How to grow sweet cherry from a stone - is it difficult or simple? Rules for choosing planting material and care for seedlings


Juicy and sweet cherries are loved not only by children, but also by adults.

In the summer season, this is a favorite treat for many sweet tooth.

Cherry can be easily propagated by seedlings, but many gardeners ask the same question: can a real fruit tree be grown from a small seed?

Sweet cherry: how to grow and why you need to do it

The process of growing sweet cherry from the stone is quite long, but at the same time simple. If you are interested in this idea, then it is important to find out that a fruit tree endowed with the same taste and appearance qualities rarely grows from the seeds of beautiful and juicy cherries. Unfortunately, varietal qualities cannot be preserved, and as a result we get a wild game with a sour taste and not such a bright color.

Probably, many people now have the same question in their head: "Why then grow sweet cherry from a stone?" The thing is, if, after all, the varietal qualities of the berry are not transmitted through the stone, and as a result, wild cherries grow, you do not need to despair, because this is a great way to plant cultivated sweet cherries.

The game is much more enduring than a cultivated tree, so experts advise to vaccinate on it. Quite often, many varieties of cherries are unstable to weather and climate, but if you instill in the wild, you can get a tasty, sweet, winter-hardy hybrid.

We grow sweet cherry from the seed: we approach the choice of planting material and the pot seriously

After removing the seeds from the cherry, it is advisable to immediately place them in moist soil. This can be done both in open ground and in the pot (choose a ceramic pot, it will pass more oxygen to the sprout). If you decide to plant a bone in open ground, then you need to do this in the fall, and if in a pot in the spring.

Most often, a bone is planted in a jar or pot for indoor plants, filled with peat and sand. It is better to buy land, of course, but home chernozem is also suitable. If you want to be sure that the seedling will result in a seedling, it is important to treat it with cold. Scientifically, this is called stratification, when the seeds or bones of fruit trees are kept for a certain period in cold temperatures in order to accelerate their germination. This procedure will take up to 100 days and only after the time has elapsed, the bone needs to be planted in the ground.

How to choose the right planting material:

1. First of all, make sure that the fruit is ripe. You can also take fallen cherries, this will not affect the germination.

2. For the cultivation of sweet cherries from the seed, it is better to take homemade berries from a tree, and not from the market. After all, market varieties of sweet cherries are imported, so they are removed a little greenish so that there is no rot during transportation.

3. Take several berries at once, so you will be sure that you will definitely get several seedlings.

4. If you decide to sprout several varieties of cherries at the same time, then the seeds must be sorted into separate containers, and when planting, do not mix them up and divide them into separate groups.

Do not forget that the fruit bones on top are covered with a thin shell, which is important when germinating. Therefore, do not let them dry out and immediately proceed to the next step.

Step-by-step process for growing sweet cherry

If you decide to sprout a cherry seedling in a pot, then you need to create conditions for the seed, which will be as close as possible to natural ones. Since there is very little space in the pot, the future berry will need to be fed from time to time with organic and mineral fertilizers (they need to be alternated and sprinkled into the pot once a month).

In a pot where a seedling will germinate, it is necessary to make a pillow out of gravel and periodically fluff up the soil to allow oxygen to flow. Autumn, it is advisable to put the pot in a cool place, so that the plant goes into sleep mode throughout the winter.

In late autumn, you can also plant bones in the open ground. To do this, select a non-shaded and draft-free area. It is important to know that 5-6 months before planting a bone, the earth needs to be properly fertilized.

After all the preparations, you can start planting cherries. Bones should be placed at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other. If you are planting different varieties, then take care of small nameplates.

Planting material should be covered with soil and mark the site with pegs so as not to lose it in the spring. With the advent of autumn, weak seedlings are removed, and those remaining throughout the winter are covered with straw and dry leaves.

And now let's find out what to do with the seedling:

• to plant cherry seedlings, you need to prepare a trench for irrigation;

• how to fertilize the earth;

• almost all varieties of cherries feel great in sandy loamy soil (pay attention to this and choose a planting site first of all according to this criterion);

• the distance between the seedlings should be 3 meters;

• peat and sawdust cover the base of the seedling.

Planting fruit trees is recommended in the fall. The climatic conditions of this season are best suited for the germination of cherries. Sweet cherry seedlings do not require complex care.

It is necessary to periodically pluck weeds, to loosen and water the earth. Three years later, cherry seedlings can already be planted.

Successful sprouting of sweet cherry

In order to successfully grow sweet cherry from the seed, you need to adhere to the main rules. In fact, success lies in many ways. The first is your concern and attention to the small sprout, but for the rest, things will go “like clockwork”.

So, the basic rules of success:

1. The correct collection of seeds. How exactly to do this has been described above.

2. The right choice of land. The site must be protected from the north wind. Cherry should be planted on the gentle southern and southwestern slopes. You can plant a tree on the south side of the building, on a small hill.

3. Heavy clay soils and deep sandstones are not suitable for planting fruit trees. The soil should be fertile, light or sandy, rich in moisture (but without standing water) and air. If rains are common in your area, then you don’t need to get carried away with watering.

4. In time you need to loosen the soil. Thus, we will ensure the correct access of oxygen and the necessary nutrients to the root zone and the growth zone.

5. On the basal circle we spread the dressing in moderation in order not to overdo it and to prevent rotting of the root.

6. Do not plant seedlings in a place that was previously used to harvest tomatoes, melons, strawberries or peaches. Sweet cherries are very susceptible to a number of diseases, including verticillin wilt.

7. Grass and weeds can compete with your trees and pick up nutrients! Young seedlings need these nutrients in order to provide enough energy for the fruit to ripen.

8. Crohn should be trimmed in a timely manner to prevent disease or rot.

9. Like any tree, there is a danger of pests and diseases. The good news is that cherry trees react very well to organic pesticides and fungicides! They do not need any harmful chemicals.

One of the main principles of success is taking care of young seedlings. They need care because they simply cannot survive without proper care.

Remember to remove any intersecting branches, or those that come in contact with the young tree. These branches can break and lead to infections. Remove all dead or damaged branches to prevent infections. It is important that the orchard is free. The air will knock out mold and fungus. Removing some branches will also allow the penetration of sunlight. Sunlight also plays a key role in preventing powdery mildew.

Growing cherries from seed will be successful only if all the rules are observed. Do not forget that maintaining germination at low temperatures with the addition of top dressing will provide greater efficiency for strong shoots, and as a result you will get strong fruit trees.


Watch the video: How to Plant a Bare Root Fruit Tree in a Container to Grow Fruit (June 2024).