How to swing the press to remove the stomach. Impossible is possible: how to remove the stomach, pumping the press and following a diet


Despite the fact that only a small number of people have a beautiful figure in our time, absolutely everyone dreams of it.

There are no people who are satisfied with their fullness or vice versa, skinny physique.

Someone in this matter is hindered by laziness, others lack of free time.

It would seem that to remove the stomach, it is enough just to reduce your diet, and the fat will go away over time.

In fact, the way it is, but you are unlikely to be happy with the result.

Sagging skin and stretch marks will appear in place of fat, which is so easy to not get rid of. In this article, we will discuss how to remove a stomach by doing abdominal exercises.

General recommendations on how to clean your stomach with abdominal exercises

This section will be small so as not to go far from the main topic of the article. Without these general recommendations, you will not be able to see progress, even if you regularly carry out a training program for several years. They are just as important as the training itself, so their implementation is rigorous.

First, you must follow a low-carb diet. You will not be able to get rid of fat, along with this again gaining it. Therefore, from the diet it will be necessary to remove everything that does not allow you to see progress - flour, sweet, fatty, carbonated drinks. Their use is certainly permissible, but only in small quantities. And best of all, they are on the days of cardio workouts, to immediately get rid of the calories received.

Secondly worth forget about alcohol. Alcohol in itself is the enemy of our body. Any alcohol is harmful to us, and the main enemy of weight loss is beer. It in itself is a quick carbohydrate drink, and so its negative manifestations do not end there. For beer, you always want to eat something harmful and salty - which will negatively affect your diet.

Take enough time to sleep and avoid stress.. Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes the body to store fat in the body. In order to fight it, you need to get enough sleep and eliminate all stressful factors from your life.

Most common mistakes

For those who are not really familiar with either the gym or sports in general, they will encounter significant difficulties on this issue. In order to properly pump the press, and remove the stomach, you need to know the physiological processes in our body, as well as the anatomy of the body. But we will not go into details much, here we will indicate only the basic mistakes of beginners.

1. Perform a huge amount of exercise. It would seem that the more you do the repetitions of the exercise, the more you strain the muscle, burn more calories, and you can see the press in a couple of days. Alas, this is an absolutely wrong approach. To begin with, the press muscles, like any other muscles in our body, should receive moderate loads. If you do a large number of repetitions, then you only more seriously injure your abs. In addition, most of the press exercises should not be considered as a good cardio load, which will make you burn a lot of calories. You will need to do about 10,000 twists to equalize the number of calories burned with an hour of running. Therefore, if you want to know how to swing the press correctly to remove your stomach - here is the first clue: you never need to exercise too fanatically!

2. Try to burn fat only in the abdomen. What kind of decisions do not come both girls and guys before the start of the beach season. Daily abs workouts, body wraps, abdominal massages, etc. All this is aimed at purposefully getting rid of fat only in the necessary area. Unfortunately, every such attempt is initially doomed to failure. The body in this regard is quite wise, and he tries to maintain the "natural" appearance of the body. If fat is deposited - then evenly throughout the body, if burned - then the same way throughout the body. Therefore, it is necessary to say this - you can not get rid of fat in any way only on the stomach. In order for you to sooner or later be able to see the desired “cubes” instead of fat, while pumping, you need to combine exercises with diet and cardio loads.

3. Another most common mistake among beginners is that they practice irregularly. Perform a set of exercises is necessary not once every couple of weeks, but every other day. Only in this case, the muscles will receive a full load and the necessary incentive for their growth. At the same time as your abdominal muscles grow, your waist will become more slender and toned. But initially you may not even see your muscles - for this you will need to get rid of fat.

Some tips on how to swing the press to clean your stomach

So, we talked about mistakes, now it’s worth moving on to tips. There are certain nuances that can either suspend your progress, or vice versa, accelerate it. If you purposefully decided to take care of yourself and your figure, then you should be prepared to strictly abide by the rules.

1. Training should only be carried out on a hard and level surface. Neither a sofa nor a soft bed are suitable for these purposes. The maximum you can use is a thin, rubberized rug. They are in any gym, and for homework you can buy them in the store. Why do you need to do just that? A soft surface during the exercise will spring under you, which will greatly affect the effectiveness of the exercise. You do not want to waste your time and energy? Do not also engage on the bare floor, because on it you risk damaging your back.

