Physical education will help diabetics


American researchers have good news - regular exercise can slow down the premature aging of the heart and vascular tissue, which occurs in people with type 2 diabetes.

Starting from the age of 40-50, a healthy person loses about 10% of his physical form every decade of his life, and studies show that the level of physical health in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes is about 20% lower than in healthy people.

This accelerated weakening of a person’s physical condition increases the risk of early disability and death.

"For these patients, even activity associated with daily activities, such as a simple walk to the nearest store, is already a big problem, not to mention physical exercise," the researchers say.

But much is fixable. According to the data obtained, after 12-20 weeks of regular training, the level of fitness of such patients can improve by as much as 40%.

In other words, the violations are reversible. Scientists, however, emphasized that systematic physical exercises will not be able to restore the physical shape of sick people to the level of healthy peers.

Recommended moderate physical activity with a total complexity of two and a half hours a week can be a difficult task for many patients. But given the significant negative impact this disease has on health, even such a simple intervention as regular brisk walking or other physical activity that most diabetes patients can do will help.


Watch the video: Diabetes and Exercise (July 2024).