Summer is the most dangerous time of the year for the eyes


With the onset of summer, it is necessary to take special care of the eyes, since they suffer more than any other organ in our body from UV radiation, which reaches its maximum values ​​during this period. Doctors warn that UV radiation increases the risk of many serious eye diseases. In particular, Dr. Sanjay Dhawan (India) talks about the development of cataracts and even damage to the retina. Allergies are possible, which are manifested by itching of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, redness, tearing, barley, conjunctivitis.

As a result of heat exposure, eye burns, macular degeneration (one of the main causes of blindness), pterygoid (fusion of the conjunctival fold with the edge of the cornea), cancer, dry eye syndrome often occur.

A severe lesion of the eye is a corneal ulcer that occurs during trauma as a complication of conjunctivitis or any general infection and is accompanied by acute pain, blurred eyes, photophobia, a spot on the cornea. Many of these diseases require antibiotic treatment, of course, under the supervision of a physician.

In summer, it is especially necessary to keep your hands, eyes and contact lenses clean. Eyes are recommended to be washed twice a day with cold water. An important preventive measure is sunglasses. Doctors recommend not saving on them. They should close their eyes completely, effectively blocking not only UVA, but also UVB rays. Rest and a sufficient amount of water are also important for the eyes. To give your eyes the opportunity to "reboot", you need to do the following every day: close your eyes for 5-10 minutes and hold your hands to them.


Natasha 08/25/2016
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Maria 08/23/2016
I have long known about the harm of UV rays and cheap glasses that do not protect the eyes from the sun ...
I myself have been buying only branded glasses for 3 years ... I already have from Dior and Gucci this year I bought from Chanel) the names are loud, untwisted, but the glasses of these brands are really cool.
in principle, and you can save on them by buying them with discounts on stocks. I just took this year in the “Ochkarik” salon. they have seasonal sunglasses sales) in general, the main thing is to know where to buy)) 100% brand glasses

alex 08.21.2016
There is a job vacancy for writing texts on the site. Half-time work, contract. Payouts daily. The salary is high. Email: [email protected]


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