Why is the foot itching: omen. Interpretation of a sudden sensation: right or left foot itches - what can you expect?


Are signs a superstition, or promptings of higher powers? Many of them really come true, and it becomes difficult not to believe in them. If the right or left foot itches, what does this mean? What are the signs associated with this phenomenon?

Old signs and superstitions, their appearance, influence on modern life and on the explanation of what the right foot of the sign itches for

Do not confuse signs and superstitions. These are completely different phenomena in a person’s life, for example, omens - these are centuries-old situations that are repeated after certain events. In Russia, it was customary to believe in signs from ancient times. In the ancient calendar there were significant dates, according to the signs of which they judged about the future harvest, further change in the weather. Weddings didn’t take place in certain months and days; for this purpose they chose those that, according to signs, are most suitable for a sweet family life. And really - it worked.

Superstitions are caused to a greater extent by the fear that something terrible can happen. Superstitious people are often unhappy, because every little thing in their life is associated with the influence of otherworldly forces. Superstitious people do not take responsibility for their actions and are afraid of everything around. Even black cats crossing the road, although these animals themselves do not bring anything bad to a person.

It is worth mentioning that even in ancient times, people believed that the body could itch before the change of weather or before a long journey. This road should become interesting and informative, financially beneficial. Itching promised lonely people an early meeting with their soulmate.

Some traditions indicated that itching in the fingers of the right foot promised an early arrival of welcome guests. The meeting will be joyful and memorable for a long time. Also, this sign could mean that for a long time it was time for a man to dance, that he sat in one place. She also promised good news, unexpected news.

Why does the right foot of the omen itch? Signs can appear to a person not only in reality, but also in a dream. The dream, in which the itching of the right foot was manifested, promised good news and favorable circumstances. An itchy heel in a dream meant receiving pleasant news, the long-awaited resolution of the case. If the dream was disturbing, then it could also mean a danger during which a person would have to run away from the offender.

There were also other signs associated with the right foot. It was believed that it was with the right foot to enter a new building, housing. To get up with your right foot in the morning is to spend the whole day in joy and pleasure. On the wedding towel, stand on the right foot - live a happy life together.

Legs in the old days have always been associated with movement, travel. Since then, many signs have come to us.

Why does the right foot of the omen itch?

• An interesting trip with many impressions;

• To meetings and new acquaintances;

• To improve the material condition;

• By meeting with the long-awaited guest.

In any case, this sign is very favorable. As already mentioned, signs come in the form of dreams. If the itching is strong in a dream, then this can also mean major problems and losses, in which area of ​​life - the dream indicates.

Why the left foot of the omen itches

Unlike signs with respect to the right foot, all signs associated with the left foot are negative. What is the reason for this? The thing is that it has long been believed that behind the back of a person is an angel and a demon. An angel sits on his right shoulder and gives advice, parting words, a demon - on his left shoulder and tempts.

In connection with this legend, the right side of the human body was considered a sanctified angel, and the left side was led by a demon. That is why everything connected with the left side of the body is sinful. Why the left foot of the sign itches:

• To a long and difficult road, which promises losses of the financial plan;

• Losses on the personal front, especially if itching was dreamed in a dream;

• Bad news, which will provoke an early departure.

There were signs associated with itching of the left foot in those days when people traveled without the help of horses and other means of transportation. If the prisoner combed his left foot, it meant that he would soon escape.

Why the left foot of the sign itches is itching - to the depletion of the body, both moral and spiritual. A man is tired of an active life and just wants to take a break. Today it is customary to associate the itch of the left foot with a person’s inclinations to a deep sense of humor, to his developed imagination.

If the athlete’s left foot began to itch immediately before an important competition, this means that the competition will be very successful for him. For some peoples, such an itch literally meant to go left, change your soul mate.

Why does the left foot of the sign itch, depending on the location of the itch

If the heel of the left foot is itched, then this means that a person puts all his strength into an unnecessary business. It will not succeed, but rather become a failure. If itching occurs in the heel, and it is cold outside - this means that the frost will intensify. If the window is hot and the left heel is itching, then the temperature will rise.

So, if only the fingers on the left foot itch, it promises an unexpected trip. A man will suddenly leave his home. The journey can be very long, difficult mentally and physically.

If the inner side of the left foot is itching, this may mean that gossip and intrigue will turn around the person, which will greatly harm him.

To begin the journey with the left foot - to its poor completion. Shuffling the ground with the left foot - to a poor completion of affairs and difficult progress towards the goal, to disappointments. If you enter the new room with your left foot, it’s good not to live in it.

Shoe shoes also stand with the right foot. If the newlyweds stand on the wedding towel with their left legs, then their life will be hard. If the itching of the left foot was dreamed in a dream, this means that in reality a series of troubles will accompany a person for a long time.

But it is worth interpreting the whole dream completely, maybe everything is not so bad and in fact nothing out of the ordinary will happen. Signs of signs, and life - life.

Itching of the feet does not always mean any events, maybe they itch solely because of a violation of sanitary standards and personal hygiene. Sometimes itching of the feet can be caused by nervous exhaustion, the presence of fungal diseases and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

But, if the itching is short-term and at the same time very pronounced, then it is worth resorting to help. They will explain what to expect a person in the future, what to fear. Increasingly, people notice that the signs of our ancestors and their interpretation of dreams are true. Thus, a person is warned about the future and given the opportunity to change or adjust it.

It’s not worthwhile to look for signs in everything that happens in life and becomes too superstitious, it’s wise enough to follow the recommendations of the signs. The main thing is not to harm yourself with excessive suspiciousness. But throwing such warnings is also not worth it. It is necessary to understand everything and over time, a personal system will be developed that will greatly simplify life.


Watch the video: 9 Psychic Signs Someone Is Thinking of You (July 2024).