Tibetan weight loss: features of cleansing the body. Rules for performing Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss (video)


Tibetan weight loss is very popular today.

The technique developed by the monks allows not only to forget about the extra pounds, but also to cleanse the body of harmful substances accumulated over time, to improve the general condition.

Of course, the system is quite extraordinary, but knowing a few subtleties and nuances, it will not be difficult to understand it and cope with the task.

Tibetan weight loss: features of cleansing the body

Before starting to follow the rules of weight loss by this method, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist or your doctor, as there are contraindications. For example, losing weight according to the system of Tibetan monks is not recommended for people with severe diseases of internal organs.

Body cleansing - This is a therapeutic fasting, as a result of which toxins, toxins and other harmful substances are excreted. At the first stage, magnesia dissolved in water is taken. A laxative is used three times a day, one glass for three days. At the end of this period, metabolism is normalized and the process of weight loss starts.

Features of the body cleansing process

1. Tibetan weight loss involves maintaining water balance. During the day you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of pure still water. As a result, the feeling of hunger is eliminated, and the skin condition improves over time.

2. Every day you need to take walks in the fresh air for 2 km and take a warm shower twice a day.

3. It is necessary to limit yourself in contact with synthetic materials, wear clothes only from natural fabric.

4. The method of purification implies a complete rejection of such bad habits as smoking and alcohol, otherwise there will be no sense.

5. It is recommended to refuse the use of products with "empty" calories, this list also includes confectionery.

Tibetan tea for weight loss: what it can be and how to take it

In order for the process of getting rid of extra pounds to go naturally, all body systems must work correctly. Tibetan tea for weight loss has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. As a result of its use, metabolism is normalized, the body is cleansed of toxic substances and weight is reduced.

Also, Tibetan tea for weight loss enhances immunity, the circulatory system is cleansed, edema ceases to appear (especially in the morning). All this favorably affects the microflora of the whole organism.

There are several options for collecting Tibetan tea for purification.

The most effective are as follows:

• rose hip and echinacea;

• chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds, strawberries;

• bay leaf, nettle, mint, rose hip, immortelle, chamomile.

Tibetan tea for weight loss must be drunk necessarily on an empty stomach. At the initial stage - 200 ml each, over time, the volume gradually increases. The drink allows you to cope with problems such as cramping in the intestines, colitis, constipation, flatulence. 200 ml brew 3 tablespoons of the collection. Tibetan slimming tea is recommended to be used chilled. Excess weight will begin to go away after the first week of following the rules of the methodology.

Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss: basic recommendations and contraindications

Gymnastics according to the technique of Tibetan monks can solve many health problems, as it affects the energy zones of the human body. A special set of exercises normalizes metabolism, effectively burns body fat.

The main task of Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss is to activate the flow of energy. The monks believed that there are only 19 such zones in the human body. When a failure occurs in at least one stream, this negatively affects the state of the body, a breakdown occurs and excess weight begins to accumulate due to metabolic disorders.

Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss is absolutely safe. The main thing is to follow the basic recommendations and rules in the classroom.

1. If a person decides to do the exercises, this must be done regularly.

2. Training is recommended in the morning before the main meal.

3. One lesson should last at least 20 minutes.

4. Maintain even breathing and engage in clothing that will not constrain movement.

5. In a stressed state, gymnastics should not be done, with Tibetan weight loss, the soul should be in harmony with the body.

In addition to being overweight, regular classes on the methodology of Tibetan monks will help to forget about sleep problems and headaches. The digestion process is normalized, women will not experience discomfort during the menstrual cycle. However, such a training plan is not allowed to everyone, there are contraindications.

1. For diseases of the cardiovascular system and high blood pressure, gymnastics of Tibetan monks is contraindicated.

2. With gastric ulcer and acute forms of gastritis.

3. In the case of a strong increase in the size of the thyroid gland.

4. In case of problems with the spine.

Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss: a set of exercises

The set of classes offered by the monks is sometimes also called "ritual" for the reason that you need to practice in complete silence and tranquility. If a person is just starting to train, he needs to repeat each cycle 3-4 times, the cycle increases with time.

Exercise 1

It has an effect on all energy zones, stimulates blood circulation.

1. Starting position - a person should stand upright, legs apart across the width of the shoulders and spread his arms apart. The left palm is up, and the right is down.

2. Slow clockwise rotation.

3. 5-6 turns are carried out, a slight dizziness should appear. At the end of the exercise, it is recommended to sit down for a minute.

Exercise 2

This lesson allows you to strengthen the leg muscles and abs, normalizes digestion and has a beneficial effect on the genitals, kidneys and thyroid gland.

1. You need to lie on your back and stretch your arms along the body so that the palms look down.

2. The chin is pressed as tightly as possible to the chest. The legs are brought together, straight up without rushing up, until there is an angle of 90 degrees with the body.

3. In this position, you need to linger for 30 seconds, then slowly return to its original position.

Exercise 3

1. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Next, you need to get up so that the body is in contact with the floor only toes and palms.

2. The chin is pressed to the chest, while the pelvis slowly rises.

3. On inspiration, you must return to the starting position.

Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss is bearing fruit a week later. The general state of health improves, there is relief in the abdomen after eating, headaches disappear. Simple training will help achieve harmony between body and soul, which is good for health. In order for the weight loss process to go faster, it is recommended to drink Tibetan slimming tea in addition to exercises.


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