What is the dream of blood


Why is blood dreaming - according to Miller’s dream book

According to Miller’s dream book, a dream about bloodied clothes portends the appearance of enemies whose purpose will be the destruction of your well-begun career. He also advises to be careful when meeting new people. To dream of blood pouring from a wound - to illness or trouble, to see blood on one’s hands - to failure.

Why is blood dreaming - according to Wangi’s dream book

Wang believed that the blood in a dream denotes family ties, retribution, quarrels. Trying to stop the blood pouring from a wound in a dream suggests that you are longing for a deceased loved one. Seeing your clothes stained with blood is a threat to your reputation due to the act of a loved one. If you dream that, while defending yourself, you hit your opponent to the point of blood, and she splashed on you, then you do not need to intervene in the quarrel between close people in order not to get in trouble.

If in a dream you drink pure water from a river, and suddenly it turns into blood, stains your hands, mouth, clothes, then such a dream warns you of a long-standing dangerous curse that lies on your family and the need to ask God for forgiveness for sins their ancestors.

Why is blood dreaming - according to the Mayan dream book

If you bleed in a dream, you will soon have to help a loved one. If you drink blood, it means someone is trying to harm you.

Why is blood dreaming - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus, the blood seen in a dream is to news from relatives. To bleed in a dream - to loneliness and sadness, to shed someone else's blood - to the need to be more proactive. If a person close to you bleeds in a dream, this means that your egoism will lead to a deterioration in relations with someone from your family. In a dream, to see the earth covered in blood - to difficult trials and conflicts.

What is blood dreaming for - according to Loff's dream book

According to Loff, the blood in dreams rarely bodes well. As a rule, she speaks of exhaustion, both physical and emotional. However, to see the enemy’s blood in a dream is to victory.

Also, blood in a dream can be a symbol of life and unity with another person, or sacrifice. According to Loff's dream book, when solving such a dream, it is important to consider whose blood appeared in it, what caused its appearance, and other factors.

Why is blood dreaming - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, blood dreams of an accident; blood from the nose - to loss of money, distress, or to the arrival of relatives.

What is blood dreaming for - according to Hasse's dream book

Clothing with blood stains seen in a dream indicates the machinations of competitors and indicates the need to avoid casual acquaintances. Blood flowing from a wound is a harbinger of illness and other troubles, including business failures. Dreaming bleeding or hands stained with blood promise problems and warns that you need to pay more attention to your health and work.

What is the dream of blood - according to the dream book of Meneghetti

According to Meneghetti's dream book, blood dreams of a wound or physical damage that will be caused by external or internal violence.

Why do I dream of blood - according to Longo's dream book

Traces of blood on the earth, seen in a dream, indicate the need to postpone the decision of important matters and wait out the situation. Blood flowing from the wound, dreams of the emergence of some kind of problem, at first glance simple, but bearing a lot of difficulties. To wash blood from clothes in a dream is the need to think more independently and to stand more firmly on one's opinion. Licking blood in a dream - to an unpleasant incident associated with transport and cars. Such a dream can warn of the need to increase your alertness on the road. To a person who donates blood for analysis in a dream, such a dream bodes many small and annoying useless deeds. As a rule, he talks about the need to learn how to properly plan your time.


Danil 12/08/2016
I dreamed about how I am going to be a lady, and from the legal ear there is a lot of blood, but it’s 150-200 meters. the blood went to hell and I lost consciousness

alexander 08.17.2016
and if they bleed pieces of meat with blood from a wound?

Vladimir 07/07/2016
DISCOVER the Old Testament, the book of Jesus the son of Sirachov, chapter 34 and read, from the first verse about faith in dreams, then on confession, to the temple ...

Julia 03/31/2016
I dreamed that I was standing near the aquarium with one fish (it was very colored), and as if there was half blood, half water, the fish swam in the blood, why was that?

Eljeana 03/14/2016
You are fortunetellers! some silly answers - only Tsvetkov’s is close to the truth.


Watch the video: WHAT IS NEW! Blood Dream Meaning & Interpretation (June 2024).