Trichomoniasis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Called by vaginal trichomonas. Trichomonads quite often accompany other infections of the genital tract - viruses, chlamydia and gonococci. Non-sexual infection is possible during the movement of the fetus through the birth canal, which is affected by Trichomonas.

Diseases of the genital and other organs contribute to the development of the disease, accompanied by various metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders and decreased immunity. The human body does not develop immunity to Trichomonads, so re-infection is possible.

Given the manifestations and duration of the disease, these forms of trichomoniasis are distinguished:

- chronic (the duration of the disease is about 2 months);
- acute trichomoniasis;
- Trichomonas carriage (absence of obvious manifestations of the disease in the presence of trichomonads in the vaginal contents);

Trichomoniasis - causes

The disease is transmitted sexually from person to person, however, in some cases, infection with trichomoniasis through the household through common hygiene items, in a pool, bath or shared bath is possible. Among the reasons that affect the likelihood of infection are:

- unprotected sex;
- a large number of sexual partners;
- untreated or previously transferred sexually transmitted diseases;
- promiscuous sexual intercourse;

In women, trichomoniasis affects the vagina, cervix, urethra, glands in the genital area (Skin glands and Bartholin glands);

In men, the infection actively develops under the foreskin of the penis or in the urethra;

Trichomoniasis - Symptoms

50% of men and women infected with trichomoniasis have no symptoms. And if they occur, then this usually happens 7-8 days (or even a few months later) after infection. Symptoms of trichomoniasis include:

- copious gray-green or pale yellow vaginal discharge;
- atypical odor (mold or fish);
- irritation or itching in the vagina;
- pain during intercourse;
- pain during urination or frequent urination;
- discomfort felt in the lower abdomen;

In men, the disease is manifested by atypical discharge from the penis, burning during urination, irritation and redness of the tip of the penis.

Trichomoniasis - diagnosis

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis is based on data from a physical examination, patient complaints, and laboratory results. For women, a visual examination of the genitals, cervix and vagina is mandatory in order to detect red spots caused by trichomoniasis. Vaginal discharge is evaluated by color, smell and texture. In men, the penis and a sample of discharge from the urethra are examined.

The most common analyzes for the presence of trichomoniasis in women are a study of a wet anatomical preparation, as well as a microscopic examination of vaginal discharge.

If the diagnosis of Trichomoniasis is made, then it is necessary to be examined for other diseases that are transmitted sexually (syphilis, gonorrhea).

Trichomoniasis - treatment and prevention

In the treatment of trichomoniasis, the following rules must be strictly observed:

- Both sexual partners should undergo treatment;
- sexual life is excluded for the period of treatment;
- Patients with any form of trichomoniasis (including trichomonas carriage) are subject to treatment;

The most effective drugs used for treatment are metronidazole (flagyl, trichopolum), tinidazole (fazijin). Local treatment is carried out with vaginal tablets "Cleon-D" and vaginal suppositories with clotrimazole.

The main preventive measures to prevent trichomoniasis:

- examination and subsequent treatment of patients with trichomoniasis;
- screening for the presence of infection in people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract;
- regular surveys of employees of child care facilities;
- general hygiene measures;


Watch the video: Trichomonas Vaginalis (June 2024).