How to attract money to the house: at home, ancient rituals - to help! Magic works: we attract money to the house


It is possible to ensure prosperity by constant and hard work - everyone knows this.

But sometimes it happens like this: you work, you work, but there is no income ...

In this case, magic and ancient rituals do not help to attract money into the house.

They help only if they sincerely believe in them!

Believe me. And check.

How to attract money to the house: method 1

We attract money to the house at home with an unusual cleaning. It would seem that a routine everyday business can serve as an aid not only for obtaining wealth, but also for a new job, career advancement.

What do you need

To carry out the ritual you will need:

• A handful of copper coins (silver);

• Charged water (you can use holy water);

• Mood for cleaning;

• Clearly setting goals for future changes;

• A bit of creativity.

Conducting a ritual

To perform the ritual is on the growing moon at dawn, having previously cleared the space of trash, unnecessary things. It is worth focusing the attention of the hostesses that it is not necessary to place any objects, even household ones, in the corners of the dwelling. This worsens the energy circulation process and leads to its stagnation.

Stagnant energy can oppress the inhabitants of the premises, even cause physical and psychological diseases. Thus, periodic cleaning of space from unnecessary things will facilitate the acquisition of new and necessary purchases.

At dawn in a pre-cleaned room from rubbish and clogged corners, you must first read the plot on coins, and then on specially prepared water for the ceremony.

The following plot is read on coins three times:

"As the Moon grows, so the Guardian Angel brought me money to the house! So my money grow and be fruitful, do not keep my doorway! Everything is mine, evil is alien to Satan. Angels, Archangels, he keeps my house of adversity, and he comes to get money command! Verily! "

After this, the coins are lowered into the tank with prepared water. It should be so that it was possible to wipe the floor in all rooms of the dwelling. A conspiracy is read three times on the water with coins:

"Like holy water, divine dew and door to door, let the alarm go down, a little black, thought spoiled! So that nothing in the house interferes and the money fills the silver! Grow income like the Moon in growth! Truly."

Further, this water is used for wet cleaning of rooms. It is important to imagine during the ritual how all the negativity really leaves the house and the money supply takes its place. After the cleaning is completed, it would be best for another half hour to mentally imagine the influx of money into the house.

After all the magical manipulations have been completed, pour the charged water under a dry tree, either put the coins in the corners of the dwelling or hide them in a white shawl in a secluded place and store it for one month. Further, they can be used in other money conspiracies.

How it works

The ritual works on the personal strength of the performer, so the speed and volume of the result depend solely on how much faith and effort will be invested in the conduct. Often an improvement in the financial situation is observed after a couple of days.

But do not count on the fact that a treasure or wallet with a million will be found. Often, the forces give the asker the opportunity to earn money and establish himself in the workplace. Using the chances made correctly, a person improves his well-being.

How to attract money to the house. Magic at home: method 2

We attract money to the house with the help of an ancient ritual, which helps to attract the forces of the kind of asking. This method can clear the fate of a person from turmoil and financial losses. You must strictly follow the instructions in order to get the desired result.

What do you need

Will be needed for the ritual:

• The scarf is not black (new, bought without change);

• Green candle, you can take the church;

• Saucer;

• Seven silver coins.

Conducting a ritual

The ritual is best done in the first days after the new moon. At midnight you need to sit in complete silence in a nightgown without buttons at the table. On the table, spread the purchased scarf, put a saucer on it and put coins on the saucer.

You need to light a candle, and leading the clockwise flame over the coins, read the plot seven times:

"As the sun from dusk to dawn rests from the works of the righteous,

So that tongues are evil, eyes slanting beyond my threshold do not look, they did not have my affairs!

As the Month has golden horns and growing, so the waste of the damned will disappear.

So that money from the slave (would) NAME be kept, multiplied and accumulated.

As the moon grows, so does the bondage to the graveyard. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

After reading, the coins should be taken to the intersection and buried with the words: "Damn the board, I'm rich in gold!" Leaving the intersection is not looking back. This fee is given in order for all the barriers to wealth to recede.

The scarf and saucer can be further used to work in other ceremonies. Still wondering how to attract money to the house at home? Then this plot is for you. It has a huge range of effects. You can remake it both for yourself and for the client. You can easily read it to your home without being in it.

