Spaghetti with meat - Italian pasta in the Russian way! Spaghetti recipes with meat and cheese, mushrooms, cream, tomatoes


Spaghetti with meat is far from pasta in a fleet style.

Everything is much more interesting!

The dish is very rich, beautiful, suggests the presence of aromatic additives and sauces that set the taste.

Long products are especially loved by children, and even fastidious eaters will gladly taste amazing pasta.

But what is the best way to combine spaghetti with meat and how can they be cooked?

Spaghetti with meat - the general principles of cooking

To taste the dish, we use only spaghetti from durum wheat. They are boiled separately from other products and the water is drained. Durum wheat products usually do not require washing. But if they are digested a little or just turned out sticky, it is better to rinse with water. The cooking time is usually indicated on the package, but it is wiser to follow the process.

Three basic rules of cooking:

1. Only products are put into boiling and salted water.

2. Liquid should be 10 times more than spaghetti.

3. No need to mix too often, especially in the second part of cooking, so as not to damage the pasta.

Meat before combining with spaghetti is boiled, fried or stewed. It is used in pieces or in the form of minced meat. The dish is often combined with all sorts of sauces, dressings, vegetables, mushrooms and other ingredients that also require heat treatment.

Dishes of spaghetti with meat are prepared not only on the stove, but also baked in the oven. Most often with cheese, which perfectly emphasizes the taste of basic products.

Recipe 1: Spaghetti with Meat in Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce is a banal spaghetti supplement with meat, but only if it is not prepared according to this recipe. Gravy turns rich, with a subtle aroma and perfectly emphasize the taste of the main products.


• 0.3-0.4 kg of meat;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 onion;

• 1 spoon of tomato paste;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 400 grams of spaghetti;

• 50 ml of white wine;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• 3 spoons of butter;

• 70 grams of cheese.

From the spices you will need: salt, sugar, oregano, pepper, bay leaf and herbs for serving.


1. Wash the meat, twist through a meat grinder and lightly fry in a frying pan with a spoon of butter. Then we shift to the bowl.

2. Cut the onion, fry until transparent in the same pan, adding a little more oil.

3. Cut the pepper into cubes, finely chop the garlic and send to the onion, fry the vegetables together for 2 minutes.

4. Add wine and simmer on low heat for a minute.

5. Add tomato paste and grated tomatoes, freed from the skin. Boil the sauce for a few minutes, add salt with sugar, oregano and other spices.

6. Spread stuffing. If it turned out thick, then you can pour in some water. Focus on your preferences.

7. Rub cheese and put in a dish, cover and turn off in a minute.

8. Boil spaghetti in salted water according to the instructions.

9. Spread pasta on a plate, top flavored sauce, greens and you're done!

Recipe 2: Spaghetti with Meat and Mushrooms

A hearty meal for a family feast in which meat is put in slices. Spaghetti use any, like mushrooms. In the recipe, ordinary mushrooms.


• 0.3 kg of beef;

• 0.2 kg of champignons;

• 0.25 kg spaghetti;

• 2 bulbs;

• oil, spices;

• 100 ml of cream;

• 1 sweet pepper.


1. Wash the beef, cut into pieces and fry on high heat until whitening. Then we cover the lid, reduce the fire to the very minimum and simmer for 40 minutes. If necessary, add a little boiling water, although the meat itself should provide juice.

2. Shred the onion half rings, fry for half a minute in another frying pan.

3. Cut the champignon plate and also put in the pan. Fry with onions. If necessary, add more oil.

4. Add chopped peppers to mushrooms, cook until soft.

5. Combine the meat with mushrooms and vegetables, mix.

6. Now pour in the cream, put the spices, simmer for 10 minutes and turn off.

7. Serve with boiled spaghetti, decorate with green sprigs of parsley.

Recipe 3: Spaghetti with Italian Parmesan and Meat

Italian spaghetti dish with yas and parmesan, which is very similar to the famous carbonara. You can use another cheese, but better than a solid variety.


• 200 grams of meat;

• 80 grams of parmesan;

• 40 grams of sour cream;

• 2 spoons of wine (better than white);

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• any spices;

• butter;

• 0.3 kg spaghetti.


1. Pour some oil into the pan, put it on the stove.

2. Clean the garlic, cut into 4 parts and fry until golden brown, then remove the pieces and discard.

3. Cut the meat into thin slices and fry after garlic.

4. Pour in the wine, put the spices, sour cream, and simmer under the lid until ready.

5. While stewing meat, boil spaghetti.

6. Shifting pasta in the pan.

7. Put the grated Parmesan, quickly mix and immediately lay out on plates. Decorate with a leaf of basil, fresh parsley.

Recipe 4: Spaghetti with meat and cheese from the oven.

