Mycoplasma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Mycoplasma It is the smallest bacteria that can live, both in plants and in the body of animals and humans. As for man, 16 different types of microplasma live in his body. Of these, 10 species are in the mouth and throat, and the remaining 6 are on the genitals and urinary tract.

Mycoplasma - causes

In most cases, infection is carried out sexually. Only occasionally can a person become infected through the household. During this disease, men are affected by the testicles, family vesicles, bladder, paraurethral passages and more. As for women, they are affected by the urethra, vagina, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vestibular glands.

Mycoplasma - symptoms

With this disease, men and women may experience certain symptoms. In women, mycoplasma can manifest as pain in the middle or at the end of the menstrual cycle. A brown spot may also be observed before and after menstruation. Among the symptoms can be noted intermenstrual blood flow.

If a person observes a vomiting fluid discharge in the genital area, which in their appearance is somewhat reminiscent of whey, then this is another symptom of a disease such as mycoplasma. Various skin rashes, a large tendency to colds, itching of the external genital organs, pain in the liver area that are in no way associated with cholecystitis - all these are symptoms of mycoplasma.

Mycoplasma - diagnosis

Due to the fact that there are no characteristic signs directly for mycoplasmosis, while the size of the microorganisms does not provide the opportunity to see them using microscopy, the diagnosis of this disease is carried out exclusively using various laboratory tests, which, in turn, are quite complicated. To date, the most important methods for diagnosing microplasma can be considered the method of immunofluorescence, the study of specific bodies using the method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, as well as DNA diagnostics and unit investment funds.

Mycoplasma - treatment

Mycoplasmosis, like other sexually transmitted infections, is difficult to treat. However, despite this, somewhere in 95% of cases, the treatment of the disease gives a positive result and leads to a complete recovery of the patient. One of the most effective treatments is the use of antibiotics.

It should be noted that not all modern drugs are effective. The complexity of the treatment of mycoplasma is characterized by the peculiarity of the infection itself: it does not have a cell membrane. And most antibiotics act on protein elements.

Therefore, it is highly recommended in this case to consult a doctor who will prescribe the most appropriate course of treatment. As for the self-treatment of mycoplasma, it will not only not give a positive result, but can also significantly damage human health.

Since the human body is not immune to this infection, usually treatment is implied immediately in both sexual partners. In this case, treatment must be prescribed individually. After the patient has undergone a course of therapy, it will be necessary to retake all the tests. Thanks to this approach, the study will show how effective the treatment was, on the basis of which it can be ascertained that the patient has recovered.

As for the prevention of mycoplasma, it should proceed from the current views of epidemiology, as well as the etiology of the disease in question. Prevention methods are the same as in the case of other infections that are transmitted sexually.


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