We select effective methods: how to get rid of freckles on the face. Getting rid of freckles on your face: step-by-step instructions


Freckles are not in vain called cute sun marks.

After all, the appearance of these spots on the face is closely related to exposure to ultraviolet rays.

But no matter how many poets try to sing the unusual beauty of sunspots, the owners of freckles are not delighted with this gift of nature and try to get rid of it by any means.

Freckles: reasons

Freckles are aesthetic features of some people. Scientists are trying to find a connection between the appearance of freckles and heredity, but the genes that are responsible for this unusual phenomenon are still not fully understood.

The first freckles can begin to appear in childhood, and every year their number can increase. Having passed the 30-year milestone, we can count on a gradual decrease in the number of ephelids, as freckles are called in medical practice. With age, such spots not only decrease in number, but also lose their bright color. Later they can completely disappear.

The appearance of freckles is closely associated with a violation of pigmentation. In people with thin skin, freckles are much more common, because the amount of melanin in them is significantly reduced. In addition, the melanocytes that are responsible for the synthesis of pigment are distributed rather unevenly on the skin. Therefore, under the influence of sunlight on such skin freckles begin to appear instead of the usual tan.

Most often, this process is activated with the advent of spring, and freckles do not disappear until the moment when the sun ceases to warm strongly.

However, if the appearance of freckles is not related to seasonality or an age factor, you should think about health problems.

The unexplained appearance of freckles can be closely related:

• with pathologies of the liver or biliary tract;

• with hormonal problems;

• endocrine disorders;

• metabolic disturbances or vitamin deficiency;

• pregnancy;

• problems of a vegetative nature;

• with stressful situations;

• chemical or radioactive damage.

In such cases, getting rid of freckles with the help of improvised or cosmetic products will be very problematic, since the problem will have to be solved using therapeutic methods of treatment.

How to get rid of freckles on your face: pharmacy

If you are sure that the appearance of freckles is not provoked by negative malfunctions in the body, you can try to make them less noticeable.

For these purposes, it is advisable to use pharmacy and cosmetics. First of all, cleansing scrubs help fight freckles. It is better to use a chemical peeling containing lactic or fruit acid.

There are many whitening creams, but those that contain glycolic or koic acid, as well as citrus extracts and vitamin C, will help in the fight against freckles.

Excessive increase in cosmetic acids may show the opposite effect, disrupting skin pigmentation.

To protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, sunscreen will help. But it should be borne in mind that they are not able to affect the photosensitivity of the skin. Therefore, their effect is limited to the period of direct application.

With a predisposition to the appearance of seasonal freckles, it is useful to add dietary supplements to your diet that contain retinol. However, this method requires some patience and will not help get rid of freckles promptly.

How to get rid of freckles on your face: folk remedies

If the question of getting rid of freckles is quite acute, you can try to use folk recipes, among which there are quite effective ones.

1. In the fight against weakly pigmented freckles, cleansing rubbing the skin with juices will help. Cucumber, onion or lemon will help to cope with any pigmentation. Strawberries, currants, parsley, and viburnum mixed with starch will also come to the rescue.

2. For whitening washes, you can use birch sap or sauerkraut juice.

3. You can prepare a whitening homemade lotion of whipped proteins mixed with lemon juice, glycerin and vodka.

4. An effective lotion for whitening freckles can be obtained from horseradish juice diluted with water.

5. For daily washing, use a decoction made from crushed dandelion roots.

6. To whiten freckles, use a lovage, which in crushed form is infused in boiling water.

If you’re trying to find effective ways to get rid of freckles on your face, Use whitening masks, which can be prepared according to the following recipes:

1. Grate the pulp of sweet red pepper and apply for a short period of time on cleansed skin. After removing the mask, use a nourishing cream.

2. A mask prepared from any parts of parsley helps to whiten the skin of a mask. The crushed mixture must be applied to the face for about half an hour.

3. Owners of dark skin will help a mask of carrots. Grated carrots must be applied to the skin of the face for bleaching purposes. Remember that carrots should only be rubbed on a plastic grater.

4. If the skin is oily and porous, you can use a mask made from grated apples with horseradish.

5. You can remove age spots with a pumpkin. To prepare a healing mask, the vegetable needs to be boiled, then chopped and applied to the skin.

How to get rid of freckles on your face: step by step instructions

If spring sunspots did not annoy before and became an unexpected surprise, it is practically not advisable to use common pharmacy, cosmetic or folk remedies of whitening nature. In such cases, it is better to think about the state of health and undergo an examination to find out the causes of unnatural pigmentation on the face.

Women for whom freckles are a gift of nature since childhood can safely begin active cosmetic and preventive actions.

Remember that getting rid of hateful spots with a pair of masks will not work. The skin lightening process is quite long and scrupulous, requiring not only external exposure, but also changes in eating habits. In addition, getting rid of freckles this season does not guarantee their absence in the next.

1. Daily washing with whitening products should be a habit. To do this, you can use both pharmacy and ordinary yogurt or birch sap.

2. Replace your regular daily face tonic with lemon juice, which with dry skin can be diluted with water.

3. Depending on the aggressiveness of the selected bleaching agent in the form of a mask, carry out the procedure once or twice a week.

4. It is advisable to use cleansing scrubs no more often than 1 time per week.

5. But with chemical peeling you need to be especially careful. The frequency of such procedures must be selected depending on the aggressiveness of the composition and type of skin.

If home treatments do not help deal with the problem of freckles, contact a beauty salon, where you will be offered fairly effective ways to remove sunspots.

How to get rid of freckles on your face and prevent their appearance

Skin pigmentation is enhanced with a deficiency of nicotinic and ascorbic acids. Therefore, owners of freckles need, especially in the spring, to saturate their diet with fresh fruits and seasonal vegetables. The menu must contain lemons and blackcurrants, apples and rosehip broth, as well as sauerkraut. Buckwheat, liver and chicken should not be ignored.

To protect your skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, which cause spots on the face, be sure to use sunscreens with a protective factor of at least 30.

Be sure to use sunglasses in warm weather. A hat with fairly wide brim comes in handy. With this accessory, you can not only protect your face from the appearance of freckles, but also successfully emphasize the image.

But with increased solar activity, it is undesirable to be in direct rays.

There are many ways to deal with freckles. But is it worth it to spend so much effort on eliminating such a sweet defect, which is able to give the female face originality and special attractiveness.
