Okroshka on kefir with sausage - cool in a plate! It’s easy to cook okroshka with kefir and sausage, and it saturates for the whole day


Okroshka is a favorite dish of many since childhood. It would seem that there is nothing special in the dish, the usual set of products.

But we dream about okroshka on a hot summer day, we cook okroshka at the New Year's table, and okroshka is also served for Easter.

This dish is versatile, hearty, cooks easily and quickly, and even tasty.

Real jam. Especially in demand is okroshka on kefir with sausage. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, this kind of okroshka can be prepared from the set of products that every housewife has in the house.

Secondly, by the number of calories, an okroshka with kefir and sausage is very attractive for those who want to keep their figure slim and beautiful.

And finally, such an okroshka according to its recipe is very close to the one used by our great-grandmothers, and, therefore, has already been tested by more than one generation.

The basic principles of cooking okroshka on kefir with sausage

For okroshka, it is best to use cooked sausage or ham, if you prefer smoked or semi-smoked, be prepared for the fact that the okroshka will turn out to be a bit greasy.

Okroshka refers to the type of food that needs to be eaten on the first day. Do not leave it on the second or even third day.

If you nevertheless decided to enjoy the cooked okroshka the next day, then do not dilute the whole mass immediately with kefir, leave the chopped products in a separate pan, do not salt them.

As greens for okroshka, you can use not only the feathers of green onions, but also dill, parsley, cilantro, basil.

Green onions are best cut and squeezed, so the taste of okroshka will be much more saturated.

Vegetables for okroshka are best prepared in advance and cut into okroshka already chilled.

If you breed okroshka with water, use only boiled water, by no means raw.

Okroshka on kefir with sausage: easy to digest and quickly cook

Cooking okroshka is a favorite pastime for many women. Due to the fact that okroshka does not require cooking, it retains the beneficial properties of all products.


2 potatoes

half kg chopped ham or boiled sausage

2 medium fresh cucumbers

10 small radishes

2 eggs

parsley and dill

small bunch of green onions

liter of kefir



Cook potatoes in advance. In order to preserve useful properties in it, it is better to cook it in its uniform, after washing it well. Cut it into small cubes.

Rinse and boil the eggs. They should be prepared to the state of "hard boiled". Peel and cut, as well as potatoes, not too small cubes.

Cut the fresh cucumbers together with the peel into small pieces.

Finely chop the greens and onions and put in a pan, cease the green mass.

Cut the radish into small cubes.

Ham or boiled sausage also needs to be cut into small pieces.

Mix everything in a saucepan with onions and herbs, salt.

Pour a liter of kefir. If kefir is homemade, and therefore thick, dilute it with a little boiled water.

Refrigerate for an hour.

The recipe for okroshka on kefir with sausage "At the grandmother in the village"

This recipe for okroshka is unique in that, along with kefir, sour cream is also part of it. Thanks to this, the taste of okroshka turns out such as "at the grandmother in the village."


one and a half glasses of boiled water

liter of kefir

large bunch of green onions

7-9 radishes

8 eggs

a pinch of salt to taste

7 potatoes

Slightly less kg boiled sausages

3 medium cucumbers

one and a half glasses of sour cream

dill and parsley.


Cook potatoes, peel them and cut into small cubes.

Hard-boiled eggs must also be cut into small cubes.

Cut a sausage slightly larger than potatoes and eggs.

Rub the radish on not the largest grater. If you plan to eat the whole okroshka at once, then feel free to add it to already cooked foods.

Finely chop dill, parsley, and chives. Push all the greens with a crush.

Cut fresh cucumbers into small cubes.

Mix well, salt.

Pour kefir into a separate carafe and dilute it with water.

When serving, spread the mass of products into deep plates, pour kefir, add sour cream.

Okroshka on kefir with salami sausage and mineral water

The recipe for this okroshka is liked by many culinary specialists, its difference is that when cooking it is used not green onions, but ordinary onions, and there is still no radish.


3-4 potatoes

5 eggs

300 gr salami sausages

3 large cucumbers

1 large onion head

dill and parsley

liter of kefir

liter of mineral water


sour cream

Provencal herbs


Cook the potatoes, grate it on the largest grater.

Hard boiled eggs also need to be grated on a coarse grater.

Mix everything in a saucepan and add the grated cucumber.

Cut salami sausage into very small strips.

Chop finely chopped onion, dill and parsley. Mix well.

Add Provencal herbs and salt to taste.

In the decanter, dilute kefir and mineral water in a 1: 1 ratio. Pour the mixture of vegetables and salami.

The recipe for okroshka with kefir and sausage "Hurray!"

Okroshka without sausage is no longer okroshka. Someone likes cooked sausage, but many housewives prefer smoked sausage. The taste is more interesting, the aroma is more palatable, and satiety will be higher.


