Korean salads are the best recipes. How to cook Korean salads correctly and tasty.


Korean salads - general principles and methods of preparation

Korean salads, despite their spiciness and specificity, have gained incredibly great popularity in different countries of the world. Today it is difficult to imagine that once our housewives could do without Korean carrots or vegetables, because they are the basis for many dishes that we serve our guests.

Korean salads are prepared not only from raw, but also from pickled, pickled and boiled vegetables. The main components of the salad are often supplemented with mushrooms, fish or meat.

The main secret of oriental salads is in hot seasonings and soy sauce. For example, a specific taste of Korean carrots is created using red pepper, which is fried over a fire and then quickly cooled. Without heat treatment, such a pepper would be almost unsuitable for European food, but the thermal effect “eats” hotness and adapts the pepper to European taste.

Korean salads - product preparation

When preparing Korean salads, be prepared for the fact that preparing food will take a lot of time. To speed up this process, it is better to acquire a special grater or cut in advance (usually an element for slicing Korean carrots is included in food processors). If there is no grater, learn to cut carrots into thin long strips.

Before chopping, hold the vegetable for several hours in cold water, in which case it will become much easier to work with it. It is important that the vegetables are cut in equal slices or strips, in which case they will be uniformly marinated or fried.

In no case do not leave carrots or other pickled vegetables in an enameled bowl, the product will have a metallic taste, which certainly will not decorate the dish.

Recipe 1: Korean Carrot

Korean carrots are a great appetizer, a side dish for meat, an ingredient for many salads.

- 1 kilogram of carrots;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 1 teaspoon of coriander;
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar;
- 1 tablespoon of salt;
- ground black pepper;
- red ground pepper;
- vegetable oil;
- water.

Cooking method

Three carrots on a grater. Preparing a dressing for a vegetable: 6 tablespoons of water, finely chopped garlic, vinegar, salt, pepper (red and black), coriander, vegetable oil, boil, mix with carrots, put in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

Korean carrot is ready!

Recipe 2: Korean Beetroot

Korean beets are a great appetizer, they are easy to prepare and also quickly disappear from the festive table.

- 500 grams of red sweet beets;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 100 grams of vegetable oil;
- 70 milliliters of vinegar;
- 1 teaspoon of ground coriander;
- 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper;
- 1/2 teaspoon of sodium glutamate flavor enhancer;
- salt.

Cooking method

Three beets on a grater. Finely chop the garlic or pass through the garlic, add to the beets, put vinegar and salt. Vegetable should be put in such a container that you can make a water bath, cook for half an hour. Remove from heat, add the remaining seasonings. We heat the vegetable oil (no need to boil!), Pour the beets on it. We put beets in Korean under oppression and hold for a day.

Recipe 3: Korean Vegetables

A wonderful salad that will complement the festive table in winter and summer.

- 1.5 kilograms of white cabbage;
- 1.5 kilograms of carrots;
- 1 kilogram of bell pepper;
- 1 kilogram of onion;
- 2 heads of garlic;
- 1 teaspoon of black pepper;
- 1 teaspoon of red pepper;
- 2 packs of seasoning for Korean carrots;
- 1 piece of hot pepper;
- 6 tablespoons of sugar;
- 1 cup of vegetable oil;
- 1 glass of vinegar;
- 2.5 tablespoons of salt.

Cooking method

Grate the vegetables, chop, chop into strips. Add salt, sugar, pepper (red and black), vinegar, seasoning for carrots. Pour vegetable oil into the pan (1 cup), fry finely chopped onion on it. Swirls garlic and chillies through a meat grinder. Mix all the ingredients. Salad can be eaten right away or rolled up in jars and enjoy great taste in winter.

Recipe 4: Kadi Hehe Korean Salad

A traditional Korean dish.

- 800 grams of eggplant;
- 1/2 kilogram of cucumbers;
- 300 grams of tomato;
- 3 bell peppers;
- 1 onion;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 1 capsicum hot red pepper;
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce;
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil;
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper;
- 1/2 teaspoon red ground pepper;
- a few drops of vinegar;
- greenery;
- salt.

Cooking method

We cut the eggplants into 2-4 parts, boil for several minutes in salted water (it is very important not to digest). From hot water we move the eggplants to cold, let stand for several minutes, squeeze. Cut boiled eggplant into small cubes, add chopped onions, bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, put chopped garlic, herbs, spices, soy sauce, vegetable oil and vinegar.

Korean salads - useful tips from experienced chefs

Carrots for Korean salads should be taken fresh and of a fairly large size (make sure that it is not "wooden"). If the dish uses chicken, it should be boiled and pulled. Wash parsley for salads with warm water, not cold, so it will better retain its flavor.


Gregory 12/27/2016
At the end of almost all types of lettuce, lean oil is heated and the thinly chopped onions are semi-rings, which gives the salad a piquant taste. Which means salad. Carrots, carrots, hamdi, vechi, etc. When preparing salads, water is not used, equal to as it is not used in the preparation of all kinds of he (Dishes from meat, fish and seafood) Oil is poured directly from the fire into a salad and mixed. And in conclusion I want to say that they use only acetic acid or essence. Be careful when refueling these components, mainly not pereborschit.Priyatnogo your appetite


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