What to do if muscle aches after training? Ways to get rid of muscle pain after prolonged physical activity and training


The question that worries most amateur athletes and beginners in this matter is what to do if muscle sore after training?

Often such people do not need records and big victories.

They choose to play sports for the sake of health and maintaining good external data, so comfort, pleasure and moral unloading are an important point in training.

Muscles hurt after training - normal and pathological

Unpleasant sensations after physical exertion are absolutely natural phenomenon, however, if they are associated with any kind of injury, you should not leave the situation unattended.

Enatural causes of muscle pain after exercise

Uncomfortable sensations may appear already in the process of training, most often the one that causes a particular muscle group to perform the same type of work for a long time. This pain is called by many people a burning sensation, which sensation disappears at the end of the exercise. With a properly selected training program, burning is explained by the inclusion of muscles in the work and does not pose any danger.

On the second, and sometimes the third day, new unpleasant pains appear. This happens in connection with microtrauma of the muscles. Tolerance, not causing particular hardship sensations speak of quality work in training. But if it’s impossible to endure the pain, it is worth revising the intensity of classes and reducing it a little. It is necessary to increase the load smoothly, after the body gets used to the set standards, and the pain ceases to manifest itself so clearly.

These two reasons are a natural physiological process that takes place a few days later and is not dangerous to humans.

When a sharp and sudden pain occurs, it can talk about injuring any human systems.

Particular attention should be paid to the following symptoms:

1. Swelling of the legs

After practicing active sports, swelling of the limbs may appear. The training itself is not the cause of fluid accumulation - it can cause low activity during the day. When the usual way of life cannot be called mobile, high-intensity and infrequent physical activity is strictly prohibited. In this case, preference should be given to moderate strength training.

If during the day a person moves a lot, but the problem with swelling after training still remains, it is likely that water retention is the cause of one of the diseases:

• disruption of the blood vessels;

• joint diseases;

• the presence of excess weight.

2. Joint discomfort

Joint pain is most often visited by those involved in performing heavy loads with multiple repetitions. Repeated exercises lead to the erasure of cartilage, inflammation and pain.

3. A sharp pain during training

Shackling, acute pain can be associated with an untreated injury or the emergence of a new, with the wrong technique of the exercise, incorrectly selected anthropometric parameters of the simulator. In addition, it appears in people who neglect the workout and work with maximum weights.

Any type of pain can not be ignored by specialists and doctors.

Muscles hurt after training: what to do - nutrition and regimen

The recovery period is very important, because training is stress for the body, leading to muscle breaks. The main thing you can do if your muscles hurt after a workout is to follow a nutrition plan and regimen.

In the first half hour after training, a protein-carbohydrate window is activated in the body. At this time, you need to replenish the energy expended, to restore injured muscles. To prevent catabolytic processes, you need to eat food containing a sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates. Since fats inhibit the absorption of other substances, it is not recommended to use them.

If the main goal of training is burning fat, then the first meal should be 2 to 3 hours after physical activity.

To preserve muscle mass, prevent the appearance of severe muscle pain, you can take vitamin supplements such as Omega-3, BCAA, creatine, glutamine and amino acids.

No less important is the sleep regimen - its total duration should be from 8 to 12 hours a day. Only then the muscles will fully recover and the pain will not be so obvious.

Muscles hurt after training: what to do - procedures, external remedies

Treatments that can help relieve muscle pain after a workout include:

1. Massage

Sports massage, as well as other types of massage, supplies oxygen to muscles, increases their performance. It positively affects the joints, restoring their mobility. Massage is used to increase endurance and general physical condition, to disperse blood throughout the body, to combat fatigue and muscle pain.

2. Stretching

Stretching helps to increase muscle elasticity, relax them. It accelerates the process of removing damaged cells from the body, increases the effectiveness of strength training, improves sports performance, increases strength and flexibility. In addition, stretching brings pleasure, allows you to relax and reduce overall stress levels.

3. Sauna

Due to the release of endorphins, the sauna reduces muscle pain, eliminates toxins and toxins, eliminates joint problems and constant fatigue. A systematic visit to a warm room improves microcirculation and removes lactic acid from the muscles. In addition, the sauna is an element of hardening, because the body is forced to switch to work at an unusual temperature for it.

4. The hardening of the body

Such a system of procedures helps the body to better adapt to changes in external conditions. Its result is increased immunity, improved thermoregulation, metabolism and blood circulation, stabilization of blood pressure, increased stamina and performance, normalization of the emotional and psychological side of a person, quick recovery after intense training.

Muscles hurt after training: what to do - procedures, external drugs, medications

In addition to restorative procedures, there are external methods that relieve muscle discomfort - special sprays, soft dosage forms for external use containing capsaicin, methyl salicylate and menthol.

The easiest way to relieve pain is with painkillers. Medical professionals who specialize in sports medicines recommend using drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ascorutin, Tylenol, Supradin.

Nevertheless, you should not get involved in them - medications can significantly affect the process of muscle self-healing.

For beginners, muscle pain is a natural occurrence. The main thing is to be able to distinguish discomfort from the occurrence of microcracks and pain from possible injuries. With proper recovery, a properly selected diet and training regimen, pain will pass over time and will manifest itself only as a result of unusual loads or in case of their amplification.


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