May 5: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays May 5th.


Holidays May 5

International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Not a single category of citizens is left without the “attention” of the world calendar. So for the International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it found its place. According to the world community, this category of people should especially attract the attention of the authorities, but so that they do not feel "strangers among their own." In the Russian Federation (and a number of other states) such people are openly called disabled, while in the West they are called people with disabilities. In fact, the difference is not great. The only thing worth focusing on is that in Russia people with disabilities are one of the vulnerable groups of the population.

Many of them are literally forced to survive, because they receive a meager pension, which does not fit in the framework of proper care for them and the necessary treatment (due to the high cost of modern medications). Annually, about 800 thousand people become disabled in Russia, their total number will soon exceed 14 million. This trouble can overtake everyone, so turning a blind eye to this problem is simply unacceptable!

Orthodox Easter (for 2013)

The bright and joyful event in the Christian world - Easter - is annually celebrated on different dates in the spring months, but always falls on a Sunday - the first Sunday after the first spring full moon. In 2013, the holy holiday is celebrated on May 5. According to the Orthodox canons, services are held in all churches and churches on this day, and upon their completion, priests consecrate painted eggs brought by believers and other attributes of the Easter celebration.

Easter is the most important holiday in Christianity; it is the essence of all faith, which is based on eternal life. If we carefully read the epistles of the apostles and the sermons that are given in their deeds, we will understand that the most important moment in the whole New Testament is the death and resurrection of the Savior. The events described are the basis of the Christian sermon, which is not a doctrine, but simply a story about historical facts. The apostles preached this fact, since they were direct eyewitnesses.

In many countries, Easter is a public holiday. For example, in Bulgaria, Canada, Greece, Germany, citizens officially rest for four days. As for the CIS countries, here the issues of the number of official holidays are decided by the governments of these states. In Russia, in connection with one of the main religious events in the country, an additional day off is not provided.

Day of the diver in Russia

In 2002, by decree of V. Putin, at the numerous requests of diving organizations, a professional holiday in Russia, Diver Day, was established. The very first diving school in the world was founded on May 5, 1882 in Kronstadt on the orders of Alexander the Third. In those days, this school was considered very prestigious, many people in Europe considered it an honor to study in it. To date, the Kronstadt School's successor is the Naval Engineering Institute, transformed in 1998.

May 5 in the folk calendar

Lukin day

On May 5, people remembered the deeds of St. Luke, who was revered as an apostle from seventy, an associate of St. Paul. Luke is the author of one of the Gospels, the first icon painter, as well as the patron of fine art and doctors.

In Russia, there was a belief that in Lukin day all evil spirits reproduce their own kind. Therefore, if the spouses today planned to conceive a child, then they had to visit a forest glade and conduct a ceremony of expelling a witch there, since it was believed that an evil old woman could "put" her child in the womb of the future mother. The same rite was performed by pregnant women. The name of Luke is reflected in agricultural affairs. It is not difficult to guess that the main object of today's work was onions. It was him who was planted that day.

Historical events of May 5

May 5, 1764 - By the decree of Catherine II, the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens was founded in St. Petersburg

The initiator of the founding of the Smolny Institute was Ivan Betskoy, who created it in the likeness of a French institution founded by Madame de Maintenon - the favorite of Louis XIV. The Russian Empress was convinced that the society surrounding the courtyard, including the nobility, was too rude. Pupils of the institute existed in very strict, practically monastic, conditions for nine years. Throughout the study period, girls studied languages, dances, arithmetic, literature, geography, history, literature, economics, needlework, etc. In general, all that contributed to their comprehensive development, including the rules of secular treatment. Pupils from poor families were supported by the state.

May 5, 1821 - Napoleon Bonaparte passed away

In 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte died on the island of St. Helena. Until his last breath, he raved about France and everything connected with it. Bonaparte was seriously ill and anticipated his demise. But, despite this, he never stopped joking about his ailment: "This Waterloo climbed into my gut." Two weeks before his death, an appeal was made from his mouth that his ashes should be laid to rest on the banks of the Seine, within the "walls" of his native state, which he loved and respected.

May 5, 1921 - The world learned about the spirits of "Chanel No. 5"

Coco Chanel, the great reformer of the fashion world, did not like floral scents, comparing it with bourgeois style. She also opposed pungent odors and believed that perfumes should smell like a woman. And the typical manner for that time, strangling profusely made Coco perplexed. At one point, she decided to break all the stereotypes and invent her own unique fragrance. After mixing the main perfume ingredients, Coco poured the raw materials into ten different test tubes, with which she experimented in the future. Having once extended a test tube at number five and having added a little "lily of the valley" to it, Chanel understood that she finally managed to achieve the goal. In 1921, a presentation of her new perfume took place. After it, perfumes became the best-selling in the whole world.

May 5 were born

In 1820 Sergey Soloviev was born. The main business of his life was to create a "History of Russia from ancient times." The last volume was published after Soloviev’s death.

In 1937, Yuri Nazarov was born - Honored Artist of the RSFSR. His filmography is so impressive that the actor himself admitted: "I have already lost count, how many there were ...". Among the most famous are, of course, the “inn on Pyatnitskaya,” “Andrei Rublev,” “An Important Person,” “Adjutant of His Excellency,” “Little Faith,” etc.

In 1818, the first cries were issued by the outstanding German philosopher, sociologist and economist Karl Marx. However, this is an incomplete list of his activities. Marx was a man of dissenting and rather broad views. He had a key influence on the political history of the twentieth century.

Name day 5 may

5th of May is celebrated: Catherine, Angelica, Dmitry, Fedor, Luke, Clement, Vitaly, Plato, Vsevolod, Ignat, Gabriel, Cyril, Ostap, Irina (Irena).


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