How to bewitch someone who liked at home? Learning to charm a man who liked


Many women in their lives face the problem of the breakdown of relationships and families.

Sometimes the right young man simply does not pay attention and does not want to enter into a relationship, but the girl’s heart hurts him and she does not know what to do.

At such moments, many have the question of how to bewitch the one who liked (man, guy) at home?

How to bewitch a man at home - the reasons for this need

Today it became possible to talk about the meaning of life and that it is subject to the fate of each individual person. Young girls began to look not just for a profitable partner and pure love, but also for someone who promised them fate itself. It would seem logical, why waste precious time of your life on trifles and stupidity, if you can spend it on meaningful relationships with a young man whom fate has sent?

In fact, you really can’t command the heart, and it knows better what the hostess needs, but few can protect themselves from unrequited love. But what to do when a person is dear and needed, but cold and inaccessible?

Then it’s worth considering how to bewitch the one who liked (man, guy) at home? Many people consider love spells to be a great sin, but people who are initiates know several methods that will allow not only to dull the head of the second half, but also to evoke real feelings and create a strong family.

How to bewitch a guy at home option one

It is not always that a girl has the opportunity to even communicate in an elementary way with someone who is to her liking. Sometimes the object of attention and love is very far away or the connection between him and the girl is friendly. In this case, we can use the method of our ancestors, which has been tested for centuries, which guarantees an almost absolute result that the object of sighing will pay attention and love you with all your heart.

What is necessary for the ceremony? You need to know the name of the object and buy its name icon. Do not forget about yourself, for yourself you also need to purchase a personalized icon and the icon of the Virgin, either the Seven-shot, or the Intercession.

You will also need red, green, yellow church candles, each two. And it’s worth separately to buy two wax church candles. This ritual is more like reducing the fate of people, so you do not need to conduct it over an object whose heart is occupied. This can lead to negative consequences, especially for the girl, because this ritual blesses the couple for a joint future, but what will it be like if the heart is occupied?

The ritual is carried out in the daytime and preferably in the wedding time - at two in the afternoon. The best day will be Tuesday or Thursday. At the indicated time, the girl should put on light clothes without buttons, cover the table with a tablecloth or scarf, put out the candles first, one by one from right to left in the sequence:

• Red;

• Green;

• Yellow.

You should put an icon in front of you, put your photo of your chosen one, and personalized icons under the photo. Next, you need to imagine the future that you would like to find with your chosen one. It is better to devote sufficient time to this moment so that the thought is clearly formed. After that, you need to stretch the wax candles in your palms and slowly twist them with the words:

"Not candles, but souls weave the slave" Name "and the slaves" Name "

I twist for a happy and long life

Went to one road

Under one crown that with one threshold


Next, it’s worthwhile to set fire to the clockwise candles placed in a semicircle and twisted candles after them! When setting fire to a conspiracy, a total of nine times is read to read it:

"By the power of fire, by the spirit of the ancient, I pray

To wind in the heart of the slave "Name" fanned longing

For me, the slave "Name" so that his eyes and soul yearn

So that my legs would only beat my threshold

To the slave "Name" only wanted me and knew

And he called me by name! Verily! "

After the last reading, it’s worth a little more sitting in thoughts about your bright future with your betrothed. Further from the candles placed in a semicircle, second candles of the corresponding color are set on fire. After that, all candles are extinguished with fingers. All that burned during the ceremony should be demolished on the same day in the church and put at the icon of the Virgin Mary together with retired candles and a thank-you speech to the saint.

Those candles that were set on fire from already burning (second) should be stored at home in red cloth and used for rites to call the narrowed one, to call him to your doorstep. The strength of this rite grows gradually and gains a full turn through one lunar cycle. Do not tell anyone about the work done, it is worth keeping a secret.

How to bewitch a man at home simple options

How to bewitch the one who liked (man, guy) at home, if there is simply no opportunity to conduct a full-fledged ceremony? Then it’s worth taking a photo of the chosen one and for two weeks on the growing moon, starting from the new moon before going to bed, read the following plot in the photo and put the photo under your pillow:

"As the moon grows, so the longing of you (Name) for me (Name) burns,

Feet and heart lead to my doorstep

In dreams to you I move, come

Forever from you, how you will not back down from me! Truly

Reading is worth three times and going to bed. This ritual works solely on the power of visualization and the desire of a woman, therefore, it is necessary to lie down before it and imagine how narrowed is yearning, his heart is burning, and as he is in a hurry, he’s coming. After reading it is better not to allow unnecessary thoughts, but just fall asleep.

Usually, the chosen one appears within the first few reads, if the rite did not work immediately - it should be repeated the next full moon.

How to bewitch a guy at home? What do you need to remember?

It is worth remembering the undeniable truth - in order to bewitch a man on his own - you need to sincerely love him, to desire. These are not games - these are ceremonies for uniting people, and if a man is not fond of it, but just wants to get it, then the consequences for you can be sad.

If after the rite comes a feeling of anxiety and is somehow uncomfortable, then it is better to wash your face and hands elbow with holy water with the words "She did good, self-love beckoned, love for me comes, and behind my back God rises! Truly"

If there is any doubt about whether this is actually your person and whether he is needed at all, it is better not to conduct any rites. But if you really want to get a strong and happy family, then the first version of the plot is for you.

The law of silence is very important so that the force put into each word when reading is not dispelled. You should not read the rituals every day, if that is not prescribed in their performance, the more love spells and other rituals on a man - the worse for him and you.

Asking the question "How to bewitch the one who liked (man, guy) at home?" it is worthwhile to understand that the requests go precisely to the higher powers and they decide whether to unite people correctly or not. You can also try an effective method, carried out on the birthday of a man or on the day of his Guardian Angel. To do this, take its name icon and read it twelve times:

"As you are born a slave (Name) on this day, so love for me in your heart arises, in your veins a fire of passion burns and tells you to come to me!" It is also worth visualizing all the events that should ideally occur after. How a man suffers and longs for a meeting, how joyfully he comes and remains. All details are important, they are the key to a positive result.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the fact that the right person came to life and remains, but it is worth remembering that if a man appeared in life and the Forces gave people a chance to be together, then he needs to be appreciated. The man will not become ideal, he will simply become a soul mate, but he will remain the same as he was at the beginning. Therefore, it is worth thinking and deciding many times whether this particular person is needed in life or whether you can endure the desire and feelings will pass, or they do not exist at all. In any case, every union has the right to a chance. Use your chance of happiness wisely and fall into gloom and tears, because you need to fight for your happiness.


Watch the video: Simple Love Spells Without Ingredients (July 2024).