The child swallowed a coin: what to do? Learn how to help if a child swallows a coin and what is strictly forbidden to do


Young children should always be monitored with particular care, because in their quest to know the world they often endanger their health.

And the habit of pulling small objects into your mouth is just a way to taste and taste them.

Often children spit out inedible objects, but can accidentally swallow something.

That is why, if a child swallows a coin, what parents should definitely know.

The child swallowed a coin: what to do - first steps

Most often, children swallow small foreign objects from the age of one to 3 years. But a child aged less than a year who only learned to crawl can swallow a coin. Around this time, all the kids begin to pull everything in their mouths. Despite the statistics, older children sometimes become patients with foreign objects in the esophagus. They swallow small objects through negligence or for experimental purposes. But this does not reduce the danger that exists.

Often, mothers and fathers find out that their child swallowed something only after finding an object in a pot. Or at a doctor’s appointment with a series of obscure symptoms. But even more often, children swallow coins in front of their parents, who do not have time to prevent this. And one can only hope that the coin will come out on its own and will not cause crumbs harm.

The main thing that parents should determine in this case is the size of the swallowed coin. If this is, say, a penny, then due to its size, it can easily and quickly get out of the baby’s body. Another thing, if its face value is much larger, so a 5 or 10-ruble coin can cause significant harm to the child.

Further, it is important to closely monitor the baby, trying to find out if the coin is stuck in the throat or esophagus. This becomes immediately clear, as the baby begins to suffocate or suffer from a sharp pain in the abdomen. Most often, he may have a sharp increase in body temperature, vomiting or excessive salivation.

If he is calm and continues to lead an active lifestyle, the only thing parents can do is wait. In order for the coins to leave the body faster, you can feed it with foods rich in fiber. It stimulates digestion. But laxatives are better not to use.

The child swallowed a coin what to do if he still began to suffocate? To do this, parents need to know how to provide emergency care. You need to open the baby's mouth and try to find a coin, and then carefully remove it. If the coin is stuck too deep, then you need to click on the root of the tongue and thus cause the child to vomit. You can also put it on your lap belly down and knock on the back. Or hug him from behind and try to press on his stomach with an interval of 4-5 seconds.

If the parents nevertheless called an ambulance, it is important to make it clear to the baby that there is no need to worry. A child aged 3-4 years is much easier to explain what is happening than a one-year-old. Therefore, it is important to make every effort to calm the crumbs and distract from unpleasant sensations.

In no case should you do while waiting for a doctor:

• give your child food or drink;

• if a coin is stuck in the throat, it is forbidden to give bread and other hard foods to push it through;

• use laxatives or an enema to quickly remove the coin;

• You cannot try to “shake out” a foreign object by turning the child upside down.

These actions in no way can help in removing the coin, rather, on the contrary, they can only aggravate the situation. The consequences of this behavior can be very unpleasant, as the actions of the mother can scare the baby or cause him additional discomfort. It is better to call a doctor and try to alleviate the condition of the child.

The child swallowed a coin: what to do - what could be the consequences

The most serious consequence of swallowing a coin can only be problems with the digestive tract or the respiratory tract. In this case, one cannot do without the intervention of a surgeon. But even if the coin is not stuck anywhere and eventually quietly comes out naturally, it can still be harmful.

First of all, it can scratch internal organs, causing bleeding. Another danger that lies in wait for a baby who swallows a coin is an allergic reaction to metal. In order to play it safe and no longer worry about this, you can show the baby to the doctor and take an X-ray.

In addition to coins, a child can easily detect and swallow a host of other items that are more hazardous to health. It can be batteries, needles, magnets, nails or splinters. If the baby swallows something from this list, it is urgent to seek medical help, as the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

The child swallowed a coin: what to do - in what cases a doctor is needed

So, the baby still swallowed the coin, and parents are in a panic, presenting the most terrible consequences. But do not panic, as in most cases the object enters the intestine and eventually comes out naturally. The main thing is that the coin does not get stuck in the respiratory throat. This is very dangerous, as the child begins to suffocate and is not able to either speak or scream. And in this situation, medical care is indispensable.

Another danger that threatens a child when swallowing a coin is that it can become stuck in the digestive tract. In this case, the baby develops a strong cough, difficulty swallowing, and excessive salivation. Often there is severe vomiting. The appearance of these symptoms means that you need to urgently see a doctor.

The specialist is likely to prescribe an X-ray, ultrasound and other studies to find out exactly where the coin is located. If she does not pose any danger to the life and health of the baby, then the doctor will advise you to wait for her natural exit. But at the slightest complaint of discomfort, he will carry out its immediate removal. For this, in most cases an endoscopy is performed, less often surgical intervention is required. This is a rather traumatic way of removing foreign bodies from the body and sometimes leads to some complications, especially for very small patients.

However, these two methods are very often used by doctors for children who swallow a small item. Many experienced surgeons even store entire collections of items they have extracted from babies. After the intervention of a doctor, it is especially important to monitor the well-being of the child. If an increase in temperature occurs, and the child's appetite disappears, then you should consult a doctor again.

A few minutes are enough for a child to swallow a foreign object. Therefore, parents should not blame themselves for oversight. But it is better not to allow the likelihood that the baby can easily find and taste the coin whether other objects. All objects dangerous to him, especially pricking and cutting, must be securely hidden. And on the street or at a party, the child must be monitored constantly.


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