Worms - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Worms (helminths) are parasitic worms and their larvae. Their habitat is organisms of humans, animals or plants. This is a fairly common disease, since every second person suffers from it every year. Various types of parasites cause diseases such as ascariasis, hookworm or trichocephalosis in humans.

Most of the population does not even suspect the presence of worms in their body. The causes of helminths entering the human body comes from the external environment. They have their own breeding cycle to preserve the species. In the process of reproduction, helminths leave one organism and. getting into the environment, they find a new owner.

In the existence of helminths, a carrier plays a very important role. With its help, there are two options for moving parasites: mechanical - this is when the parasite does not go through all stages of development, but only moves over distances (as an example, on the body or mucous membrane of animals); specific - the parasite develops at one stage in the intermediate organism and moves to the final one (for example, from person to animal).

Worms (worms) can be infected by contact with the carrier of the pathogen through the skin and mucous membranes. In this way, the hookworm enters the body. Larvae of parasites can be stored in a protective shell for up to 3 years, well tolerating temperature fluctuations and UV. They enter the body through food and water through the absorption of these products.

In the human intestines, a female roundworm lays approximately 2,000,000 eggs every day. They are excreted along with feces. Under favorable conditions, a larva begins to develop in this egg, which is released from the cocoon by the action of digestive juices. It invades the blood vessels of the intestines and feeds on it. When it enters the circulatory system, the larva enters various organs of the body and actively begins to grow only in the capillaries of the lungs. Symptoms that are manifested during the life of helminths are a cough that causes a larva that grows in the bronchi. When coughing and swallowing, a person provokes the entry of a larva with mucus into the intestine, where it turns into an adult. By this method, a person infects himself.

Worms - treatment and prevention

Prevention of helminthiasis (helminth infection) is an elementary hygiene content. This concept includes washing hands before eating, washing vegetables and fruits when consumed raw. To prevent the ingestion of helminths, the body is not recommended to drink raw water, only in boiled form. All products of animal origin, whether it is the meat of fish or another animal, must be thermally processed. It is also better to avoid swimming in ponds that are located near pastures and watering places.

For the treatment of worms, you need to contact a therapist or parasitologist. Some types of helminths are difficult to determine and they are easily confused with cancer. (alveococcosis). A disease like echinococcus can only be cured surgically. And sometimes the parasites that have settled in the body are so inaccessible that they do not even respond to medical treatment, as there will be infection with thousands of larvae.

Full medical treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor, since you need to find out the causative agent of this disease. The main drug often prescribed to patients is Vermox, with helminthiasis.

Diagnosis can not always detect some types of helminths, through scraping. Since this laboratory analysis is taken during the day, and such a type of helminths as pinworms lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and they can only be determined by the developed antibodies in the blood. To date, the most effective way to detect helminths is a vegetative resonance test developed by a German doctor H. Schimmel. This method allows you to detect the activity of helminths at any stage of development. It is painless and shows results in a small amount of time.


Watch the video: Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of Parasites in Your Body (May 2024).