Black cumin: useful properties and contraindications. How can you use the beneficial properties of caraway seeds?


Caraway seeds are not only a fragrant seasoning, but also a popular alternative medicine. The beneficial properties of cumin for centuries have been used by oriental healers to cure various ailments in adults and children.

Black cumin: composition

Essential oils are the main active ingredient in black cumin. The high content of these substances allows the use of seeds primarily in the fight against insomnia and digestive disorders.

As part of a unique product, scientists found:

• tannins;

• bioflavonoids;

• trace elements (calcium, selenium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc);

• B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid);

• retinol (vitamin A);

• ascorbic acid;

• tocopherol (vitamin E);

• rare vitamin K;

• vitamin PP;

• beta-carotene;

• coumarin.

Experienced mothers know that from colic and swelling in newborns there is nothing better than a fragrant infusion of caraway seeds. In addition, it promotes lactation in nursing women. The list of useful properties of black cumin is not limited to this. Traditional medicine actively uses a food product for medicinal purposes, unless there are contraindications to caraway seeds.

Black cumin: useful properties

Caraway infusions effectively cure various ailments of the digestive organs:

• relieve stomach cramps;

• normalize intestinal microflora;

• relieve flatulence, bloating, spasms of the intestines and bile ducts;

• stop the fermentation processes in the intestine, stopping pathological processes in the digestive tract;

• improve secretion of gastric juice;

• increase appetite.

The beneficial properties of black cumin are manifested in the fact that it stops inflammatory processes not only in the digestive tract, but also in the urinary and female reproductive systems, and also helps to relieve swelling due to the excellent diuretic effect. Any swelling occurs after the use of caraway seeds.

Useful properties of caraway seeds are bactericidal, regenerative and antihelminthic. Essential oils and a vitamin-mineral complex act as an excellent wound healing and painkiller. Injured skin and mucous membranes are more quickly drawn in, and headache passes.

Seeds have a beneficial effect on the liver, help with biliary dyskinesia, urolithiasis, stop intestinal colic. In folk eastern medicine, caraway seed preparations have been used for a long time for the treatment of a wide range of serious diseases of the main body systems:

• neurosis;

• eye ailments;

• tumors;

• bronchitis;

• pneumonia;

• bronchial asthma;

• other respiratory diseases accompanied by dry cough;

• hepatitis;

• tuberculosis;

• diseases of the heart system.

Decoctions of cumin contribute to the dilution of sputum and its evacuation from the respiratory tract. This explains the successful use of cumin in the treatment of bronchopulmonary and respiratory diseases.

Useful properties of black cumin are used to restore impaired metabolic processes in the body. In addition, the spice helps to normalize the hormonal background in men and women. Menstrual irregularities, headaches, nervousness, depression, and potency increase. In older people, after taking spice decoctions, normal sleep, working capacity are restored, attention is increased.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of cumin are used to cleanse the skin and treat hair. Broths treat acne, sores, fungal diseases, warts. After a course of procedures, hair loss stops.

In cooking, caraway seeds are used to flavor dishes, improve their taste. It is good for baking bread, confectionery, cooking pickled and salted dishes, alcoholic beverages, kvass. Seeds are placed in soups, sauces, meat, vegetables. Due to the strong aroma, cumin can be used not only to increase, but also to reduce appetite.

The use of black cumin

Basically, caraway with treated goals is used as an infusion. To cook it on a tablespoon of seeds you need to take a glass of boiling water. After pouring the raw materials, the dishes are placed in a water bath and simmer there for 15 minutes. After it is cooled, filtered, the volume is added to 200 ml with ordinary boiled water and taken in half or a third of a glass three times a day after meals. This is a universal tool for improving digestion and healing the intestines.

To enhance lactation, nursing mothers need to prepare a decoction of black cumin seeds. The beneficial properties of this spice are confirmed by scientific research. Two teaspoons of seeds are poured with two glasses of boiling water, simmer at a slow boil for 5 minutes. Take three times a day for ½ cup before meals. If mom or baby has contraindications, caraway can not be used, you need to turn to other recipes.

With bloating, you can prepare a complex product with caraway seeds. The beneficial properties of its seeds are enhanced by other plant components. So, you need to take two tablespoons of black caraway seeds, one spoonful of yarrow and chopped oats, one teaspoon of dill seeds. Pour ½ liter of water, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes, strain and cool. Drink during the day in small portions.

To cure various intestinal ailments (constipation, diarrhea, bloating), you can use ready-made essential oil of caraway seeds. Two drops of the product should be mixed with a spoon of honey or vegetable oil and taken three times a day before meals. The product will improve digestion, stop rotting and fermentation in the intestines, restore its normal functioning.

Black cumin: contraindications

The main reason for refusing to use caraway seeds is individual intolerance and allergy to any substance that is part of the seeds. The reaction manifests itself in different ways, so if you are allergic to essential products, caraway seeds must be used with extreme caution.

In addition, caraway is contraindicated in the stage of exacerbation of urolithiasis, with acute intestinal upset, inflammation of the gastric wall.

Extreme caution should be given to caraway seeds for those who are diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Using a product can cause a heart attack. A post-infarction condition means a ban on the use of caraway decoctions and the consumption of this spice.

Contraindications are also:

• thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;

• pregnancy;

• age up to three years;

• diabetes (increases blood sugar).

In any case, in the presence of severe chronic diseases, the possibility of using traditional medicine, including caraway seeds, should be discussed with your doctor. Otherwise, the negative consequences can exceed all possible benefits.

You can also not abuse caraway decoctions. The esters of this plant have an irritating effect on the stomach, which can provoke an exacerbation of chronic gastritis and the development of intestinal disorders.

If there are no contraindications, caraway seeds become a real healer. Its light, specific aroma enhances mood and strengthens fortitude.


Watch the video: Kalonji Seeds: Benefits & Uses Black Seed Oil (July 2024).