How it works

This plot works not only on the personal power of the performer, but also on the power of the moon, which is growing. The maximum effect is achieved on the full moon. With the decline of the moon, the conspiracy will weaken its influence. You can do it every lunar cycle. But no more than once, so that he could correctly earn.

The coins assigned to the intersection allow getting rid of the negative on the monetary sphere in this conspiracy. They are carried that very night. Crossroads on foot. Usually, a couple of days after the ceremony, there is an improvement in the financial situation. Like a stone from your shoulders. To many, it may seem difficult, but in fact, having tried it once and feeling the power of it, most will not need to use other conspiracies.

How to attract money to the house: method 3

The mirror love spell of money is a ritual that has been tested by more than one generation. The power of mirrors is famous in many religious traditions. Information can pass through them, spirits can talk about the past and the future. In order to attract money, you can also use mirrors.

What do you need

To carry out the ritual you will need:

• Two small new mirrors;

• Three coins of silver color, the largest size;

• The candle is green.

It is imperative to use mirrors or new ones purchased according to special requirements (observing male and female days, without change), or those that have already been used previously for rituals. Do not use personal mirrors. You can take a candle as a church green, or a simple paraffin green candle.

Conducting a ritual

The ritual should be carried out in the daytime. When holding it at sunset, you need to take a white candle and say the prayer "Our Father" on it. After that, light it first and leave it to burn on the left side of itself throughout the ritual.

Next, you need to place the mirrors opposite each other so that you get a mirror corridor. Coins will be reflected in it. They are laid out in the middle between the mirrors, there is also a green candle. The candle is lit with the words: “As the flame burns, so the Lord tells me to come to me, as this candle burns out, so the anxieties and barriers recede from me.”

It is necessary to make sure before the ritual itself that the candle flame and all the coins are reflected in the mirror corridor. Then you can sit back and read the plot forty times:

"As silver was reflected in the mirror, so that it would not disappear from the slave (ba) NAME!

Sticky to hands, sticky to bins. To the joy of him and the anger of the enemies.

As the moon grows, filling the sky with itself. So, the slave (ba) NAME would have opened a white stripe.

Money sparkles with silver, wealth shouts in the corridor!

Go money on the fire of a candle, everything in my wallet is tight from bills to trifles!

Guardian angels, soul guides, wealth and goodness lead me to you! Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!"

After the last reading of the conspiracy, the candle must be extinguished and its cinder brought to the church on the same day so that it is lit in the service. When the service will be corrected, you must say three times: "Just as a prayer for the health of the Lord is read three times, so money comes into my bins! Truly!"

It is worth noting separately the nuances of work. This plot can be read both by the owner of the house, and by himself personally, if there is a need to attract money to the house, but there is simply no possibility in it at this moment in time.

What to do with mirrors? They must be immediately laid down after completion of work and no longer admire their reflection in them, unless another conspiracy requires it. Money must be carried with you.

You can sew a coin into clothes, you can put them in your wallet. The most important thing is to clearly and correctly perform the ritual. Anyone who does not take the candle to the church - may incur the disfavor of higher powers. If the candle burns out during the ritual before its completion, then the next candle is lit and the plot continues to be read.

You need to know the plot for memory so as not to get confused while reading. It is also worth preparing well for the ritual. Tune in to financial well-being and spend it with complete confidence and set out for a positive result.

How it works

This ritual is ideal for answering the question: "How to attract money to the house at home?". He has tremendous power and is able to radically change events in the life of a performer. The effect of the ritual can hold several moon cycles. Practitioners recommend faking it regularly. This is a simple and relatively quick way to attract money to your home at home. Together with money, peace and personal happiness will come to the house.

These are just some of the successful rituals to bring wealth into your home. Check their effectiveness! And remember: never tell anyone anywhere and don’t think negatively, “I will never have money”, “I was a beggar, a beggar and will die”, remember - thoughts are material, so boldly declare to the whole world - I am rich, very rich man ... and so be it.


Watch the video: 9 Ancient Tricks to Attract Money, Luck and Success, health and house (July 2024).