Actor Matthew McConaughey has already lost 15 kg for the coveted role


Matthew McConaughey, a famous actor, a happy spouse and a young father, is actively preparing for a new role. The plot of the film is based on real events of the 80s. of the last century, where the main character is Ron Wunruff, one of the first AIDS patients.

His active position in society, the desire to protect people suffering from this ailment, as well as the inevitability of death in every line of the script, made a strong impression on McConaughey. Wanting to get used to the future image as much as possible, the recognized Hollywood handsome began to lose weight rapidly.

Exhausting himself with diets and physical activity, Matthew caused a wave of public concern and concern about his health. A large army of fans and curious journalists do not give the actor a pass. His morbid appearance, his haggard face, and his shrunken figure became the cause of gossip and mixed-speech that instantly spread throughout Hollywood.

To stop further misunderstandings, Matthew McConaughey gave an exhaustive interview and commented on his new appearance. He confirmed that he had significantly lost weight, and the 15 kg lost were far from the limit. The upcoming role requires maximum dedication, and the actor is ready to sacrifice his muscles and the status of an “ideal man” for her.

Matthew McConaughey to Self-Torture:


Watch the video: White Boy Rick (July 2024).