In ancient times, carrot juice was applied to wounds, burns and sores, as it promotes the healing of damaged skin.

• Carotene, which is rich in carrots, has antioxidant properties. It is able to stop the aging of body cells.

• Vitamin A is essential for night blindness. The ailment is provoked by a lack of this vitamin. As a result, a person’s vision deteriorates in dim light or at dusk.

• Vitamin E, which is rich in orange root crops, improves reproductive function.

• In addition, vitamin E prevents the formation of cancer cells.

• Carrot juice needed pregnant women and nursing mothers. A healthy drink enriches the body with pregnant calcium, minimizes the risk of postpartum sepsis. Regular consumption of carrot juice during lactation leads to an increase in the quality of milk. Useful microelements contained in carrot juice are completely absorbed by the body, and in synthetic form only by 5%.

• Best carrot juice drink on an empty stomach around 9 a.m., since all useful substances are well absorbed at this particular time. In addition, such a vitamin drink will energize, enhance mood.

Carrot juice: what are the health risks?

No matter how useful carrot juice, it can be harmful to the body if you drink it in large volumes.

• Excessive consumption of juice can cause yellowing of the skin.

• In case of gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, colitis, carrot juice should not be drunk.

• In patients with diabetes, carrot juice causes an increase in the glycemic index, so it can be drunk only in small quantities and infrequently.

• An excess of vitamins, which can lead to the use of carrot juice in large quantities, provokes the occurrence of a headache. The likelihood of an increase in body temperature also appears.

To supply the body with vital vitamins and minerals, you need to diversify your diet every day by drinking any freshly squeezed juice.

Carrot Juice for Kids: Healthy or Bad

There is almost no allergy to carrots. Children love her very much for their sweet taste, juiciness and the ability to crunch. The beneficial properties of carrot juice have a beneficial effect on the body of a child, even infants.

• Carrot juice in its composition contains a large amount of pectin and dietary fiber. Since the juice is able to activate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestine, it is necessary for babies suffering from constipation.

• Also, freshly squeezed juice from carrots is recommended for combating skin pathologies.

• Drunk juice on an empty stomach causes increased secretion of bile, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

• Carotene in carrot juice affects the growth rate of the baby, the condition of his skin, mucous membranes, and the quality of vision.

• If the baby is lubricated with carrot juice in the oral cavity, then you can quickly rid it of thrush.

• Breasts can be given carrot juice up to 2-3 teaspoons from 6 months of age if they had previously been fed with other juices.

• If in the first months of life the baby has constipation for about 2-3 days, then it is recommended to give a few drops of juice from carrots.

• Children under three years of carrot juice need only 2-3 tablespoons per day. From the age of 4 to 6, you can give a quarter cup.

Since vitamin A, contained in carrot juice, is rapidly oxidized in air and loses its biological value, it is recommended to give freshly prepared juice. It is best to dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2, since the juice in its pure form can lead to increased gas formation or heaviness in the stomach.

Easy carrot juice cook at home without the help of a juicer or blender.

• Rinse several medium root vegetables thoroughly, remove the top layer of carrots with a knife.

• Soak it in water for about two hours.

• Grate.

• Put in a clean gauze and squeeze juice.

Highly often a runny nose occurs in children. Many parents do not want to resort to drugs, as they can be addictive, weaken the immune system, and provoke allergic reactions. In this case, carrot juice will help. A few drops of freshly squeezed carrot juice soften the mucous membrane in the nose, will have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To do this, the baby's nasal passages need to be washed with warm water with a small amount of salt. Breasts 4 drops in each nasal passage, for children after a year, one pipette. The baby's head needs to be tilted to one side. After washing, instill 4 drops of carrot juice every 4 hours. For crumbs up to 6 months, it is recommended to dilute the juice with warm water.

If the child does not like the taste of carrot juice, you can add apple or orange juice to it. Such a crumb vitamin cocktail will be to your taste, it will help to cope with colds, increase immunity.

The most useful carrot juice can be obtained from root vegetables harvested in the summer. At this time, carrots are full of vitamins, foreign substances have not yet accumulated in it. Vegetables stored in winter gradually lose their beneficial properties.

Do not buy carrot juice in the store. Since juice packaged in cans and boxes in rare cases preserves the vitamins and minerals that are written on the label. But there are plenty of preservatives and other undesirable substances in such juice. Much healthier carrot juice prepared by the hostess at home.


Watch the video: This is What Drinking Carrot Juice Everyday Can Do for You - Carrot Juice Benefits (July 2024).