DIY birthday gift for girlfriend: scrapbook paper notebook or fragrant bath salt with oils


The phrase "the best gift is one that is made with your own hands" has long been known. It is difficult to surprise a stranger with a gift, not knowing his tastes. It is even more difficult to present surprises to a close friend or relative or girlfriend. Together lived many days and presented many things. Today's craftsmanship is devoted to a purely creative question regarding the name day of a beloved girlfriend: all the best and only do it yourself in a couple of hours.

DIY decorated birthday gift book

Such a gift is universal. Always needed. Always come in handy. All supplies for creativity are easy to purchase at the office supply store:

1. Paper (color medium density, or color cardboard);

2. Decorative paper (its second name is "scrap paper");

3. A simple new spring notebook

4. Glue;

5. Thread, needle;

6. Scissors;

7. Satin ribbons;

8. Puncher;

9. Other accessories for decoration;

10. Sewing machine.

Stage 1

The purchased notebook is disassembled into parts: the cover and sheets are removed. The springs are slightly bent manually, respectively. A rectangle is cut out of medium-density paper or cardboard. It will be a new cover from the back, instead of the previous one.

Stage 2

Holes are pierced in the new cover with a hole punch. It is installed in its place in the spring. The springs should be bent back to their original position, as when buying in a store.

Stage 3

Decoration of the front of the notebook. To do this, use decorative paper and paper with medium density, or cardboard. Cut out a rectangle of thick paper and another rectangle of decorative. The latter - with allowances around the perimeter of 1 cm. These allowances should be bent, as shown in the figure.

A thicker paper is inserted inside the decorative paper mold.

Stage 4

A beautiful seam is laid on the sewing machine along the edge of the form of decorative paper. Thus, both rectangles are bonded to each other.

Using a ruler, the paper is folded in two places to make it look like a book.

Stage 5

In the resulting small book, you need to make your own pocket for inserting sheets. A rectangle is cut out of decorative paper and its edges are folded inward. A sheet of thick paper is also inserted into it. The resulting design is sewn on a sewing machine to a book-shaped cover.

Stage 6

Cover decoration. A satin ribbon is taken. If desired, you can use a nylon ribbon. It is recommended to burn the edges of the tape on a candle flame. It is sewn upright on the front cover.

Manually sewn on both sides of the tie. They can be secured with buttons. The edges of the ribbon ties are cauterized over the candle fire.

To your taste, the main cover is decorated with bows and fittings.

Stage 7

Inside, on the left side of the notebook, the page can also be decorated as a birthday gift for a friend with her own hands. The photo shows a rectangular hole for placing the photograph. The through rectangle is also cut out of decorative paper and glued to glue. The upper strip is not glued and leaves room for inserting a photo. The paper frame is decorated with ribbon and flowers, as shown in the photo in the 5th stage. Flowers purchased at a sewing accessories store.

Bright DIY handmade bath salt as a birthday present for girlfriend

Bath salt is the easiest and most economical birthday present. It can be made unique and unforgettable in two counts.

Tools at hand:

1. Kitchen electronic scales;

2. Rubber gloves;

3. Glasses (sun or swimming for the pool) for eye safety;

4. Sieve;

5. Respirator or medical gauze dressing;

6. A large bowl of porcelain;

7. Sprayer;

8. Spherical plastic molds.

Ingredients for Mixing:

1. Salt - 300 grams;

2. Citric acid - 150 grams;

3. Food colors multi-colored;

4. Aromatic oil - 5 ml. (it is advisable to recall your girlfriend’s favorite scents and choose the one that’s appropriate).

Stage 1

A scarf is put on his head to prevent accidental hairs from falling into the salt. Rubber gloves are put on hands. On the face is a mask. Precautions are important.

Salt is sifted through a sieve into a porcelain bowl. This will allow you to get a homogeneous mass without extra lumps.

Stage 2

Citric acid is added to the bowl. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

Stage 3

Aromatic oil is added to the resulting mixture. At this stage, a chemical reaction may occur: the salt will begin to hiss. In this case, the ingredients in the bowl need to be mixed at an even faster pace.

Stage 4

The resulting mass, similar to oil, is divided into several parts according to the number of future balls of bath salt. Each of the separated parts is stained in its color with food colors.

If necessary, you can add water. Excess water will cause a chemical reaction, from which microexplosions can be obtained. This is not dangerous, but very unpleasant. Hands, face, room are dirty.

Stage 5

Plastic spherical forms are filled with the resulting mass. This handmade gift should lie and dry in a warm place for 24 hours. Then the bath salt is removed from the mold and decorated with gift paper and ribbons.


Watch the video: How To: Finger Crochet (June 2024).