Orthosiphon - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Orthosiphon - a general description

Orthosiphon (Orthosiphon) - perennial shrubs or herbaceous plants of the family Lamiaceae. Stem height up to 1.5 m, oblong-oval leaflets of a lanceolate type, with notches at the edges. Flowers in racemose inflorescences, fruits - nuts.

Orthosiphon - types and places of growth

Orthosiphon has a huge number of varieties, about 192 of its species grows in Southeast Asia, and Northern Australia, and is cultivated in the Caucasus. The most common variety - orthosiphon stamen is a raw material for the manufacture of medicinal tea.

Orthosiphon - healing properties

A feature of the stamen orthosiphon and the greatest value is its potassium-sparing effect. In addition, its pronounced diuretic effect is used in the treatment of chronic renal diseases, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urethritis.

Its medicinal properties are widely used in the treatment of heart failure, with edema, gout, diabetes, uric acid diathesis. It is able to remove urea, chlorides and acids from the body. The main method of treatment with orthosiphon is a course of tip therapy.

Renal tea has beneficial effects on smooth muscle organs, with its help, urine alkalizes, and kidney stone disease is prevented. Renal tea from orthosiphon reduces the number of leukocytes in bile and increases the secretion of gastric juice and bile secretion, which is why it is simply necessary for patients with gastritis with low acidity and cholecystitis.

It is also used in the treatment of patients with cerebral atherosclerosis and hypertension. A positive reaction of tea to the general condition of patients is noted, sometimes even painful symptoms in diseases of the kidneys and liver disappear completely.

Orthosiphon - dosage forms

The terrestrial part of the plant has medicinal properties. Orthosiphon is popularly called the "cat mustache", as its long stamens far protrude beyond the corollas of the flower. The leaves and tops of the shoots are harvested and harvested. The leaves of the plant contain bitter glycosides orthosyphonin, organic acids, including citric, phenolcarboxylic, tartaric and rosemary, as well as triterpene saponins, potassium salts and tannins.

Orthosiphon - recipes

- Herb decoction: 5 grams of chopped orthosiphon herb pour 1 cup boiling water, keep on low boil for 5 minutes, insist for three hours, strain. The resulting broth should be taken with heart and kidney failure, cystitis, urethritis, the initial stage of ischemic and hypertension, pyelonephritis.

- Infusion for edema, gallbladder inflammation, gallstone disease, cystitis, gout, kidney stones, rheumatism: crushed orthosiphon grass in an amount of 3 grams is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, filtered. The volume of orthosiphon infusion is brought to the original. Take in the form of heat half a glass 2 times a day, before meals.

- Orthosiphon herb infusion for the treatment of arterial hypertension in case of gout, edema, atherosclerosis, uric acid diathesis, in acute and chronic kidney and bladder disease, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, kidney stone disease, cystitis, gastritis, gastritis liver diseases.
2 tablespoons of orthosiphon leaves pour in the evening in a thermos 2 cups boiling water. insist night, strain. Drink 150 ml. 3 times a day before meals.

Orthosiphon - contraindications

Renal tea from orthosiphon has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components.


Olga 05/02/2016
I have not heard about such grass. This name, I would remember)) And the grass is generally medicinal, how many diseases heals. You won’t even remember everything at once. Even just in case, you can buy yourself such tea. Moreover, there are no contraindications.

Alla 05/02/2016
It’s great that I opened this article. I have had pyelonephritis for several years. Always treated only in traditional ways. To all kinds of herbs, somehow did not take seriously. And then, finally, it dawned on me that all these pills did not help me, and the liver planted in addition.

Veronica 05/02/2016
I have a girlfriend, a young girl who got diabetes from stress. Now she is drinking tea from orthosiphon, and, I will not talk about a complete cure, but he supports her perfectly. Moreover, she had problems with her kidneys before, now this tea is her salvation.

Gulya 05/02/2016
The name is really not very))) But the tea from this plant is really good. My mother suffered from kidneys for a long time, but somehow no one suggested this drink. And literally, that year, she began to drink this tea, and immediately things started to improve.

Bianca 05/02/2016
Oh my God ... Who called this plant so, is so strange))) Orthosiphon with the same name doesn’t want to see him)) But he really has a lot of testimonies, and he would be suitable for my organs. Perhaps I will get myself such tea, well, its the name)))


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