Pomegranate - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Pomegranate - General Description

Pomegranate (Punica) - a shrub or tree of small height (up to 6 meters) of the derbenic family, with prickly thin branches. The flower is funnel-shaped, orange-red in color; bisexual pitcher-shaped or bell-shaped varieties are found. The painted leathery cup contains 5-7 fleshy triangular lobes. Glossy leaflet. Edible fruits are spherical, with a diameter of 8 to 18 cm, the peel is yellow-orange or dark red. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, contained inside the fruit around the grains. There can be more than 1000 grains in one fruit.

Pomegranate - types and places of growth

Pomegranate is most common in the subtropics and tropics. It is cultivated in the countries of the Middle East of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and in southern European countries (Italy, France, the former Yugoslavia, Portugal, Spain). On the territory of the former USSR, a plant is found in Sochi and Crimea. Prefers sunny places, with a lack of light does not bloom and does not bear fruit.

Pomegranate - healing properties

The beneficial properties of pomegranate have been known to us since ancient Greece. It has long been known for its diuretic, choleretic and analgesic effect. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects of pomegranate flowers have been used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. A strong paralyzing effect for removing tapeworms is known.

Pomegranate contains a large amount of iron, pomegranate juice can be called the most common folk remedy in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, juice is also widely used in the treatment of scurvy. Clinically tested the effect of pomegranate on burn wounds.

On the Arabian Peninsula, toasted pomegranate seeds were effectively used in a mixture with opium poppy seeds for dysentery and cough. By mixing with aloe juice, you can get an effective remedy for the treatment of severe bruises and bone fractures.

Pomegranate - dosage forms

Most found the use of the pulp of pomegranate fruits, which contains more than 15 amino acids, volatile, catechins and possess antioxidant activity.

Also used is a peel in the form of a powder, dried membranes of fruits, bark in the form of decoctions and tinctures. Flowers and a leathery pericarp can give a wonderful effect on diarrhea, dissolve the infiltrates in the poultices well. Gargle and mouth gargle with seed juice, soothe stomach pains.

Pomegranate - recipes

An excellent recipe for the treatment of anemia: dilute pomegranate juice with water 1: 1, drink half a glass three times before meals.
Tincture of pomegranate bark (for removing worms, treating throat diseases, rinsing the mouth for antiseptic purposes): 50 gr. powder from the bark pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, leave for 24 hours.

Pomegranate peel powder can be an excellent treatment for acne. Pomegranate juice can inhibit the destruction of cartilage in the arms and legs with arthritis.

There is a hypothesis that is still being studied by science, that if you drink one glass of juice a day, this can serve as a prevention of prostate cancer.

Pomegranate - contraindications

The pomegranate peel contains alkaloids in high concentration, therefore it is necessary to apply decoctions and tinctures with great care. In large quantities, alkaloids can be dangerous to the human body. Exceeding the dosage can cause dizziness and visual impairment, increased blood pressure and even cramps.

Concentrated pomegranate juice can destroy tooth enamel, so after drinking juice, do not forget to rinse your mouth.

Interesting Facts

- Due to the huge number of seeds in the fruits, pomegranates have long been considered a symbol of fertility. Traditionally, Armenian brides throw grenades against the wall to find out how many children they will have.

- The pomegranate tree is a symbol of Azerbaijan and Armenia. In Azerbaijan, during the days of fruit harvesting, the traditional "Pomegranate Festival" is celebrated.


Polina 04/19/2016
I wonder how the number of grains in a pomegranate was calculated? That they sat so directly and thought ??))) I love the pomegranate very much, it is a pity that because of its price I can not afford to eat it often. Of course, in places where it grows, pomegranate is probably much tastier than on sale here.

Vera 04/19/2016
I read that you can fry pomegranate seeds, and was surprised. There is one juice in them! If you fry, what remains? You need to try)) And with opium, yes ... all diseases will immediately recede, at least - you definitely won’t think about them)))

Olga 04/19/2016
We tried to grow pomegranates in greenhouse conditions, but something didn’t work for us. He did not bear fruit. Apparently, there was still not enough light and heat. In general, I know that pomegranates are very useful for blood, with anemia and other diseases.

Amalia 04/19/2016
I just love pomegranates, I eat them very often. When I see them, I just start some kind of greed - so I want to eat them. I have anemia, and doctors recommended that I eat pomegranates and drink their juice. So I try))) The weakness immediately passes, you feel better.

Ksenia 04/19/2016
I never would have guessed to fry pomegranate seeds!))) Of course, with opium poppy seeds - this should be a very good remedy, and probably, for all diseases))) And I heard from my grandmother about the treatment of scurvy with pomegranate juice, they are in the north they were treated.


Watch the video: Amazing Benefits Of Pomegranate Peel for Skin Hair And Health (July 2024).