Can I sell a wedding dress or need to be stored? Why do women doubt: is it possible to sell your wedding dress


A wedding dress is the most controversial subject of wardrobe, because so much excitement, emotions, and memories are associated with it!

Another question is what to do with this beautiful, but very voluminous and no longer needed wardrobe item?

Can I sell a wedding dress?

And what will happen if this is done?

Is it possible to sell a wedding dress: folk signs

Our grandmothers believed that selling a wedding dress was by no means impossible. It should be carefully stored and ideally transmitted along the female line from generation to generation. It is not necessary to equip a daughter or granddaughter in the same outfit, but getting rid of it, throwing it away, transferring it into someone else's hands is more expensive. Why?

Popular wisdom is a delicate matter; it is useless to argue. All important moments of life (birth, christening, marriage, farewell to the deceased) were strictly regulated, and special signs and rules were associated with each. A wedding is the main stage in the fate of a woman, hence the special attitude to wedding paraphernalia: dress, veil, gloves, flower bouquets.

It was believed that the wedding dress has a special energy, symbolizes family happiness, a happy marriage. If you get rid of this wardrobe item, you can lose your happiness, change your fate for the worse. Not only to sell, but also to lend, give away just like that, you can’t throw it away. This can lead to the destruction of a happy family life.

Moreover, according to one of superstitions, a purposeful or unintentional spoilage can be imposed on a wedding dress. An evil sorceress who has access to such a valuable item can torment its owner and harm her husband. Another option is to use the dress of the happy newlywed to remove the damage to loneliness from another woman. But this again affects the owner of the wedding attire.

Even a girlfriend or relative who managed to try it on can cause energy to the hostess of the dress (albeit unintentionally). Her envy, anger, resentment will affect family life in the most detrimental way. That's why the clothes from the wedding celebration were hidden away from prying eyes and carefully kept all my life. The question of whether to sell a wedding dress a hundred years ago would have seemed indecent.

Only the transfer of the dress from mother to daughter was favorably received, and even then if the marriage of the parents was happy and long. It was believed that this would strengthen the new union, and the young will live life just as long and happily.

So is it possible to sell a wedding dress?

In fact, all popular superstitions are based on practicality. The wedding dress is sewn of beautiful expensive fabric, which in ancient times was valued very expensive. Not every family could afford to marry a daughter in a new, expensive, outfit. Therefore, the dress inherited from the grandmother was carefully taken out of the chest and reanimated.

If you believe that damage can be made to the wedding dress, then you should not part with it. Psychology is a thing no less subtle than popular superstitions (remember the Bulgakov hero who died of lung sarcoma due to his own suspiciousness). If you hesitate, not daring to get rid of the wedding attire, then you do not need to force yourself: irrational fear, strong negative feelings can affect physical health. That, in fact, is the whole answer to the question of whether it is possible to sell a wedding dress.

More symbolic, by the way, in terms of energy protection is veil. Well, it’s impossible to give it to anyone at all, although today many treat this part just as an indispensable accessory that complements the image. And before a veil, a young girl was symbolically protected from an evil look. Under a snow-white cover, no evil forces were able to spoil her health, ability to become a mother and a good wife. A young bride could remove her veil and expose her face only after the end of the ceremony.

Fatu was stored very carefully, namely she covered sick children and read the prayer. It was believed that the mother's veil contributed to a quick recovery.

Is it possible to sell a wedding dress: modern looks

Girls on women's forums love to ask questions about wedding attire. It is understandable: it is necessary to keep such a miracle somewhere, but where? It takes up a lot of space, and it does not need more, by and large. In addition, the extra penny earned for the sold dress is not at all superfluous in the piggy bank of a young family.

I don’t feel like feeding a moth with unnecessary things either. So yesterday’s brides ask each other whether it is possible to sell a wedding dress, whether there will be trouble. If you reason logically, then following popular beliefs makes sense only if you follow the same way of life. Hand on heart, how many girls marry innocent? How many of them go to Communion, if not every week, then at least once a month? That's it.

The external side of the custom is preserved, but its meaning is most often lost. Therefore, do not suffer so much about the dress. Want to store - store. Want to sell - sell. Another question is whether this can be done. It often happens that you won’t be able to return the money spent, unless you put up for sale some unique robe at a low price. The price of a worn wedding dress is thirty percent of its value.

Many girls prefer to sew or buy a completely new outfit rather than using someone else's. However, according to the same popular beliefs, the bride’s dress should be something “alien”, inherited from a married woman: mother, close friend or relative. Hand-embroidered shawl, ribbon, hairpin.

If you can’t sell the wedding dress, it doesn’t matter. You can store such beauty for your own purposes. For example, to alter it in an evening outfit or holiday dress for a daughter. And you can not touch it at all. Let it lie. And you can use your wedding mascot as a standard of beauty: if you manage to pull it, everything is normal. If somewhere doesn’t converge - it’s time to take it for yourself. In general, to sell or not to sell - each girl must decide for herself.


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