Hellebore for weight loss and treatment


Moroznik - general description

Moroznik is an herbaceous plant in the ranunculaceae family. As a rule, perennial. It is divided into two types: species with stems on which the leaves are located, and stemless species with basal foliage. The first type is characterized by the formation of a flower from a large bud located at the top of the leafy shoot; the second type of hellebore implies the development of flowers on low pedicels that ripen in the center of the root leafy rosette.

Flowers are usually large, expressive. The head consists of five or more (depending on the variety) petals of a correctly-pointed shape and various colors - from plain to colorful. The flowering phase begins in early spring. It should also be noted that hellebore is a dangerous poisonous plant, especially its rhizomes.

Moroznik - types and places of growth

The genus consists of only 15 species, distributed mainly in Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans. Only a few varieties, which are concentrated mainly in the middle lane of our country, can withstand the Russian climate.

From Germany to Yugoslavia stretches the most beautiful, popular and evergreen species - black hellebore, which has great medicinal value. It lives in mountain forests. It is characterized by very large flowers (up to 10 cm in diameter), which have a snow-white color and a pink speck in the center.

A plant with whitish or yellow-green petals is attributed to the Caucasian hellebore, which lives throughout the Caucasus, as well as in Turkey and Greece. In Abkhazia, you can meet another beautiful species - Abkhazian hellebore, which has rather large pink-purple flowers. In Southern Europe, there are three species that are similar to each other: hellebore green, scented hellebore and shrubbery.

In the middle zone of the Russian Federation one can see planted specimens of Caucasian, Abkhazian hellebore, as well as a number of decorative garden forms, combined into one group - hybrid hellebore. To exist in harsh conditions, the plant must be provided with clay soil rich in fertilizers and regular watering.

Moroznik - medicinal properties

In folk medicine, the healing power of black or Caucasian hellebore is used, which:

- normalize metabolism and blood pressure, remove toxins, lower blood sugar and cholesterol;
- possess bactericidal, weakly diuretic and laxative actions;
- clean the gastrointestinal mucosa from parasites, neoplasms, etc., and the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders - from stones;
- completely cure peptic ulcer disease;
- reduce the number of epileptic and migraine attacks, relieve headaches;
- help with osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis and other problems of the musculoskeletal system;
- maintain the state of the heart system, as well as in heart failure;
- have the ability to cleanse blood, increase immunity, prevent colds and oncological diseases. Cancerous neoplasms are destroyed in the fetus.

We can say that the range of possible uses of hellebore is very wide. People who periodically use hellebore live to a very old age and practically do not get sick.

Moroznik - dosage forms

For therapeutic purposes, only poisonous rhizomes collected after seed maturation (in September) are used. They are washed with a rough brush and dried in a cut form in the open space or in dryers at 40-45 degrees. The shelf life of the finished dry extract is not more than 2 years. For treatment and maintenance, infusions, decoctions are prepared and a powder is used, which has a more pronounced effect.

Moroznik - for weight loss

Internal administration of drugs based on this plant contributes to weight loss. This is due to a mild cleansing of toxins, a laxative effect and getting rid of edema, excess fluid. In addition, hellebore helps digestion, breaks down fats and speeds up fat metabolism, which helps to throw off excess body weight in a natural way, without resorting to radical measures of weight loss.

Of course, you should not count on a miracle in the form of 10 lost kilograms per month, but using Hellebore slimming minus 2-6 kg per month are guaranteed. The hellebore does not affect the slim figure in any way, well, only if it makes it even better!

Moroznik - recipes of traditional medicine

Prescription "for all occasions": swallow 50 mg of rhizome powder (at the tip of a knife) with ¼ glass of water. Use only on an empty stomach for 9-12 months. After a 5-month intake, it is necessary to take a break of 30 days and only then continue treatment.

Infusion for heart failure and for external use: put half a teaspoon of hellebore rhizomes into boiling water (300 ml) and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. For oral administration, strain and drink 1 table. spoon 4-6 p. in a day. Infusion can be rubbed into painful places or make compresses from it.

Moroznik - contraindications

- pregnancy, lactation;
- hypersensitivity;
- childhood.

Overdose is unacceptable! It can cause tinnitus, severe poisoning, severe thirst, swelling of the tongue and throat, cardiac decline, collapse and cardiac arrest.


Love 06/04/2016
After giving birth, she began to recover strongly and sharply, with an increase of 156, the weight stopped 84-85 kg.
I ordered a miracle grass, having read reviews from women. I drink only a month, completely according to the instructions, but there are no changes in the body.
No expected purification, weight loss, and other things in this spirit.
There was only nausea in the morning ....
I drink further, maybe a miracle will really happen ....

Maria 05/06/2016
Everything is really as it is written. And everyone knows the long-livers of the Caucasus. But after all, it is there that they use all kinds of herbs and hellebore, including. But! Without consulting a specialist, not knowing how to take it, it is absolutely impossible to do this. Cardiac arrest, no jokes, you know ...

Irina 05/06/2016
Now I’m thinking about who to consult about taking hellebore. I don’t even know where to find such a specialist. All of these descriptions about cure and longevity sound very tempting. I really want to never get sick.

Nina 05/06/2016
Yes, the flower is really beautiful. And the one that grows in Germany is probably just beautiful. So 10 cm. Diameter! I personally really wanted to use the properties of hellebore. But, I myself am very afraid to do it. Only after the advice of a doctor.

Valeria 05/06/2016
No, I am categorically against the independent use of such dangerous plants! Of course, the list of diseases treated by hellebore is very extensive, and it will lose weight, and many people just want to keep fit. But! All this should be in strict strict dosage!


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