3 potatoes

3 medium cucumbers

half a liter of kefir

half sticks of smoked sausage

3 eggs

bunch of onions and dill

half a liter of mineral water



Boil potatoes, peel and cut into not very large squares.

Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel, crumble 2 pieces, leave one.

Cut the sausage into strips.

Cut cucumbers as well as potatoes, in the middle squares.

Chop onion and dill, add to sausage and vegetables.

Kefir mixed with mineral water, pour okroshka.

Cut one egg lengthwise into two or three parts and decorate okroshka.

Okroshka on kefir with sausage and tomatoes

A truly unusual and very interesting recipe for those housewives who like to invent in their kitchen. Tomatoes and peppers, sausages and kefir ... Such okroshka will be absolutely appreciated by your relatives and guests.


two glasses of kefir

1 large bell pepper

1 large tomato

1 medium cucumber

2 eggs

a pair of lettuce

smoked sausage sticks third

3 tablespoons mayonnaise

a couple of garlic cloves

juice of half a lemon


dill and parsley to taste


Wash and release Bulgarian pepper from seeds, cut it into small cubes.

Peel the tomato gently from the skin, cut into small cubes.

Cut the cucumber into thin strips.

Cut the sausage into strips.

Chop the eggs finely and add to the sausage and vegetables.

Squeeze the garlic at the garlic press, add lemon juice, salt, mayonnaise to it. Shuffle.

Finely chop the lettuce and dill with parsley and add to the vegetables.

Put all the products in one pan, add dressing from mayonnaise and garlic, pour kefir. Shuffle.

Noble okroshka on kefir with sausage

Quail eggs are used in this okroshka, which add a touch of nobility and sophistication to the taste, and mustard and seasonings will be presented “in moderation” of spiciness.


liter of kefir

liter of mineral water

350 gr boiled sausage Doctor or Milk

3 radishes

1 large cucumber

2 potatoes

a dozen quail eggs



dill and parsley

bunch of green onions

a glass of sour cream

sugar and salt


In a decanter, mix a liter of kefir and mineral water.

In a saucepan, shred finely chopped green onions, dill and parsley.

Finely chop the peeled and cooked potatoes.

Add to it finely chopped radish and cucumber, cut into medium-sized cubes.

Cut the doctor's or Milk sausage into small squares.

Crush 6 quail eggs. Mix well all vegetables, sausage and eggs.

Add a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt to the pan. Sprinkle everything with vinegar, put a spoonful of granular mustard.

Pour the whole mixture with mineral-kefir mix and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Cut the remaining four quail eggs in half and decorate them with okroshka.

Kefir beetroot with sausage

It is very rare to find this recipe among cookery records. But in vain! Okroshka on kefir with sausage and beets is very useful for digestion. This dish can become an indispensable tool for those who want to lose weight, or monitor their kilograms.


a couple of fresh cucumbers

liter of kefir, preferably non-fat

1 beetroot

1 potato

5 eggs

half sticks of boiled sausage

bunch of green onions and dill

2 cups boiled water

2 tablespoons sour cream



Cook beets, eggs and potatoes, preferably in different pots.

Wash the greens, cucumber.

Cut the sausage into small cubes, put it in a separate pan.

Add finely crushed crushed greens, salt.

Cut the cucumber into small strips, add to the pan with sausage and herbs.

We spread grated boiled potatoes and medium-sized beets there.

We clean and crumble the eggs.

Mix everything well in a saucepan.

Fill with kefir, dilute with cold boiled water.

Pour okroshka into plates and add sour cream.

Classic okroshka with kefir with sausage and kvass

This recipe for okroshka is familiar to every housewife. The set of ingredients here is almost the same as in other recipes. From vegetables, only carrots are added, and kvass is used instead of mineral water.


liter of kefir

half a liter of homemade kvass

2 carrots

250 gr cooked sausages or ham

2 medium cucumbers

bunch of green onions and dill

4 eggs

a couple of medium potatoes


4 radishes


Boil carrots and potatoes. Peel and cut them into small pieces.

Hard-boiled eggs and chop finely.

Cut the sausage into small cubes, and chop the cucumbers finely.

Add finely chopped radish and chopped and crushed greens to the cooked foods.

Salt everything and mix thoroughly.

Kefir and kvass mix in a jug and pour the chopped mass.

Tricks and tips for cooking okroshka on kefir with sausage

  • Serve okroshka with black Borodino bread, which improves its taste and makes the dish even more satisfying.
  • If possible, use homemade eggs, they are larger and the yolk in them is more yellow.
  • If you do not like kefir, replace it with dairy products such as tan, ayran.
  • If you use smoked sausage, then take it better smoked, then okroshka will be much more tender.
  • Use low fat kefir if you are on a diet or strictly monitor your cholesterol.
  • Okroshka is best served chilled, then it will quench not only hunger, but also thirst.


Watch the video: OKROSHKA with Kvass Russian cold soup - Cooking with Boris (July 2024).