For this dish it is better to take fatty meat, for example, pork, lamb tenderloin. Any cheese, but if there is mozzarella, you get a fairy tale!


• 300 g of meat;

• 120 grams of cheese;

• 300 g spaghetti;

• 200 ml of tomato juice;

• 0.5 tsp. oregano and basil;

• egg;

• oil, salt.


1. Boil spaghetti according to the instructions on the package, drain the water.

2. Fry the meat, cut into thin strips, until golden brown.

3. Combine spaghetti with meat, add eggs, spices, herbs, pour in tomato sauce. All mix and salt, shift in a greased form.

4. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown appears on the surface.

Recipe 5: Spaghetti with meat and vegetables.

Option of vegetable spaghetti with meat, very bright and juicy. Beef recipe, but you can also use other meat or poultry fillets.


• 0.3 kg of meat;

• 0.25 kg spaghetti;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 pepper;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 1 onion;

• oil, spices;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Finely cut the beef, can be diced or thin straws. Fry in oil.

2. Add chopped onion rings, cook together.

3. Carrot and pepper, too, turn into straws, send to the meat. Make medium heat and bring vegetables to softness.

4. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut them into slices and throw them to the vegetables. Tomimo under the cover of mine 7.

5. At the end put chopped garlic.

6. Boil pasta, mix with meat and vegetables. Done!

Recipe 6: Baked Spaghetti with Meat and Cherry Tomatoes

Another cooking option is a wonderful pasta dish in the oven. If there are no cherry tomatoes, then ordinary tomatoes can be used, but they are dense and not overripe, so that you can cut the fruits neatly.


• 200 grams of meat;

• 400 grams of spaghetti;

• 1 bunch of green onions;

• 1 bulb onion;

• 70 grams of cheese;

• 2 eggs;

• 10 cherry tomatoes;

• oil, spices.


1. Cook the spaghetti. But not to full readiness. Pasta should not be boiled soft, it is better to let them be slightly undercooked.

2. Beef cut into pieces, fry in butter.

3. As the meat is browned, add the onion half rings. Fry to its transparency.

4. Cherry cut in half, green onions simply chopped.

5. Mix everything together, add eggs, spices and lay out in the form.

6. Fall asleep cheese and bake for 20 minutes.

Recipe 7: Spaghetti with meat in a creamy sauce.

The recipe for a very delicate dish with a creamy aroma. Meat for him can take any, but not very fat. Cream can take any fat, but if you need more sauce, then increase the amount.


• 200 grams of spaghetti;

• 200 grams of meat;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• salt, garlic;

• 250 ml of cream;

• A little dill (can be dry);

• butter.


1. Cook according to the instructions of spaghetti.

2. Melt a piece of butter in a pan.

3. Cut a piece of meat into 2-3 plates. We beat off with a small hammer, but not much, a little bit, so that it would get ready faster and become more tender. Cut the broken off plates into strips, fry almost until tender.

4. Add cream, salt, pepper, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

5. Put chopped garlic. Quantity at its discretion, you can just for the smell or put a few cloves for a pronounced taste.

6. We rub cheese and we send after garlic. We warm the sauce until the cheese is dissolved, put the dill in and out.

7. When serving, place the spaghetti into plates, and the meat on top in a creamy sauce.

Spaghetti with meat - tips and tricks

• To prevent pasta from sticking together, they are usually lubricated. But melting butter is a waste of time and marania dishes. You can simply add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the pan and stir.

• The tomato skin is poorly cooked and remains hard in the dish, so it’s best to remove it. To do this, the tomatoes need to be scalded with boiling water, then hold in cold water.

• To shorten the time of roasting meat, and it did not become dry, the pieces can be slightly beaten off with a hammer. Especially if it's beef. First, a piece is cut into layers of 1 or 2 centimeters, beat off and only then cut into strips or cubes.

• Not sure which spices to add to spaghetti? Put Italian seasonings, Provencal herbs and definitely can not go wrong!

• One of the most common mistakes that hostesses make is washing the pasta with cold water. If you need to rinse spaghetti, then only boiling water. And wise housewives also pour a colander with hot water before filling pasta.

• Did you buy unsuccessful soft wheat spaghetti, they boil soft and do not keep their shape? They do not need to throw away! Just do not cook until tender, only half. And then fry in a pan with butter, meat, vegetables or eggs.


Watch the video: Spaghetti with Sausage and Simple Tomato Sauce Recipe (July 2024).