Inflammation of the foreskin in men: causes, symptoms, danger of disease. Methods of treating inflammation of the foreskin in men


Inflammation of the foreskin, unfortunately, is not uncommon among men.

This disease affects the skin of the penis and faces serious consequences.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin in men and ways to eliminate this ailment.

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: causes

Most often balanoposthitis develops for the following reasons:

1. Non-observance by a man of personal hygiene of the genitals, due to which a special substance (sperm) begins to accumulate under the foreskin. It creates favorable conditions for the rapid development of microbes, which infect tissues with tissues.

2. Use of wet wipes, lubricants, soap or other hygiene products that cause irritation and subsequent inflammation of the foreskin.

3. The use of low-quality condoms, which affect the delicate skin of the penis and cause its inflammation.

4. Various allergic reactions to certain foods can give impetus to the development of inflammation of the foreskin.

5. The defeat of various bacteria.

6. Damage to the genitals with sexually transmitted diseases (it happens with unprotected sexual contact).

7. Herpes virus.

8. Fungal lesions.

9. Diabetes mellitus, which is not treated.

10. Inflammation caused by urine.

11. Various pathogens of diseases (candida, trichomonas, papilloma virus).

12. Flat lichen.

13. Various defects in the physiological structure of the male genital area, due to which he becomes more susceptible to pathologies of the penis.

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: symptoms and signs

Balanoposthitis has such features of its course:

1. At the very beginning of the disease, a man begins to feel an unpleasant burning sensation during urination and severe itching of the glans penis.

2. Over time, the skin of the head of the penis will begin to contract, and the itching will turn into a pronounced pain syndrome.

3. With the development of inflammation, the patient feels discomfort. Outwardly noticeable reddened foreskin.

4. During palpation of the head, the patient feels sharp pains. It is also difficult for him to pull the foreskin and open the head.

5. With a fungal or bacterial lesion of the foreskin, a person may have a fever, fever and chills. From the foreskin and urethra, white mucus with an admixture of pus will begin to stand out. This is the alarming sign that indicates the urgent need to begin antibiotic therapy.

6. Over time, there will be all signs of intoxication: headache, malaise, nausea, weakness and drowsiness. Sex drive will be gone.

7. Frequent urination.

8. The appearance of a rash along the contour of the penis.

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: diagnosis and treatment

When the first signs of inflammation appear, you need to contact a urologist. He will collect an anamnesis, examine the genitals and take a smear from the head of the penis.

For an accurate diagnosis of the disease, you need to conduct such studies:

1. Bacteriological culture.

2. Tests are not an exception to syphilis.

3. The study of discharge from the urethra.

Treatment of balanoposthitis is selected for each patient individually, depending on the results of the tests, the cause of the pathology and the symptoms observed.

Traditional therapy involves the following:

1. The appointment of antiseptics from microbes. Usually a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide is used for this purpose. They need to wipe the glans penis daily.

2. With redness of the skin, anti-inflammatory ointments and topical creams are prescribed.

3. For fungal infections, antifungal ointments (clotrimazole) are used. These groups of drugs effectively fight fungi and inhibit their activity.

4. In case of intoxication of the body and infection, potent antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

5. It is very useful to wipe the penis with antimicrobial solutions.

6. To maintain the immune system, the patient is shown taking vitamin complexes.

7. For the period of treatment, the patient should refrain from sexual intercourse.

8. If the body is weak, immunomodulating drugs can be prescribed.

9. At elevated temperatures, antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol) may be prescribed to the patient.

10. When purulent discharge appears, the patient is shown more radical therapeutic measures. He needs to regularly apply compresses with ointments to the inflamed area and carefully wipe the head of the penis with antiseptic tinctures. Long-term antibiotic therapy (at least two weeks) is also recommended. After this, you need to take re-sowing for research and, if necessary, continue treatment, replacing the drugs with analogues.

11. With the development of phimosis, surgical treatment is indicated. It is done by dissection of the inflamed foreskin. After the inflammation subsides, the foreskin should be removed to prevent the re-development of the disease.

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: treatment, complications, prevention

At the initial stage of inflammation (before the appearance of pus), alternative methods of treatment can be practiced. The best recipes are:

1. The remedy of scarlet. To do this, thoroughly rinse the leaves of this plant and peel their peel, leaving only the pulp. It should be applied to the inflamed area for half an hour twice a day.

2. Tincture for outdoor use:

• take 6 leaves of St. John's wort and pour them with 200 ml of boiling water;

• insist for half an hour;

• strain and wipe the inflamed area after bathing twice a day. She will relieve pain and germs.

3. Grind the leaves of plantain and apply them as lotions to inflamed flesh. Leave for an hour. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

In the absence of timely treatment, or with improper therapy, the patient may develop such complications in the condition:

1. Loss of sexual desire.

2. Apathy and irritability.

3. Violation of the sensitivity of the head of the penis.

4. The appearance of cracks and ulcers on the head due to severe dryness.

5. Violation of the natural flora in the penis threatens to increase the risk of infection.

6. Soreness during sexual intercourse, urination, and even walking can occur with chronic inflammation of the foreskin.

7. If untreated, the man runs the risk of getting urethritis.

8. Cystitis develops with an advanced stage of inflammation (it can be not only in women).

9. Purulent inflammation can cause serious impairment of penile function. Moreover, in this condition, a man risks developing prostatitis.

10. Chronic inflammation can occur in waves for a long time, only occasionally escalating. However, this condition is dangerous, since sometimes it can cause cancer of the genital organs.

In order to reduce the risk of balanoposthitis, you should adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Monitor the cleanliness of linen and change it twice a day. At the same time, men's underwear itself should be made of natural materials and not have too tight seams.

2. Perform genital hygiene at least twice a day. This is the only way to protect yourself from the accumulation of sperm.

3. For washing the genitals, men are recommended to use liquid soap based on herbs with an antibacterial effect.

4. Have a permanent sexual partner. In case of accidental sexual intercourse, the contact should be protected (a condom is the best assistant in this).

5. It is important not only to monitor the state of the male genital organs, but also to monitor and verify the female reproductive system. This is explained by the fact that men's health directly depends on the condition of the female genital organs, and if a partner has diseases, the man also risks getting the same problems.

6. Regularly need to visit a urologist and conduct a checkup.

7. If the first suspicions and symptoms of the disease occur, you should immediately consult a doctor until the pathology has led to the development of complications.

In many countries, because of the risk of inflammation of the foreskin, circumcision is recommended, but if you follow a series of preventive rules, you can avoid this procedure without risking inflammation.


Watch the video: Infection of the Penis & Foreskin Balanitis (July 2024).