July 17: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays July 17th.


Holidays July 17

World Motorcyclist Day

Holiday Motorcyclist Day dates back to 1992, when enthusiasts from many countries, exhausted by the heat, left their cars and went to work on motorbikes. So it was decided to celebrate this event annually. In 1997, an official website was opened dedicated to all motorbike enthusiasts, where they can freely communicate on their favorite topics, as well as share experience, their own opinions with like-minded people and, naturally, discuss the details of the traditional annual action.

Day of the Monk Andrei Rublev

Historians are still debating about the origin and year of birth of the Monk Andrei Rublev, and his biographical information is very scarce. Based on his surname, nickname Rublev, we can conclude that Andrei nevertheless belonged to a noble family, since in those days representatives of the upper strata wore such a surname. Researchers are inclined to believe that Rublev was born around 1340-1380 and his whole life was connected with the Trinity-Sergiev and Spaso-Andronikov monasteries. The legend, rooted in the 16th century, sees Rublev as the spiritual student of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Living in an atmosphere of the highest spirituality, Andrei deeply delved into the church teaching, Christian faith and the life of saints. This is evident in his perfect spiritual artistic style. It is reliably known that the monk took an active part in the painting of the Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals of Vladimir, and also painted the icon "Our Lady of Vladimir". Well, the most famous masterpiece of the reverend is "Trinity". And this is only a small fraction of Rublev’s works, which during the life of the saint were revered as miraculous. According to some sources, his holy remains rest in the Andronikov monastery. His memory is celebrated annually on July 17.

July 17 on the folk calendar

Andrey Naliva

On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the great icon painter Andrei Rublev - canonized in the face of saints. In Russia, Andrei was nicknamed Naliva, because by the day of his name day in the fields you could see the poured winter crops. Oats were especially revered today, which was customarily remembered respectfully: "Father Oats is half grown." As for crops like buckwheat, it was just beginning to emerge. If it was raining on St. Andrew’s day, the peasants called it St. Andrew’s. It was also believed that July 17 is a reflection of August 11, that is, what the weather will be like today, it will be that way on August 11. The old people noticed: if yellow leaves are visible on the trees on Andrey, then autumn will come early.

Historical events of July 17

July 17, 1918 - In Yekaterinburg, the last emperor Nicholas II, as well as all members of his family, were shot

On the night of July 17, the entire imperial family was brutally murdered. On July 16, at about midnight, the deputy regional commissar Yurovsky ordered the royal family, who was kept in the Ipatiev House, to be taken to the basement. The first was Nikolai himself. He carried in his arms the son of Alexei, weakened from a serious illness. The emperor was immediately followed by his wife Alexandra Fedorovna, daughters Tatyana, Olga, Maria and Anastasia, as well as Dr. Botkin (cook), maid Demidova and lackey Troupe. When the whole family was assembled, Yurovsky, without hesitation, read out the decree of the Ural Council on the execution of the tsar and his entire family. Nicholas did not even have time to say a word, as there were many shots. The heir was shot several times, his sisters and the maid were finished with bayonets. Two cruel hands of the family also fell under the cruel hands of the executioners. They spared the third dog, since she behaved calmly during the execution. Eighty years later, the remains of the emperor, all members of his family and close associates were reburied in the Peter and Paul Cathedral (St. Petersburg).

July 17, 1955 - Americans opened the first in the USA "Disneyland"

On the date of our review, in Anaheim south of Los Angeles (California), the Disneyland universal amusement park for children and adults was opened for the first time in the country, which was (and still is) a grandiose fairy-tale complex, where any childhood dreams come to life. The opening ceremony of the park was conducted under the leadership of the "king of cartoons" - businessman Walt Disney and broadcast on local television channels. According to some reports, the construction of the first Disneyland in the country took about seventeen million dollars. Nevertheless, the money spent almost immediately paid off. Already in the first years of the park's existence, more than two hundred million people visited it. Soon, a second entertainment complex of this kind opened in Florida, in 1983 it was recreated in Japan, and in 1992 it appeared near Paris.

July 17, 1976 - Beginning of the XXI Summer Olympics in Montreal

They began with an unpleasant incident: in front of a seventy-thousand-strong audience and English Queen Elizabeth a naked man ran out into the field. Nothing but "natural vegetation" was on it. As if nothing had happened, he flashed past the shocked policemen and rushed on to the main stage, which was broadcast live. True, viewers could not see this pathetic picture - censorship was on time safe. Anyway, these Olympic games are not connected with one scandal. For example, a 30-year-old fencer from Ukraine thundered into scandalous chronicle. This bastard constructed an ingenious device and decided to take the victory dishonestly. The trick was immediately exposed, and the participant himself was disqualified and sent home on the next flight.

Born July 17

Peter Jurgenson (1836 - 1904) - the largest Russian publisher. As the son of an Estonian fisherman, Jurgenson went to study printing skills at the age of fourteen, and at twenty-five he opened his own company. His publishing house became the largest in Russia. The publisher was also the director of the Russian Musical Community and the publisher of church music. He published works by such great musical figures as Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Schumann and some others.

Nikolay Miklukho-Maclay (1846 - 1888 gg.) - The great traveler, ethnographer. For many years he was engaged in research in the field of primitive life and life of the indigenous population of New Guinea, Oceania and Australia. Maclay came to the locals with good intentions without weapons in order to understand their traditions and help. In gratitude for this, the Papuans called him Karaan-tamo, which was interpreted as "a man from the moon."

Alexey Rybnikov (born in 1945) - an outstanding composer, People's Artist of Russia. For many decades, his rich creative life has been connected with the cinema and drama theater. Over the past forty years, Rybnikov has written music for more than a hundred rock operas (Juno and Avos) and movies, among them such popular ones as: Treasure Island, The Same Munchausen, You Never Had A Dream, Adventures Pinocchio. "

Birthday July 17

Celebrate: Andrey, Nikolai, Alexandra, Anastasia, Alexey, Tatyana, Maria, Olga, Dmitry, Bogdan, Efim, Martha, Mark, Mikhail, Fedor, Fedot, Marta, Efrasia, Arseny, Ekaterina, Louise, Teresa, Plato, Felix, George, Savva, Tikhon.


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