2. Training is best done in the morning. Firstly, in the morning your body is exhausted by an 8-hour lack of food. At this time, he is prone to maximum fat burning. Therefore, it is in the morning that all cardio loads and other workouts for weight loss are carried out. Secondly, on an empty stomach it is much easier to perform exercises. If there is any food in your stomach during any twisting or lifting of the body, you will feel great discomfort that will affect your overall mood for training. In addition, getting up 15-20 minutes earlier and giving this time to training, you will receive a charge of vigor and energy for the whole day.

3. Exercises should be performed at a slow pace. Muscles should be well aware of the load. Those who pump the press in fast mode are hack workers. This method allows you to perform exercises due to inertia, not muscle work. But your goal is not to do exercises for show, but to make them useful. Otherwise, you would not read this article.

4. In addition to the time you devote to training, you should also adopt another very useful trick. It should be kept in mind and carried out constantly - from the very morning, and before you go to bed. Only with this technique you can significantly reduce the volume of the abdomen by a few centimeters in a couple of weeks. What is this incredible technique? Everything is quite simple - you must constantly keep your stomach drawn in and tense. The fact that many people walk with large, convex bellies is not always a problem just fat. In most cases, this happens because the abdominal muscles of the abs lose their tone, and stretch under the pressure of the stomach. If you constantly walk straining your stomach, then soon you will be able to achieve a return to muscle tone, and a significant decrease in waist volume.

5. During the exercise, you will feel a burning sensation in the abdomen. The pain from this feeling sometimes becomes unbearable, which is why people indulge themselves in the form of a reduced number of approaches, or repetitions. We cannot force you to endure pain and do it by force, but this is what we must do. If you give your muscles a break, you lose a significant fraction of the effectiveness of your workout. Muscles should be loaded until the moment when you physically can not perform a repetition. But it’s worth repeating, it’s not about hundreds and thousands of repetitions. Believe me, a correctly performed exercise, even in the amount of 20-25 repetitions, will make you experience a huge range of sensations.

Exercises with which you can remove your stomach and pump up the press

There is a huge variety of different exercises for the abdominal muscles. We tried to single out for you the most effective and useful ones, assembled in one complex.

First, I want to say about two indisputable leaders. These exercises are slightly different from standard press techniques in their relative ease of implementation. Even a novice can easily cope with them.

Exercise # 1 - Vacuum. This exercise was developed by one of America's bodybuilders, who was awarded the title of "Miss Olympia" for the relief of his physique. And his press played a huge role in this. This exercise allows you to achieve a tone of the transverse abdominal muscles, and achieve a flat stomach in the shortest possible time.

The exercise is as follows. Starting position - standing, hands on hips. After that, take a deep breath, completely filling your lungs with air. Then, exhale slowly and in a controlled manner, while maximally drawing in your stomach. Stay in that position. After that, take a slow breath, pulling the stomach inward even more, so that you have a feeling that it is practically touching the spine. Then return to starting position. One such repeat should be from 20 to 30 seconds. This exercise can also be performed while sitting, and lying, and on all fours, however, standing variation is most effective.

Exercise number 2 - bar. Also a very good exercise in order to achieve a flat stomach. Take a supine position. Then, stand in such a position that your body rests on the elbows and toes of the legs. The body should be in a straight line, without any deflection. During this exercise, pull the abdomen and tighten the abdominal muscles. In just a few seconds you can feel the tension of your whole body.

Exercise number 3 - twisting classic. Take a lying position, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. From this position, lift the body up, as if twisting the muscles of the press. The main thing when doing it is that your body curls, and does not rise like a straight line.

Exercise number 4 - bike. Sit on the floor, put your hands behind your head, legs stretched forward and hang above the floor. Then, bring the right leg, bent at the knee, to the body, while touching it with the elbow of the left hand. Then change your arm and leg.

Exercise No. 5 - leg raises. Lying position, legs and arms are on the floor. Lift up to a strictly vertical position, first one leg, then the second. Also, alternately, lay them on the floor and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 6 - stretching legs. Lying position, hands under the belt, legs stretched up and bent at the knees. Stretch your legs forward and up, then return to the starting position.

Exercise number 7 - lateral twisting. Lying position, legs bent at the knees, arms on the floor extended forward. Twist the lateral muscles of the body so that the left hand touches the left toe and vice versa.

In this article, we briefly told you how to pump the press correctly to remove your stomach. But reading by reading, and getting rid of fat in practice is not so easy! Therefore, do not waste time, and now try to put into practice your new knowledge!


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