Fireweed - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Cyprus - General Description

Fireweed (Ivan tea) - a plant reaching a height of 2 meters with a thick creeping rhizome and erect stem, leaves on short stalks and inflorescences in the form of large brushes, large purple and pink flowers. The plant propagates by seeds, which are combined in a capsule, opening after full ripening - from late August to September. The blooming period of the fireweed falls in mid-June, July and early August.

Fireweed - types and places of growth

Fireweed is widespread in the post-Soviet countries, it loves sandy and clay soil, grows on drained peatlands, along ditches and railway tracks.

Fireweed - healing properties

Fireweed is actively used in folk medicine, with the help of decoctions, tinctures and other medicines made from inva tea, healers help people get rid of such ailments as gastritis, colitis, constipation, bleeding, syphilis, gonorrhea, and respiratory diseases. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a diaphoretic effect, relieves headaches and helps with some female diseases.

Thanks to the components contained in the fireweed, the plant has a calming effect, infusions and decoctions of willow-tea are advised to be taken by people with "cranky nerves", as well as those suffering from insomnia. In some regions, fireweed is used to make a drink that tastes like black tea, helps strengthen immunity and increase tone.

A medicinal plant is used not only for domestic consumption, but also used externally, for example, willow-tea powder is used to wash wounds and ulcers, the leaves of the plant are applied to places of bruises.

Fireweed - dosage forms

Useful for traditional medicine are grass, leaves, flowers and roots of fireweed. The aerial parts of the plant are harvested during the flowering period (June - the first half of August), the time of root collection is in the autumn months.

The grass, leaves and flowers are dried in well-ventilated areas, stored in dry places, previously folded in cotton bags. The aerial parts of the plant retain beneficial properties for 2 years.

The roots are dug from the ground, cleaned, dried in ovens or ovens. The shelf life of willow tea roots is 3 years.

Cyprus - recipes

Given the fact that the fireweed helps to get rid of a large number of fundamentally different ailments, medicines from it are prepared in different ways. Most often, folk healers make tinctures, decoctions or powder from Ivan tea.

Adenoma tincture of fireweed:
2 cups of hot water, pour 2-3 teaspoons of fireweed, let the medicine infuse, then strain and drink twice a day, 1 cup (morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, 30 minutes before bedtime).

Gastroenteric tincture for gastrointestinal diseases:
10 grams of herb pour 1 cup boiling water, let it brew for 2-3 hours, then strain. Drink the medicine three times a day, 1 tablespoon. The secret to the effectiveness of this drug is that it has an enveloping effect.

Chip fatigue tincture:
2 tablespoons of herb pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, put on a small fire and bring to a boil. Allow the drug to infuse for half an hour, then take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Fireweed - contraindications

Fireweed is not dangerous for the body, unless a person has an individual intolerance to the components of the plant. With an overdose in rare cases, small problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur.


Nikolai Mikhailovich 06/17/2016
I would be very grateful to those who tell me the places of mass growth of narrow-leaved fireweed in the Moscow region (especially in the south). It is very necessary to support a sick person. I would like to personally collect it myself so as not to buy “ground dust” of incomprehensible origin in pharmacies. Once, from afar, he brought back one acquaintance of the fire of his billet. So it is like heaven and earth in comparison with the pharmacy. Please write to my address: [email protected]

Elena 04/26/2016
Wow! This means that I walked among this medicinal plant, and did not even know that this is Ivan tea! But I used it to treat some of my diseases. She just never knew how he looked. By the way, the treatment was a great success.

Mary 04/26/2016
My brother has been pricking since childhood. And he was recommended to drink Ivan tea. For several years now, this disease has not tormented him. So, weeds really help. And the leaves from the fireweed are applied to bruises, sores pass much faster.

Lydia 04/26/2016
Our whole family periodically drinks tea from Ivan tea. For a general strengthening of the body, increasing immunity, this is a very good, effective drink. Especially in autumn and spring. Yes, and putting your nerves in order is also necessary, but this tea is simply a wonderful remedy.

Yana 04/26/2016
For me, of course, the news is that Ivan-tea treats syphilis and gonorrhea ... I actually didn’t need this yet))) But I use Ivan-tea to treat nerves. Not when everything is already)) And I just periodically drink a decoction from this plant.


Watch the video: Rose Bay Willow Herb Fire Weed - Summer Edible (July 2024).